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  • Gugler, Klaus; Haxhimusa, Adhurim; Liebensteiner, Mario (2023) : Decarbonizing electricity generation. The interplay between carbon pricing and renewable energies In: Hediger, Werner; Germann, Nadja (Hg.): Energieforschungsgespräche Disentis: Abstracts: 8. Energieforschungsgespräche Disentis: Disentis, 25.-27. Januar. Stiftung Alpines Energieforschungscenter AlpEnForCe. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 02.02.2023


    Abstract: High carbon pricing in the EU ETS and a high share of renewable energies are forcing coal power plants with high emission intensities out of merit order, while gas power plants with relatively low emission intensities are gaining market shares. However, this effect is expected to be different across EU member states depending on their generation mixes and interconnection capacities. This implies that the effectiveness of renewable energies and carbon pricing in reducing electricity generation from fossil energy sources and thus emissions might not be homogenous. This paper evaluates the effectiveness of renewable energies and carbon pricing and their interplay in reducing the dependency on fossil energy sources.

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  • Haxhimusa, Adhurim (2023): Decarbonizing electricity generation. The interplay between carbon pricing and renewable energies. 8. Energieforschungsgepräche Disentis. Stiftung Alpines Energieforschungscenter AlpEnForCe. Disentis, 26. Januar, 2023

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  • Haxhimusa, Adhurim; Moser, Peter (2022): Grenzregionen der Ostschweiz von der Pandemie hart getroffen. In: Die Volkswirtschaft. Digital. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 20.05.2022


    Abstract: Die Corona-Massnahmen stellten für Grenzregionen der Schweiz einen Stresstest dar. Im Auftrag der Ostschweizer Regierungskonferenz untersuchten wir 2020 mithilfe verschiedener Datenquellen, wie sich diese in- und ausländischen Massnahmen auf den grenzüberschreitenden Austausch auswirkten. Dabei stützen wir uns teilweise auf seit der Corona-Krise neu zugängliche Daten zu Mobilität und Zahlungsverkehr, die in Echtzeit oder mit kurzer Zeitverzögerung öffentlich zugänglich sind.

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  • Gugler, Klaus; Haxhimusa, Adhurim; Liebensteiner, Mario (2021): Effectiveness of climate policies. Carbon pricing vs. subsidizing renewables. In: Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 21.05.2021


    Abstract: Most but not all economists view carbon pricing as most effective to combat carbon emissions, whereas other policies are widely applied and highly debated. We quantify the effectiveness of climate policies in the form of pricing carbon and subsidizing renewable energies for Germany's and Britain's power sectors. While Germany relies on heavy subsidies for renewables but on a weak price for carbon certificates (EUA) from the EU Emission Trading System (ETS), its emissions hardly declined. To underpin the low EUA price, Britain introduced a unilateral tax on power sector emissions, the Carbon Price Support (CPS). Within only five years, carbon emissions declined by 55%. Our results demonstrate that in the power sector, even a modest carbon price (∼€30/tCO2) can induce significant abatement at low costs within a short period as long as “cleaner” gas plants exist to replace “dirty” coal plants. We also find that carbon pricing is superior to subsidizing wind or solar power in these two countries.

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  • Haxhimusa, Adhurim; Moser, Peter (2021) : Mit Echtzeitdaten den Puls der Wirtschaft messen . Blog (FHGR Blog) . Online verfügbar unter , zuletzt geprüft am 11.02.2021


    Abstract: Wie wirkt sich der Teil-Lockdown auf die Schweizer Wirtschaft aus? Wie stark beeinträchtigt die Corona-Pandemie die Wintersaison in Graubünden?

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  • Haxhimusa, Adhurim; Moser, Peter (2021): Mit Echtzeitdaten den Puls der Wirtschaft messen. Gastkommentar. In: Bündner Tagblatt 169, 2021

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  • Haxhimusa, Adhurim; Moser, Peter (2021) : Mit Echtzeitdaten den Puls der Wirtschaft messen . Blog (Studentenfutter) . Online verfügbar unter , zuletzt geprüft am 11.02.2021


    Abstract: Wie wirkt sich der Teil-Lockdown auf die Schweizer Wirtschaft aus? Wie stark beeinträchtigt die Corona-Pandemie die Wintersaison in Graubünden? Zeitnahe Antworten auf diese Fragen sind für Entscheidungsträger von grossem Interesse.

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  • Haxhimusa, Adhurim (2021): Subsidizing Renewable Energies or Pricing Carbon? Causal Effects on Energy Storages. Energieforschungsgespräche Disentis. Online, 21. Januar, 2021. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 21.05.2021


    Abstract: Vortrag zu einer Studie über die ökonomische Effizienz von CO2-Zertifikaten.

