
Masterstudium Tourism and Change

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  • Das, Namrata (2022): Mountain tourism in Lukla, Nepal. A sustainable approach case study. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Nepal is one of the popular mountain tourism destinations in the world. The rise of mountain tourism in the country, particularly in Lukla has posed both opportunities and challenges resulting in several social, economic, and environmental consequences. To address these impacts several sustainability measures are implemented in Lukla. Through this study, the author explores the perception of sustainability measures by the stakeholders’ specifically tour operators, tour guides, and tourists, and addresses the knowledge gap that has transpired due to a change in perspective following the Covid-19 pandemic travel restrictions. For that purpose, a qualitative research approach is applied to analyze the data collected from eighteen semi-structured interviews and participant observation methods. The findings suggest that the stakeholders’ have a positive opinion towards sustainability measures followed by an inclination toward the promotion of sustainable tourism development in the region.

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  • Gregori, Jose Valverde (2022): Attitudes toward kitchen gardens in the hospitality market. Managers' perspective. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The use of comestible gardens and managers' attitudes in hospitality settings is an issue facing a lack of research. This study aims to find out hospitality managers' attitudes toward the sustainable practice of kitchen gardens and their potential for the hospitality market. Based on literature and attitudes theories such as the learning and cognitive dissonance, interviews were accomplished. The analysis indicated that managers have positive attitudes towards kitchen gardens in hospitality settings. Similarly, managers recognized several benefits and limitations by implementing a kitchen garden at their establishments. Unexpectedly, their preference for growing herbs was higher than for vegetables. Lastly, cognitive dissonances between economic factors and kitchen garden practices were not perceived likely, since managers have earlier learned these practices and created an emotional tie. Further studies are needed to determine the effects of kitchen gardens on consumers' preferences.

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  • Hefti, Corina (2022): Davos SkiMo Festival. A lens on the first edition of the ski mountaineering event in Davos and an outlook on the potential of similar races. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Ski mountaineering is a booming sport, and the importance has risen with the approvement of the International Olympic Commitee to add Ski Mountaineering to the Winter Olympics 2026. This thesis was conducted to examine the potential of ski mountaineering races for event organizers and destinations by analyzing the first edition of the Davos Skimo Festival. Moreover, the differences between a classical race and an event with a fringe program were investigated. The data was collected through a questionnaire with the participants of the Davos SkiMo Festival. Subsequent to the survey, three expert interviews were held to discuss specific points. The analysis indicates a potential for host cities and event organizers in the trend of ski mountaineering. Further the analysis showed that the fringe program influences the Davos SkiMo Festival even though it does not influence the athlete’s motivation to participate in the race or not.

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  • Hirsbrunner, Pablo (2022): Impact of fringe benefits on the productivity of companies in the tourism industry in Switzerland. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The tourism industry in Switzerland is struggling with low wage levels and a shortage of skilled workers. It is therefore an industry that needs to differentiate itself from other industries by other means than high wages in order to remain competitive in terms of good and qualified employees. In the present master thesis, practical evidence is provided on the relationship between productivity and employee benefits in the Swiss tourism industry. Therefore, employee benefits of five Swiss tourism companies are analysed in order to investigate how the relationship between productivity and employee benefits shows up in practice. This analysis fills gaps that are not evident in the existing literature. The overall objective is that this thesis serves as a basis for the strategic orientation of Kongresshaus Zürich AG.

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  • Jenzer, Eugenia (2022): The implementation of digital technologies in Swiss art museums. Best practices and recommendations for the future digital strategy of Kunstmuseum Bern and Zentrum Paul Klee. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: To keep up with modern trends and meet their audiences’ expectations, museums worldwide implement different digital technologies to communicate with their visitors and enhance exhibitions. This study aims to provide two of the biggest Swiss art museums – Kunstmuseum Bern and Zentrum Paul Klee – with the recommendations for their digital strategy, which is now at the preliminary stage. The research uses both, qualitative and quantitative approaches. Content analysis, on-site observations and semi-structured expert interviews seek to investigate the digital strategies of the biggest Swiss art museums, as well as the principles and difficulties of its implementation. A quantitative survey aims to reveal the visitors’ attitudes to the technologies in art museums and to evaluate their motivation to use them in the future. The finding will support the museums’ administrations to develop their digital strategy, as well as aims to aid research concerning digitalisation in Swiss art museums.

