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(2023): Entwicklungsorientiert und digital unterstützt Feedback geben und nehmen. Workshop. Inverted Classroom and Beyond. Fachhochschule Graubünden. Chur, 17. Februar, 2023
Abstract: Der 45-Minuten-Workshop widmet sich dem Thema «Kompetent Feedback geben und nehmen im Team» mit der Menon Feedback-App. Wir demonstrieren am konkreten Beispiel des Erasmus+-Projekts «VIBES» in Kooperation mit Menon Skills AG wie überfachliche Kompetenzen zeitnah und gezielt beobachtet, beurteilt und gefördert werden können. Wir zeigen die Möglichkeiten für Feedback und Reflexion zwischen Peers, in der Gruppe und im Führungskontext. Das Tool ist Mittel zum Zweck. Im Endeffekt geht es darum Potenziale zu erkennen, Persönlichkeiten zu entwickeln oder Interesse zu wecken. Inhaltlich liegt der Fokus beim unternehmerischen Denken und Handeln (vgl. Entrecomp Framework). Gezeigt wird ein Beispiel aus dem Anwendungsbereich der Moderationstechnik.
(2023): VIBES. Anschlussfähige Didaktik für die virtuelle, interkulturelle Teamarbeit. Poster. Inverted Classroom and Beyond. Fachhochschule Graubünden. Chur, 16. Februar, 2023
Abstract: Das Erasmus+-Projekt VIBES entwickelt im Zeitraum von zwei Jahren (2021-2023) Lehr- und Lernmaterialien zur Facilitation der virtuellen, interkulturellen Teamarbeit im dynamischen Umfeld von Organisationen. Zielgruppen sind Auszubildende auf den Stufen Gymnasium, Berufs- und Hochschule sowie Lehrpersonen. Es geht darum unternehmerische Fähigkeiten (Entrecomp, 2017) im virtuellen Raum zu fördern und die Anschlussfähigkeit zwischen den Schulstufen zu verbessern. Mit dieser neuen Qualifikation sollen die Arbeitschancen angehender Berufsleute verbessert werden. VIBES basiert auf Daten von über 30 befragten Unternehmen aus den Partnerländern, offeriert einen niederschwelligen und stufengerechten Planungs- und Gestaltungsraster für die Modulgestaltung und Facilitation, eine digitale Lehr-/ Lernumgebung (OER) sowie ein erprobtes und anwendungsbereites Curriculum mit Methodensatz und Teaching notes. Das Curriculum ist sequenziell und modular aufgebaut und adressiert Kompetenzen in den Bereichen Leadership, Teamarbeit, Kommunikation, digitale Technologien sowie Gesundheit/Selbstmanagement. Die Ausgestaltung der Lehrinhalte und Wahl der Methoden kann in unterschiedlichen Kontexten (Bildungsstufe, Zyklus, Dauer) erfolgen, z.B. als einzelnes Unterthema (Summer School, Workshop), kombinierte Unterthemen (Bachelor-Modul) oder kombinierte Niveaus (Kombi-Kurs von Berufsschule und Fachhochschule). VIBES entsteht u.a. in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität Dubrovnik (Kroatien), EBS/Smartwork (Estland), LAB University of Applied Sciences (Finnland) und Institut de Haut Formation aux Politiques Communautaire (Belgien).
(2022): Datenbasierte Dienstleistungen nachhaltig umsetzen. 7. F&E-Konferenz zu Industrie 4.0. Industrie 2025. Biel, 25. Januar, 2022. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 15.07.2022
(2022): Präventions- und Abhilfemassnahmen zur verantwortungsvollen Unternehmensführung in internationalen Lieferketten. Präventions- und Abhilfemassnahmen. Agentur für Wirtschaft und Entwicklung. Helpdesk Wirtschaft und Menschenrechte. Online, 18. Oktober, 2022
(2021): Comparison of innovation, effectuation and firm performance of SMEs in Switzerland and the USA. 65th ICSB World Conference. International Council for Small Business (ICSB). Paris, Online, 12. - 16. Juli, 2021. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 30.07.2021
Abstract: This paper compares SMEs in Switzerland and the USA using the structural model of Roach et al. (2014), which investigates aspects of effectuation as mediators between innovation orientation, product/service innovation and firm performance. This is accomplished using samples of 190 Swiss-based and 169 US-based SMEs. Subjective measures of performance are used as the dependent variable.
(2021): Digitalisierung im Compliance-Bereich. Webinar REGTECH. Digitalisierung im Compliance-Bereich. EQS Group. Online, 19. Januar, 2021. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 31.03.2022
Abstract: Das Webinar zeigt auf, wie die Digitalisierung die Arbeit im Compliance-Bereich nachhaltig verändert und warum Software-Lösungen von RegTech-Anbietern (Regulatory technology) für Unternehmen jeder Grösse immer wichtiger werden. Es wird ein Überblick gegeben, wie Software-Lösungen Prozesse und Abläufe im Legal-/Compliance-Bereich für Fachleute verändert haben, welche Vorteile digitale Lösungen bieten und welche Stolpersteine es zu beachten gibt.