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  • Liebensteiner, Mario; Haxhimusa, Adhurim; Naumann, Fabian (2021): Subsidizing Renewable Energies or Pricing Carbon?. Causal Effects on Energy Storages. Erlangen-Nürnberg; Chur; Kaiserslautern. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 26.11.2021


    Abstract: This study provides a relevant example of an adverse effect of well-intended state intervention in the power sector with important consequences. We provide causal estimates for the German-Austrian power market that subsidized renewable energies (RE) significantly erode the profitability of energy storages through distortions of the wholesale electricity price (especially during peak times). This effect will intensify with a further deployment of RE. However, energy storages would be particularly important to integrate a vast share of RE by balancing their production intermittency. We also estimate that intensifying carbon pricing would support the business model of storages, thus counteracting the problem.

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  • Scherrer, Roland; Zwicker-Schwarm, Daniel; Moser, Peter; Haxhimusa, Adhurim; Derungs, Curdin (2021): Die Ostschweiz und ihre Nachbarn. Wie Corona die grenzüberschreitenden Verflechtungen beeinflusst. Studie im Auftrag der Ostschweizer Regierungskonferenz (ORK). St. Gallen; Chur. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 23.09.2021


    Abstract: Die Auswirkungen der Covid-19-Pandemie auf die bestehenden regionalen Wirtschaftsstrukturen wurden im Krisenmanagement zu wenig beachtet. Dies ist eine von drei Schlussfolgerungen eines Berichts der Universität St.Gallen und der Fachhochschule Graubünden, der im Auftrag der Ostschweizer Regierungskonferenz (ORK) erstellt wurde. Die Autoren der Studie empfehlen, das Bewusstsein für die Grenzregion Ostschweiz auf nationaler Ebene zu schärfen.

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  • Gugler, Klaus; Haxhimusa, Adhurim; Liebensteiner, Mario; Schindler, Nora (2020): Investment opportunities, uncertainty, and renewables in European electricity markets. In: Energy Economics 85. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 20.04.2020


    Abstract: We investigate investment decisions in electricity generation technologies under uncertainty. The econometric analysis is based on a vast dataset of electricity generation capacities of virtually all European power plants, which we combine with disaggregated measures of investment opportunities and uncertainty. Our approach allows for a disaggregated analysis at the asset level (i.e. different electricity generation technologies) of the firm. Across technologies, we find investment to follow market incentives despite sunk and irreversible capital, confirming the implications of the Tobin's q-model. Asset-specific uncertainty hinders investment in conventional technologies, especially in peak-load assets, while industry uncertainty even triggers investment. Given that renewable power replaces peak-load generation technologies and that investment incentives decrease over time, our results indicate that there may be under-investment in the long run.

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  • Haxhimusa, Adhurim; Liebensteiner, Mario (2020): Effect of COVID-19 on Power Sector Emissions. Chur, Kaiserslautern

    Abstract: This paper provides causal estimates of the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) on power sector emissions via a drastic drop in electricity demand. For 16 European economies, we find that at its peak, COVID-19 reduced hourly carbon emissions by 34%. Our results vary by country depending on the particular electricity supply mix and demand shock. Our study reveals the limits of energy efficiency policies, which may never reach the scope of COVID-19’s demand reduction.

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  • Haxhimusa, Adhurim (2020) : Strom­markt­li­be­ra­li­sie­rung in der Schweiz . Blog (FHGR Blog) . Online verfügbar unter , zuletzt geprüft am 19.02.2021


    Abstract: Ein Wettbewerb getrieben durch den Verbraucher.

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  • Gugler, Klaus; Haxhimusa, Adhurim (2019): Market integration and technology mix. Evidence from the German and French electricity markets. In: Energy Policy 126, S. 30-46. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 02.12.2021


    Abstract: We employ hourly data from German and French electricity markets and show that integration of German and French electricity markets depends on the technology mix and the characteristics of neighbouring markets. Only when German and French electricity markets employ ‘similar’ generation mixes price spreads and the likelihood of the congestion of electricity flows are significantly reduced. We find that up to 31% of the price convergence is not attributed to the forces of arbitrage backed by interconnection capacities, but it is driven by coincident similarities in technology mixes. Furthermore, we document consistent evidence for the most important predictions of trade theory if markets are characterised by increasing marginal cost curves and limited cross-border capacities, i.e. limited convergence, congestion and cross-border externalities. Our results call for a coordinated European energy policy.