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  • Li, Junbiao (2022): A new form of Hospitality. Combining hosting with learning. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: In recent years the hospitality industry has grown considerably and has become more and more diverse. Hotels are places where people from every corner of the world are hosted. Hotels accommodate people for one or several nights, and provide them with food, security, conference rooms, entertainment and/or wellness. Seldom, however, are hotels used as meeting places, as opportunities to link these people from uncountable geographical origins to get to know and learn from each other. In an increasingly conflictual world, building up a globalised trust could be a valuable contribution to mutual enrichment and international stabilisation. This thesis works on the concept of a hotel as a meeting place. Contrary to the consumerist society, relationships are becoming the most important part of human beings’ lives; what can tourism and hotels in particular contribute to the quality of life of all of us by reducing, even eliminating prejudice and discrimination?

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  • Mathis, Esther (2022): Acceptance of cross-selling on tourism webshops. Motivating factors to book personalized recommendations. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Business in times of digitization includes processes and activities which have fundamentally changed. The tourism industry does not differ in this regard. Currently, travelers are provided with individual platforms from different hospitality sectors. In order to find the most appropriate offers, travelers book their holiday services on different platforms.  There are already existing solutions to channel various services onto one platform, these are so called "one stop tourism webshops". Even though these platforms exist, it is still unclear if travelers want to book all their services on one platform, or rather prefer individual webshops. This thesis addresses this question, investigating if travelers prefer a specific type of tourism webshops. Based on the quantitative research approach, a survey with 296 travelers booking online has been conducted. The survey revealed motivating factors when booking on a specific type of webshop and what role personalized recommendations hold.

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  • Matter, Anne-Sophie (2022): Creating brand awareness for the FIS Freestyle Ski and Snowboard World Championships 2025 St. Moritz/Engadin. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: In 2025 the new sports event called FIS Freestyle World Championships Ski and Snowboard will be held at St. Moritz, thus potential event visitors need to be made aware of the new brand. Previous research about the use of innovative communication tools to create brand awareness for a new sports events is missing. A systematic literature review was done to answer the question what aspects are important to raise brand awareness that people recognize a new brand. Based on the findings a social media competition and an influencer collaboration were created to answer the second research question what phygital advertisement initiative creates more brand awareness for a sports event. An online survey with more than 309 participants was carried out to reveal that an influencer collaboration creates more brand awareness for a sports event. With the help of multiple regressions, it was shown that entertainment, recognition, interaction, and credibility have a positive impact on brand awareness.

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  • Pletikosic, Dora (2022): Solo female travellers. Positioning the destination of Zürich for an increasing travel audience. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: How do we make women who travel solo feel more welcomed and accepted in a destination? How do we satisfy their needs and make them feel safe and comfortable during their travels? This qualitative study sets out to explore the under-researched and under-catered segment of solo female travellers while simultaneously examining the desirability and readiness of Zürich as a potential destination for the market in question. By conducting in-depth semi-structured interviews, solo female travellers got a chance to talk about their experiences which were analysed in order to gain a better understanding of this niche traveller segment. In accordance, interviews with the organisations responsible for the marketing and branding of Zürich were conducted to examine the potential and preparedness of this destination. The findings from the interviews were analysed concurrently, and a list of recommendations was compiled to better the positioning of Zürich in the corresponding market.

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  • Sanei, Saba (2022): Tourist's Perception on choosing a Destination. The Case of Iran. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Social media marketing in recent years has developed in various ways. The tourism and travel industry has benefited from social marketing to introduce destinations to users and create a favorable image. However, few studies have been done to discover how social media can make a positive destination image through the available channels for troubled countries with an unfavorable image. An online survey with 162 participants was conducted to study the influence of social media on the choice of destination and decision-making process. Furthermore, the study aimed to determine the perception of tourists of Iran as a tourist destination. Based on the quantitative research, respondents stated that the social media platforms influence their choice of destination and travel research and that WOM significantly impacts their travel choices. Respondents indicate that they are willing to travel to Iran, but there is a lack of information about Iran as a tourism destination.

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  • Sevilla, Thomas (2022): The Effectiveness and Value of Influencer Marketing for the Luxury Segment. Evidence from Swiss Deluxe Hotels. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The objectives of this study are threefold, to determine the factors contributing to successful collaborations with social media influencers (SMIs); to propose standard guidelines for selecting impactful SMIs in a luxury hotel context; to identify the impact of influencer marketing (IM). The author investigates which factors contribute to an effective collaboration with SMIs, what elements marketing executives must examine, and how valuable IM is in building credibility and trust, reaching a target audience, increasing brand awareness, aiding in content strategy, boosting a website’s SEO, and generating sales and RoI. Structured interviews were conducted with 11 participants - social media executives and luxury SMIs. The author executed an explanatory and qualitative research approach through structured interviews. The purposive sampling method was used for data collection. In the inductive analysis part, manual coding and thematic analysis were executed in analysing the data.