(2021): Laudatory speech for the winner of the ECEC Award. European Compliance and Ethics Conference. EQS Group. München, 6. Oktober, 2021. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 31.03.2022
Abstract: With the ECEC Award, exceptional Compliance efforts which have the power to inspire the Compliance community are honored. At the ECEC 2021 the top three award finalist Sika, Siemens and Cuidam presented their projects before a live voting by the audience took place.
(2021): The role of web-based reporting systems in safeguarding whistleblowers’ anonymity. EURAM 21st Annual Conference. European Academy of Management. Online, 16. Juni, 2021
Abstract: The widespread nature of corruption worldwide and its potentially serious consequences for multinational corporations (MNCs) have led to an increase in research on organizational controls designed to prevent, detect or respond to corrupt behavior. One such organizational control discussed in the literature is whistleblowing, which is often described as an effective measure to combat serious corporate misconduct. The extant whistleblowing literature focuses mainly on the individual informant, while less attention has been paid to the formal structures – i.e., whistleblowing channels – set up by organizations to facilitate whistleblowing. Drawing on expectancy theory, this study examines the ability of different types of reporting channels to safeguard the anonymity of whistleblowers. Based on a survey covering 178 organizations from France, Germany, the United Kingdom and Switzerland, this study shows that a web-based reporting system is more effective in protecting whistleblowers’ identities than conventional reporting channels. It thus demonstrates that ICT-based tools can play an important role in the fight against corrupt behavior against or on behalf of MNCs.
(2021): The role of web-based reporting systems in safeguarding whistleblowers’ anonymity. 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). Academy of Management. Online, 2. August, 2021
Abstract: The widespread nature of corruption worldwide and its potentially serious consequences for multinational corporations (MNCs) have led to an increase in research on organizational controls designed to prevent, detect or respond to corrupt behavior. One such organizational control discussed in the literature is whistleblowing, which is often described as an effective measure to combat serious corporate misconduct. The extant whistleblowing literature focuses mainly on the individual informant, while less attention has been paid to the formal structures – i.e., whistleblowing channels – set up by organizations to facilitate whistleblowing. Drawing on expectancy theory, this study examines the ability of different types of reporting channels to safeguard the anonymity of whistleblowers. Based on a survey covering 178 organizations from France, Germany, the United Kingdom and Switzerland, this study shows that a web-based reporting system is more effective in protecting whistleblowers’ identities than conventional reporting channels. It thus demonstrates that ICT-based tools can play an important role in the fight against corrupt behavior against or on behalf of MNCs.
(2021): Firm size and the organizational response to supply chain responsibility issues. 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). Academy of Management. Online, 3. August, 2021
Abstract: Concerns for responsible business practice have increased in the wake of supply chain scandals. Consequently, companies are increasingly held accountable not only for irresponsible business conduct within their own organisation but also by supply chain partners. In this light, companies implement controls to safeguard responsible business conduct within their international supply chain. Extant literature looks extensively at internal controls in isolation, with less of a focus on how supply chain partners can interact to ensure responsibility. Moreover, literature on the topic pays little attention to the organisational differences between small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) and their larger counterparts. Rather, extent literature places a heavy emphasis on formal controls favoured by large enterprises and tends to overlook the informal approaches taken by SMEs. With this in mind, the aim of the present paper is to propose a qualitative inductive framework based on contingency theory, illustrating how SMEs’ and larger companies’ responsibility-related control systems are organised. Based on the model, it becomes evident why the approaches used by SMEs and LEs to implement, promote and ensure responsible management throughout the international supply chain are often incompatible in practice and lead to conflicts.
(2021): Whistleblowing Report 2021. Official Launch. European Compliance and Ethics Conference. EQS Group. München, 7. Oktober, 2021. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 31.03.2022
Abstract: Together with Professor Dr. Christian Hauser from the University of Applied Sciences Graubünden, Helene Blumer and Kai Leisering from the EQS Group are officially launching the Whistleblowing Report 2021. Once again, it comprehensively examines how small and large companies are using whistleblowing channels to uncover and prevent misconduct.