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  • Gugler, Klaus; Haxhimusa, Adhurim; Liebensteiner, Mario (2018): Integration of European Electricity Markets. Evidence from Spot Prices. In: The Energy Journal 39, S. 41-66. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 02.12.2021


    Abstract: This paper investigates the current state of market integration among European electricity day-ahead spot prices. In our empirical analysis we utilize a large sample of hourly spot prices of 25 European markets for the period 2010Jan01/01h–2015Jun30/24h and combine it with other relevant data such as hourly interconnector capacities and the existence of market coupling. Firstly, empirical results from cointegration analysis indicate that market integration increased from 2010 to 2012 but then declined until 2015, despite the introduction of market coupling in many markets. Secondly, we empirically assess error correction after price shocks and reach the conclusion that markets’ strength of the error correction mechanism is rather modest. In general, our findings suggest that the integration among Eropean electricity markets has a large potential for improvements from additional capacity investments and further promotion of market coupling.

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  • Haxhimusa, Adhurim (2018): Electricity Market Design for a Sustainable Market Future. Seventh Mannheim Energy Conference. ZEW. Leibniz-Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung. Mannheim, 14. Mai, 2018

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  • Haxhimusa, Adhurim (2018): The Effects of German Wind and Solar Electricity on French Spot Price Volatility. An Empirical Investigation. Wien (Department of Economics Working Paper Series)

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  • Gugler, Klaus; Haxhimusa, Adhurim (2017): Cross-border technology differences and trade barriers. Evidence from German and French electricity markets. 5th International Symposium on Environment Energy & Finance Issues (ISEFI). Paris, 23. Mai, 2017

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  • Briglauer, Wolfgang; Gugler, Klaus; Haxhimusa, Adhurim (2016): Facility- and service-based competition and investment in fixed broadband networks. Lessons from a decade of access regulations in the European Union member states. In: Telecommunications Policy 40, S. 729-742. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 17.07.2021


    Abstract: This paper employs firm-level panel data of 57 incumbent and entrant firms for 23 European countries in the decade from 2003 to 2012. We examine the impact of service- and facility-based competition on firm-level investment as well as the strategic effects underlying infrastructure investment decisions. At the same time we explicitly model the structural dynamics of broadband investment by means of a flexible accelerator model. The empirical specification employs dynamic panel estimation techniques which allow us to account for various sources of endogeneity. We find that facility-based competition exerts a positive and significant impact on both incumbents and entrants implying that incumbents’ and entrants’ investment decisions are strategic complements. Moreover, we find that intermodal competition in terms of fixed-mobile substitution exerts different effects at the firm level. Finally, we show that service-based competition appears to have no significant impact on the investment decision of incumbents and entrants. However, with respect to the later phase of market liberalization, service-based competition exerts a negative impact on entrants’ investment. Our results thus also provide relevant policy guidance on the role of service-based competition in regulating emerging high-speed broadband infrastructure.

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  • Gugler, Klaus; Haxhimusa, Adhurim (2016): Cross-Border Technology Differences and Trade Barriers. Evidence from German and French Electricity Markets. Wien (Department of Economics Working Paper Series). Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 02.12.2021


    Abstract: Using hourly data, we show that the convergence of German and French electricity spot prices depends on the employed generation mix structure, on the trade (export/import) capacity between the two countries, and on characteristics of neighbouring markets. Only when German and French electricity markets employ "similar" generation mixes price spreads vanish, and the likelihood for congestion of electricity flows is significantly reduced. This implies that, at least, a part of the convergence that was documented in recent literature is spurious, because it is not (only) driven by the forces of arbitrage, but by the similarity of the Generation structures. The direction of congestion matters in this regard. Furthermore, we document consistent evidence for the most important predictions of trade theory if markets are characterized by increasing marginal cost (i.e. supply) curves and limited cross-border capacities.

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  • Gugler, Klaus; Haxhimusa, Adhurim; Liebensteiner, Mario (2016): Integration and Efficiency of European Electricity Markets. Evidence from Spot Prices. Wien (Department of Economics Working Paper Series). Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 02.12.2021


    Abstract: This paper seeks to investigate the current state of market integration among European electricity day-ahead spot prices. We provide reasoning that market integration brings about benefits, such as lower average prices and increased welfare from allocative efficiency. Yet, price convergence leads to higher prices in the low-price market and to lower prices in the high-price market, which creates winners and losers and thus makes the political implementation of market integration cumbersome. In our empirical analysis, we utilize a large sample of hourly spot prices of 25 European markets for the period 01.01.2010-30.06.2015 and combine it with other relevant data such as interconnector capacities and the existence of market coupling. Firstly, empirical results from cointegration analysis indicate that market integration increased from 2010 to 2012 but then declined until 2015, most likely due to increased feed-in from intermittent renewables. Secondly, we empirically assess the speed of adjustment from price shocks and reach the conclusion that the resulting efficiency of integration is rather modest. In general, our findings suggest that integration among European electricity markets has a large potential for improvements from additional capacity investments and further promotion of market coupling.