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  • Straubinger, Tamara (2022): The implementation of a management method in a tourism organization. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: A company in the leisure and real estate field with around 1000 employees is implementing a new management method for the further development of a destination in the Swiss Alps. The choice of the method has been made and the method is in the implementation process. So far, the subject of change management has not been considered. This thesis has the purpose to generate possible change approaches so that the method will be internally accepted and provides a sense of responsibility. A mixed-method research approach has been used. In the first step a qualitative approach has been used to conduct interviews with people from different levels and different roles within the organization. This has been followed by a quantitative approach with a survey within the organization. Two interviews with experts in the field of change management have been conducted to generate approaches from change management.

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  • Abudhahir, Farnoon (2021): Hiring Process: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic from expatriates’ and SMEs’ perspective. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: This study focuses on the hiring process and onboarding process, the critical areas of human resource management, concerning SMEs and expatriates. This research intends to ascertain the difficulties and challenges faced during the COVID-19 pandemic and how the recruiting process has changed during this time of crisis. It is also crucial to examine how hiring managers adapt to the changes and what challenges and opportunities they encountered during the crisis. The theory of the thesis focuses on the expatriates' hiring process and describes the related human resource management practices. This research sought to analyze expatriates' and hiring managers' perceptions of recruitment and onboarding challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study takes a quantitative approach with a survey in sectors: tourism, information technology, and pharmaceuticals, and some expert interviews. The results indicate that there is a significant impact of the pandemic in the hiring process.

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  • Ait Said, Jamal (2021): Empowering Moroccan Rural Women Through Community-Based Tourism. The Case of Ait Bouguemez. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: With the ability to alleviate poverty and improve the lives of Ait Bouguemez inhabitants, mountain tourism has created an opportunity for these communities. Ait Bouguemmez is a valley in Morocco's High Atlas Central with distinct natural, cultural, and social characteristics that could attract tourists. Tourism was just introduced a few decades ago, yet it has become a significant sector. The author employed a qualitative approach to study the important consequences and impacts of tourism activities and how tourism might empower women in the Ait Bouguemez valley. A field research was done with locals, both men and women, with and without tourism experience. Tourism importance is tied to employment and economic return, which is based in the improvement of living standards. Aside from tourism, the respondents emphasised the role of Campus Vivante's educational initiatives in empowering valley women.

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  • Alkhalifa Alhussein, Anas (2021): The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Airline Industry in Europe, Preparedness for Future. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The airline industry in Europe has been severely affected by the current COVID-19 pandemic due to travel restrictions imposed by many countries around the world, and the movement of passengers has been tremendously hindered. This study analyses the impact of the recent COVID-19 pandemic on the airline industry in Europe and identifies the possibilities to be implemented by the airlines to overcome the crisis and to be prepared for future pandemics. In addition to a literature review, an online survey was conducted targeting airline industry professionals and aviation experts. The data collected from the survey was analysed quantitatively to provide recommendations and suggestions for future pandemic crises. Analysis of the data from the online survey shows that survey participants place great importance on ways and possibilities to manage and overcome the pandemic crisis.

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  • Arian, Hamed (2021): Social Impact of COVID-19 on Individuals Working in the Hotel Sector. Case Study. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The world has been brought to a near standstill by the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has stalled the wheels of industries and commerce worldwide, and the Swiss tourism and hotel industries are no exception. As borders closed and travel restrictions were implemented and enforced in 2020, Switzerland’s normally thriving international tourism industry came to a halt. The abrupt and unexpected travel restrictions due to COVID-19 affected the country’s economy, as well as its citizens. In the past two years, several studies have been conducted and much literature has been produced regarding the economic and social effects of COVID-19, but this research investigates particularly the effects of those restrictions on the employees of the hotel industry and sheds light on the important role of human resource management in dealing with such a crisis.

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  • Cantu, Ana (2021): Swiss tourists' attitudes towards Mexico as a tourism destination. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: In Mexico, tourism is an essential part of the economy that depends on neighboring countries. Mexico needs to increase its tourism, attracting other countries. For this reason, this study examines the factors that influence the attitudes of Swiss tourists that have not visited Mexico using variables of destination image, travel motivation, and attitudes towards that destination. Since there are no previous studies that examine specifically Swiss attitudes towards Mexico, the data was collected in two phases; first of all, the qualitative part with four focus groups, and after the quantitative phase through an online survey in Switzerland and analyzed using factor analysis to identify the factors have an effect the travelers’ attitudes survey; subsequently, a regression analysis was done to find the model that fits the best the research. Recommendations will be given to the tourism industry in Mexico to increase the number of Swiss travelers in the country.