(2021): Deutsche Unternehmen in Lateinamerika. Auf dem Weg zu nachhaltigen Wertschöpfungsketten. Begrüssung. European Latin America Forum (ELAF). Abschlussveranstaltung. Fachhochschule Graubünden. Online, 24. September, 2021. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 31.03.2021
(2021): Collective Action to fight healthcare corruption post-covid. Knowledge Partner session. OECD Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. Online, 25. März, 2021
Abstract: The healthcare sector has one of the most vulnerable value-chains for high corruption risk exposure during and after the pandemic. The extent and type of corrupt practices are numerous, including - high rate procurement, misusing emergency provisions, under-spending of allocated resources and many similar issues. The challenges are likely to increase in near future, with vaccine procurement and distribution. In view of the situation, this panel focused on: 1. Reviewing and examining the existing corruption challenges in healthcare and pharmaceuticals sector; as experienced during COVID-19 2. Role of collective action in minimizing corruption risks in healthcare value-chains 3. Technology related innovations for fighting emergency response corruption in healthcare 4. Regional issues in dealing with healthcare sector corruption. Through the session, Global Compact Network India, which has a decadal experience in creating successful collective action to fight corruption, aimed to bring critical issues related to corruption in healthcare post-COVID-19.
(2020): Determinants of giving and taking bribes in a country with a high level of corruption. Norms, transaction reliability and personal affluence. 7th Responsible Management Education Research Conference. Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME). Chapter DACH. Fachhochschule Graubünden. Online, 20. Oktober, 2020
(2020): Digital publication of research results in the social sciences. Experiences based on a four-month research trip to five Latin American countries. DSI Brown Bag Lunch. Universität Zürich. Digital Society Initiative. Online, 1. Dezember, 2020
Abstract: In his talk, Christian Hauser presents the findings of his recent field research in Latin America on responsible business practices in the region. He discusses the role of multimedia in the presentation of his findings, explaining how the results of his study have been presented in the form of text, photo, audio, video, as well as graphic objects. This raises the question as to how scientific publications could look like in the era of digitalization.
(2020): Internationalization of business and corruption. Experience and control measures of Swiss companies. Weiterbildungskurs. Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in African Affairs. Corruption and Integrity in Business and Development. Universität Basel. Universität Basel. Zentrum für Afrikastudien. Basel, 7. Februar, 2020
(2020): Trade control compliance in SMEs. What role do size, management awareness and applicability of laws and regulations play?. 6. Forum Mittelstandsforschung. Universität Mannheim. Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Online, 16. November, 2020
(2020): How do SMEs and large companies approach responsible management in their international supply chains?. A conceptual framework. 6. Forum Mittelstandsforschung. Universität Mannheim. Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Online, 16. November, 2020
(2020): Infrastructures of Dialogue. The role of PRME in enabling dialogue in university-business-civil society partnerships. 7th biennial International Symposium on Cross-Sector Social Interactions (CSSI). University of Limerick. Kemmy Business School. Online, 25. Juni, 2020
(2020): Responsible Management in the International Value Creation Network. A literature review from an inter-community perspective. 7th Responsible Management Education Research Conference. Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME). Chapter DACH. Fachhochschule Graubünden. Online, 20. Oktober, 2020
(2019): Are internationally active companies engaging in CSR to disguise corruption?. EURAM 19th Annual Conference. European Academy of Management. Lissabon, 27. Juni, 2019
Abstract: Recent organization and management literature started to address the relation between (1) organizing corporate social responsibility (CSR) and (2) fighting corruption. However, it appears surprising that these two phenomena have been long discussed in isolation considering that anti-corruption is typically regarded as a part of CSR; see, for example, global sustainability initiatives like the UN Global Compact. Firm size seems to importantly moderate this relationship. Previous CSR literature suggests that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have a CSR communication gap, whereas large firms have a CSR implementation gap. That means, the former implement rather than communicate CSR while the latter communicate rather than implement CSR. Corruption scholars challenge the assumption that SMEs are necessarily better anti-corruption implementers. We aim to help solve this puzzle by empirically investigating the relation between CSR and corruption at small and large firms. We build on a data set of 491 Swiss firms that operate internationally and have been surveyed through anonymous standardized telephone interviews. Our findings reveal the need to develop an integrative perspective on CSR, where it is no longer possible to disassociate distinct CSR issues from CSR as an overall umbrella concept for the social responsibility of corporations.
(2019): Hinweisgeberstelle als zentrales und effektives Element der Compliance-Kommunikation. Deutsche Compliance Konferenz. Deutscher Fachverlag. Fachmedien Recht und Wirtschaft. Frankfurt am Main, 6. Juni, 2019
(2019): Korruptionsrisiken im Auslandsgeschäft erfolgreich begegnen. Praxisworkshop «Saubere Geschäftspraktiken zahlen sich aus: Instrumente und Strategien, um Korruptionsrisiken im Auslandsgeschäft erfolgreich zu begegnen». Österreichischer Nationaler Kontaktpunkt. Wien, 7. Oktober, 2019
(2019): NRP-75-Project “Between Solidarity and Personalization Dealing with Ethical and Legal Big Data Challenges in the Insurance Industry”. Preliminary results. Science Speed Dating on the Train. Universität Zürich Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETH). Bern, 05. Juli, 2019