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  • Gugler, Klaus; Haxhimusa, Adhurim; Liebensteiner, Mario; Schindler, Nora (2016): Investment under Uncertainty in Electricity Generation. Wien (Department of Economics Working Paper Series). Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 02.12.2021


    Abstract: The recent transformation of European electricity markets with increasing generation from intermittent renewables brings about many challenges. Among them, decaying wholesale prices, partly due to support schemes for renewables, may send insufficient investment signals for other technologies. We investigate the investment decision in a structural equation based on the Tobin's q-model, which we extend by both industry- and firm-technology-specific uncertainty. We utilize rich and novel data at the disaggregated firm generation technology level of European electricity generating firms for the period 2006-2014. Our results show that investment in any generation technology follows market incentives despite sunk and irreversible capital, confirming the implications of the q-model. Moreover, while firm-technology-specific uncertainty decreases firms' investment activity, especially in coal and gas, aggregate uncertainty triggers firms' investment. Our results raise concerns about system reliability in the long run since conventional technologies still serve as a flexible system back-up.

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  • Gugler, Klaus; Haxhimusa, Adhurim; Liebensteiner, Mario (2016): Market Integration of European Electricity Markets?. Evidence from Spot Prices. EnInnov 2016, 14. Symposium Energieinnovation. Technische Universität Graz. Graz, 12. Februar, 2016

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  • Haxhimusa, Adhurim (2016): Presentation at International PhD Day. 5th International PhD Day of the AAEE Student Chapter in Vienna. Technische Universität Wien. Prag, 17.-18. März, 2016

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  • Haxhimusa, Adhurim (2016): Energy Markets and Environmental Issues. PhD Research Seminar. Wien, 2016

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  • Haxhimusa, Adhurim (2016): Integration of European Electricity Markets. Evidence from Spot Prices. 20th Young Energy Economists and Engineers Seminar (YEEE). Universität Basel. Basel, 28. April, 2016

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  • Haxhimusa, Adhurim (2016): Presentation at Mannheim Energy Conference. Fifth Mannheim Energy Conference. ZEW. Leibniz-Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung. Mannheim, 2016

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  • Haxhimusa, Adhurim (2015): Energiesysteme im Wandel. Evolution oder Revolution?. 9. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung (IEWT). Technische Universität Wien. Wien, 2015

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  • Haxhimusa, Adhurim (2015): Ghent Summer School 2015 in Economics of Electricity Markets. Ghent University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. Ghent, 1.-4. September, 2015

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  • Haxhimusa, Adhurim (2015): Presentation at the CRNI Conference. 8th Annual CRNI Conference. Delft University of Technology. Delft, Niederlanden, 2015

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  • Haxhimusa, Adhurim (2015): Research Seminar. ZEW. Leibniz-Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung. Mannheim, 2015

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  • Haxhimusa, Adhurim (2015): What next for telecommunications. 26th European Regional ITS Conference. San Lorenzo de El Escorial, 24.-27. Juni, 2015

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  • Haxhimusa, Adhurim (2014): Workshop on Industrial Economics. Univerity Gießen; Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien. Wien, 2014

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  • Pula, Justina Shiroka; Haxhimusa, Adhurim (2014): The Development of Broadband in Kosovo and its Importance for the Economy. In: Iliria International Review, S. 131-150. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 17.07.2021


    Abstract: The better functioning of economy depends on the availability and quality of public services such as: outstanding education system, well-functioning health system, very good transportation system and other public services as well. The 21th century is seen as the century of information and communication technology. In this way the local and central governments have seen that the broadband is important like other public services. The purpose of this paper is the identification of the importance and the impacts of broadband on the development of the economy and the society. For this purpose we have surveyed in depth different theoretical and empirical literature. The literature shows that government intervention is necessary not only in the regulation of the market but also in providing broadband services and increasing the demand for these services, which in turn would enable the development of the broadband market at the same pace like other EU member states. In the last part of this paper we will show that the development of the broadband market requires a more active role of the government in the development of broadband by increasing the demand and the supply for broadband services. Regardless the fact that ARKEP is working on increasing the development level of the broadband, we will show that the existence of a well-designed.

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