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  • D`agosta, Alex (2021): Eroica and unpaved white roads as a catalyst for sustainable long-term development. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The Eroica vintage cycling ride is a synthesis of heritage attractions, authentic wine and food, cultural, adventure, and mental attitude content established in the unique setting of Tuscany's Chianti region. A yearly appointment that is officially replicated and widely imitated on four continents. It exemplifies state of the art in the cycle tourism international events business and demonstrates how cycling can serve to enhance and protect the surrounding landscape. Nevertheless, little is known about the event's impact on the region's sustainable development and the ingredients that contribute to its success in Tuscany and could potentially make a difference when exported. Therefore, semi-structured interviews were conducted with a valuable panel of experts and involved individuals to gain insight into this unique event experience. The findings indicate that the authenticity and enjoyability of this event are a result of the coexistence of significant factors.

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  • Frodermann, Lynn (2021): Becoming climate-neutral by 2040: An achievable and realistic climate target to reach?. A study on the perception and awareness to a sust op. of mountain huts in the Engadin Val. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Climate change is a global challenge, as it affects the environment on different levels. Mankind is facing an immense task in the upcoming century. Drastic environmental changes are an actual threat for mountain huts, as their existence depends on a stable permafrost ground. In order to limit the impact on the environment and to conserve natural resources, the SAC developed and launched a climate strategy, with the goal of operating mountains huts climate-neutrally in 2040. This research study evaluates the general sustainable perception and awareness of mountain hut operators in the Engadin while implementing sustainable operations in order to achieve the climate target by 2040. A qualitative research method was applied to analyze the opinion of eleven experts on the achievability of operating mountain huts climate-neutrally by 2040. This study aims to provide a practical understanding of sustainable operations in mountain huts.

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  • Kasamira, Kresentia Kynalungan (2021): How to Build a Destination Back Innovatively Using Phygital Marketing and Innovative Pricing?. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Tourism has been severely impacted by the unprecedented Covid-19 virus, causing impacts on global economies, livelihoods and public services (UNWTO, 2020). This has led to a crucial quest to find solutions to the current situation and to make the tourism industry more resilient long-term. The implementation of phygital marketing combined with an innovative pricing method (i.e., Pay-What-You-Want) can be regarded as potential innovative way to deal with the current pandemic crisis. A scenario-based experiment incorporated in online survey was conducted to examine the influence of phygital initiatives towards tourists’ intention to visit a destination and towards trust. Other than contributing to the existing literature, this thesis has implications for tourism destination officials (e.g., tourism suppliers, DMOs), as these entities have the necessary means to implement the actions needed to rebuild destinations innovatively. Moreover, suggestions for future research are provided.

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  • Khanlarov, Bahram (2021): Cognitive and emotional acceptance of different types of touchless technology implemented by a hotel, allowing guests to avoid physical touch points in a pandemic environment. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Tourists experience high levels of covid-19 anxiety and fear triggered by the media which made them very conscious about the virus and its transmission through surfaces during Covid-19. Therefore, the aim of the research was to explore which contactless technologies could be implemented by hotels to help guests to avoid physical touchpoints in the context of a health crisis (e.g., Covid-19 or future pandemics) and further examine what is the understanding of the future hotel guests in terms of emotional and cognitive acceptance of touchless technologies. A two-step research approach was adopted. Systematic search was undertaken to establish the list of the potential touchless technologies and those technologies have been tested with the help of an experiment in online survey. Thus, this study empirically tested a structural equation model (SEM) and differences between two groups of technologies (i.e., Payment and Access to facilities) doing a multi-group analysis (MGA).

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  • Kilp, Anna-Katharina (2021): Technological acceptance of audio-visual services in tourism. A qualitative study of the acceptance of AR & VR at UK natural and cultural attractions. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Both Augmented (AR) as well as Virtual Reality (VR) have been growing in importance in recent years with the implications of such applications also being of significance for the tourism industry. Using the Technology Acceptance Model (Davis, 1985) as a basis, the study investigates the technological acceptance of audio visual services by UK natural & cultural attractions. By following an inductive, explanatory, qualitative approach the study aims to identify practical implications for attractions regarding the implementation of AR & VR. The qualitative data was obtained through semi-structured interviews and analysed following a qualitative content analysis approach. Results show that UK natural & cultural attractions have a high technological acceptance of AR & VR. However, this acceptance does not necessarily lead to the implementation of these technologies. Answers for this can be found in additional value dimensions that appear to act as moderators of the relationship.

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  • Li, JingJing (2021): How can strategic foresight be applied to China’s domestic wine tourism to improve the viability of the wine tourism business in China?. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Wine Tourism is a complex phenomenon encompassing different domains. Growing environmental uncertainty poses challenges for wine tourism companies. The wine tourism leaders find it difficult to capitalize on changes in the long term, and tend to focus on only the short-time optimization without much effort invested in future thinking. Qualitative research is appropriate when the research question is exploratory and there is a need for a deeper description of a multifaceted phenomenon. This thesis studies the application of strategic foresight (SF) to improve the viability of the wine tourism business in China. Data are collected through expert interviews and a Netnography approach. The results will empower wine tourism companies to decide appropriate organizational responses in a more anticipatory approach. SF activities and exercises can have the potential to foster a mindset change and organizational culture shift and improve the innovation and agility for the business viability.

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  • Parra Soto, Adriana (2021): Developing Sustainable Rural Agrotourism. A view of Switzerland as a role model for developing Rural Agrotourism products and Services in Cajicá. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The rapid evolution of tourism has led it to be considered one of the main factors of economic and social development. This thesis aims to Identity the products and services offered in agrotourism and their role in the sustainable development of rural destinations. The goal is to provide good practices and important factors to other destinations interested in initiating such development. The research used data collection methods based on a qualitative approach. A case study with rural agrotourism in Switzerland as an example and Cajicá as a developing destination for agrotourism, a literature review on the topic, semi-structured interviews, content analysis of online sources, field observations and a workshop. An analysis of benefits, factors, products and services in developing agrotourism was carried out using the triangulation method, establishing parallels between the data collected and the literature. Finally, a set of recommendations is presented for the municipality of Cajicá to shape its strategy for the development of agrotourism in the destination.

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  • Poletti, Beba (2021): Solo women travelers. A study on the pull factors that influence the choice of destination for a woman's solo journey. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The segment of solo women travelers is a reality in the travel industry that is however under marketed and under catered. What do these women look for when they travel? What are the pull factors that contribute to the choice of destination? There are few previous researches that tried to understand this phenomenon. Mainly, the results were focused on safety and relax, without going into detail and discovering the effective needs of these women. This research uses an inductive approach and conducts a qualitative investigation and a thorough study of this phenomenon by using in-depth semi structured interviews to understand what this segment requires and thus discover what aspects are important when choosing a destination. The results, which include several aspects and needs that this segment deems as important, are consequently used to give professional advice to the travel industry professionals that are willing to attract this typology of travelers.

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  • Poppe, Roxanna (2021): Social impact of coastal tourism in Zanzibar Tanzania. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: This study intends to examine the social impact of coastal tourism on the local people of Zanzibar. The study was carried out in Paje, located in Unguja Island Zanzibar. The study used semi-structured interviews and direct observations. This study applies the qualitative method to explore the social impact of tourism on the village of Paje. Furthermore, the perspective of residents is used as the main way to reflect the effects. Findings from this study show that tourism has both negative and positive impacts on the people of Paje village. Nonetheless, tourism activities were observed to have some negative impacts on the local people and their society in general. It was observed that the increase of culture destruction, an increase of illiteracy rate, poor support from the government, conflict over resource use, the spread of diseases, and lack of support from the investors were the major challenges impacting the local people.

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  • Qafari, Sahar (2021): Digital F&B Industry in Swiss Alpine Destinations. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Digitalization is a critical driver in reshaping society and business processes. A tourism destination can profit from digitalization in a variety of ways. More fundamentally, digitalization creates a business ecosystem that facilitates and encourages innovation. The infrastructure of a destination, on the other hand, is the essential foundation for designing and implementing digital solutions and services. In terms of digitalization, Switzerland has the leading position. The Swiss F&B industry benefits from digitalization in many ways, yet the digitalization of the food value chain is still uneven. This paper endeavors to define which digital & smart interfaces within the F&B in Swiss Alpine destinations exist and how digitalization can help SMEs within the Swiss food sector to move towards an entire digital value chain and gain competitive advantage.

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  • Schenk, Bianca (2021): Striving for the reduction of transport-related tourism emissions. The impact of regionality on tourists‘ willingness to pay for carbon offsets. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Due to the carbon-intensity of the tourism sector, both destinations and tourists are called to take action. One possible direction of action is the offsetting of emissions. The concept has largely been explored in the aviation sector, but only little research exists about consumer preferences under different circumstances, such as emissions from other means of transport. An online survey was conducted to explore the importance of locality of offsetting projects as well as possible influences of the chosen means of transport and the satisfaction therewith on the willingness to participate in and pay for offsets. Results were related to findings of existing literature in the field of offsetting, behavioral theory and marketing strategy to derive practical recommendations. As it has been proven that knowledge and environmental attitudes do not necessarily translate into sustainable behavior, nudging approaches were included to bridge the gap between attitudes and behavior.

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  • Schneller, Sergio (2021): Organizational structures of Swiss winter sports destinations. Influence on sustainable development, adaptability to megatrends and corporate governance practices. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The winter sports destination industry in Switzerland is described as dependent on infrastructural investments to tackle both environmental challenges and challenges associated with changing guest preferences concerning leisure. It is therefore an industry, which is in need for innovation and sustainable strategies, in order to maintain sustainable value creation strategies. This master thesis provides practical evidence about the connection between sustained value creation logic of Swiss winter sports destinations and their organizational structures – evaluated on the basis of Flagestad & Hope (2001). Further, the thesis analyzes the structures of five Swiss winter sports destinations, in order to investigate, how the connection between organizational structures, sustainability indicators, adaptability to megatrends and corporate governance practices manifest themselves. The thesis is completed by introducing an adjusted organizational model for Swiss winter sports destinations.

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  • Schorm, Margarita (2021): Sustainable Tourism Development in the Arctic region. Challenges and Prospects for the Russian Arctic. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: This master thesis explores challenges towards sustainable tourism development in the Russian Arctic. Secondary research of the Russian Arctic zone development strategies reveals the focus on quantitative tourist increase. The review of national legislation on the Russian Arctic development examines the role of tourism, environmental protection, and social welfare. The legal analysis indicates that the federal legislation partially implements the principles of sustainable tourism. A qualitative approach was used to investigate perceptions of tourism industry experts in Russia. Semi-structured interviews with tourism industry representatives from various Russian Arctic destinations were conducted online. The results of ten interviews provided a basis for further analysis and interpretation. The paper concludes that there is a lack of awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) among tourism stakeholders.

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  • Seuret, Zulfiya (2021): Cultural activities in the tourism industry of Kazakhstan. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: With the rising interest in traveling and easier access to other destinations, travelers are interested in new authentic experiences. Kazakhstan, a country in Central Asia, possesses reserves, lakes, deserts, forests, and many other cultural heritages. This study will investigate the cultural activities which could trigger European tourists and motivate them to travel to Kazakhstan. Qualitative research based on the semi-structured interviews with Kazakh and European tour operators and European tourists will provide insights into the travel preferences of European tourists. The received outcomes will help identify new opportunities for Kazakh tourism.

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  • Sha, Feng (2021): What is the impact of live streaming tourism on the Graubüden tourism industry. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The Swiss tourism industry has been deeply affected by COVID-19, which has brought a crisis to the global tourism industry. The popularity of live streaming technology has made it possible for live streaming to be used in tourism. This study aims to understand the feasibility of live tourism in Graubünden. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to understand the expectations and attitudes of destination managers in Graubünden towards live tourism. In addition, focus groups were used to understand the preferences and expectations of Chinese tourists when they watched the live streaming activities in Graubünden. The results show that although the application of live tourism in Graubünden is still being explored, Chinese tourists have given positive comments and suggestions on it, among which moderators have made significant contributions. This paper also gives suggestions for the content design of live streaming tourism in Graubünden in the future.

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  • Sommer, Pia (2021): A comparative study of SDG 12 “Responsible Consumption and Production” and its implementation in the tourism industry in Stuttgart (G), Zurich (S) and Vienna (A). Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: In 2015, the UN announced the ‘2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’ with the 17 SDGs – a set of goals for a better and more sustainable future globally, which are to be achieved until 2030. In 2021, after six years since introduction of the SDGs and more than a third of the available timespan elapsed, the coun-tries are far away from achieving all the goals within the remaining nine years. Although the Covid-19 pandemic led to a near stand-still of the world’s economy, even before the outbreak the countries were not on track with pursuing the goals and have not been fast enough in achieving them. The purpose of this research paper is to study the public’s knowledge and awareness of sustainability in general, in the tourism industry and of the SDGs. The emphasis hereby is on a cross-national comparison of the German-speaking countries Germany, Switzerland and Austria regarding the progress of achieving SDG 12.

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  • Steiner, Selina (2021): Regulation of the Sharing Economy in the Accommodation Sector and Its Impact on the Hotel Industry in Urban Markets. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The rise of the sharing economy revolutionised the accommodation sector. Airbnb is the largest short-term rental (STR) provider and claimed to threaten hotels. Many cities have already implemented STR regulations. This master’s thesis addresses a major knowledge gap and quantifies the impact of STR regulation on the hotel performance metrics revenue per available room (RevPAR), average daily rate (ADR) and occupancy rate (OCC) in five European cities by running a panel data regression model. The findings show a significant negative effect of Airbnb supply on all performance metrics. The results also indicate that stricter regulation increases OCC but decreases ADR. This implies that Airbnb and hotels are at least partly substitutes. Moreover, the substitution trend is more evident for lower-end hotels. The impact of Airbnb and its regulation on the hotel industry is not only statistically but also economically significant and leads to important theoretical and practical implications.

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  • Steingruber, Romy (2021): Endurance sport events in Switzerland. Examination of competition characteristics of endurance sport events from participant’s view. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Previous studies examining motivations to participate in an endurance sports event have focused on characteristics of the participant or characteristics relating to the event. However, they overlooked participants desired competition characteristics of an event: number of different sport types; respective sport types; event duration; length of distance; evaluation form; social form and event format. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the characteristics that define the ideal endurance sports event from the Swiss participants point of view and to clarify their motivators for event attendance. The research was conducted through expert interviews to gain insight into the event industry, followed by an online survey for Swiss participants to investigate the competition characteristics and motivational factors. Expert talks for deeper interpretation of the results concluded the research. The results provide event organisations with current expectations of participants.

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  • Tognina, Ada (2021): The role of Italian language for Swiss Tourism. A case study of Grison. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Analysing what is the role of the Italian language for tourism in Grison can be an important tool to know how tourism in the canton is evolving and what importance should be given to Italian in the future of regional tourism. This work aims to gain a more comprehensive understanding of Swiss tourism, particularly in Grison. It seeks to provide an overview of key theories and approaches regarding language and tourism. It attempts to gain an understanding of Grisons' perceptions of the Italian language and its role in shaping their Swiss identity. The first part of the research is held through a literature review, both to have a general understanding of the situation and to observe what has already been studied. The following section allows for a critical evaluation of the Italian language's place in Swiss tourism. In the second part, primary data is provided in the form of semi-structured interviews.

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  • Xue, Xinan (2021): An analysis of motivation by push-and-pull factors for non-EU students toward studying abroad in Switzerland. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: This study examines the relationship between push and motivation, pull and motivation, the factors that can motivate non-EU students to study in Switzerland. The sample consisted of 206 respondents, who came from outside of Europe. The sample techniques used Convenience sampling, Purposeful sampling, and Snowball sampling. Data collection is done through surveys by distributing questionnaires online. Furthermore, the collected data were analysed by the Pearson correlation method and Compare means method. The results indicate that there was no negative correlation between push and motivation, pull and motivation. Moreover, the relationship between pull and motivation was all significantly positively correlated with each other. Safety was the most important factor for non-students to study in Switzerland. The most important barrier was the cost of living for non-students studying in Switzerland.

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  • Zeise, Sarah (2021): Nurra's potential touristic and territorial sustainable development. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The principles of sustainability have become increasingly important in the tourism industry in recent years. This is due to the growing demand for sustainable tourism products. As a result, niche tourism has emerged, based on offering tailor-made products by considering the economic, social, and environmental aspects of a destination. Although the existing literature recognizes how niche tourism can positively promote sustainable development, in practice, contradictions may occur in the social, economic, and environmental dimensions due to external pressures. Therefore, this work aims to understand how niche tourism operators in the Nurra area deal with economic, social, and environmental imbalances to facilitate positive, sustainable development in a peripheral context. To achieve this goal, a qualitative approach was implemented by conducting nine semi-structured interviews in the context of niche tourism operators in the Nurra.

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  • Zhao, Wenwen (2021): The Human-Footprint of Travelling. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: We have been focusing on climate change, ecological challenges. To secure the presence of all existences on earth and to secure their quality of life, it is essential to focus too on the relationships human beings establish locally, nationally, and globally. Against the backdrop of current ecological existential challenges, long-distance tourism and mass tourism, in general, seem to be highly problematic and should be limited or totally renounced. From the standpoint of relationship quality, however, tourism may contribute to the establishment or strengthening of international cooperation, if it abides by the ethical principles developed and discussed in this IMT.

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  • Becke, Nicole (2020): Price and travel time as decisive factors to support the modal shift from air travel to the more sustainable alternative train. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The ongoing trend of annually growing passenger numbers of the airline industry is incompatible with the necessary cutback of emissions in order to mitigate the climate change. The reduction of passenger numbers appears as an effective measure, with public authorities and researchers relying on a modal shift from the airplane to the more sustainable alternative mode of transport train. This research paper aims to examine the travel behaviour of the modes plane and train, and their interrelationship of European inhabitants. Furthermore, it intends to investigate how high a flight fare has to be, in order to achieve a modal shift to the more sustainable alternative mode of transport train, considering a travel distance up to 1000 km. Data is collected through the distribution of an online self-completion questionnaire, including questions about the respondents’ demographic background, travel behaviour, and some price related attitudes.

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  • Beretta, Carolina (2020): A marketing campaign plan to promote South Korea as a travel destination in Switzerland. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The aim of the thesis is to develop a marketing campaign plan to promote South Korea as a travel destination in Switzerland. The research starts with a literature review by exploring the existing knowledge related to Korea and to marketing campaigns. This allows to gain the basic knowledge before moving further with the research. It then moves to the fieldwork where the author explores the success of the current Korean campaigns by interviewing Korean experts. Following that, four personas are created to discover who could be interested in travelling to the country. This is done by interviewing people living in Switzerland. Finally, Swiss tourists’ experts are interviewed to validate the most promising one. Then, a Web research allows to understand how a marketing campaign plan looks like in theory step by step. Finally, a synthesis of the knowledge gathered through the whole research allows to develop the new marketing campaign targeted specifically on the chosen target group.

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  • Corticchiato, Gaël (2020): The impact of horizontal collaboration on the accommodation demand in winter destinations. The case of the Magic Pass. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The ski industry is suffering from a stagnant or declining number of skied days which endangers some cable car companies. Those companies are major players in their local tourism communities. In 2017, an alliance of different cable car companies launched the “Magic Pass”, a season pass comprising numerous ski resorts in the French part of Switzerland to a discounted price for early bookers. The present study aims to assess the impact of this offer on the accommodation demand in local destinations through a comparison of resorts within and outside the alliance. Based on the data of the federal office of statistics, this study provides insights on the gain achieved by collaborating destinations. The evolution of different indicators of the accommodation demand is described. The study emphasizes the needs to understand destinations as a network of stakeholders as well as the powerful effect of horizontal collaboration and flat rate pricing to boost the tourism demand.

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  • Golding, Philippa (2020): Adapting the Quality Function Deployment (QFD). Process to Generate Customer-Centric Content for Inbound Marketing in Higher Education. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Due to increasing competition in attracting students among higher education institutions, especially in the hospitality sector, marketers must look at tools from the business world to employ in order to remain competitive in the global education market. Inbound marketing techniques are growing in popularity as a means to communicate with potential students but require regular unique content to be created and shared across multiple channels. Quality Function Deployment is a tool used in product development in both manufacturing and service sectors to integrate the requirements of the customer into the design process to develop products which fit the needs of customers. This research proposes an adapted QFD process for use by higher education marketers to identify value propositions of their product, relate them to the needs of their customers and translate them into implementable actions to create customer-centric inbound marketing content.

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  • Hoffmann, Sebastian (2020): The Attitude-Behavior Gap in Air Travel. Young Traveler. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The attitude-behavior gap is particularly in tourism a well-known phenomenon. The present research paper aims to investigate the attitude-behavior relation in air travel among young people. Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior according to Ajzen (1985), a mixed-method approach with a quantitative core followed by a qualitative assessment is applied. The quantitative data was obtained employing a self-completion online questionnaire. Several correlational hypotheses were tested to evaluate the relation of attitude and behavior respectively intentions towards reducing or avoiding air travel and voluntary carbon offsetting. Additionally, a cluster analysis was applied to identify different consumer groups according to their attitude and behavior. The qualitative data was obtained by semi-structured interviews and aims to explain gaps left out of the quantitative data analysis.

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  • Milchev, Ilian (2020): Walking and Talking the Path to Legitimacy. An Analysis of CER Communication in the Tourism Industry. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Companies today are under increasing pressure to take responsibility for their environmental actions. Meeting stakeholder expectations can result in increased trust towards the company and thus, increased legitimacy. Legitimacy is widely acknowledged to be an indispensable resource for companies. To safeguard it, companies must not only “walk” their environmental commitments in practice, but progress should additionally be communicated (talk) to stakeholders. The present paper thus aims to explore the gap between the content of planning and controlling reporting initiatives, in the form of CoC’s and non-financial reports, in addition to analyzing the sentiment of non-financial reports. The study also seeks to examine the role of industry by comparing the actions of tourism and non-tourism companies. The results indicate that a walking and talking gap is present for all industries, and companies tend to report positively. The findings are discussed in relation to legitimacy theory.

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  • Simonelli, Lucia (2020): Beyond Valtellina 2026 Winter Olympic Games. Future scenarios. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Mega sports events represent an opportunity for economic developments and at the same time a big challenge to face for hosting destinations. Indeed, they entail high costs for the destinations and the medium-term benefits related to the event are difficult to evaluate. That’s why the importance of planning positive legacies has become a matter of interest for destinations involved. Valtellina will host 2026 Winter Olympic Games and nowadays local stakeholders are trying to understand what this opportunity might bring to the destination, in particular in tourism terms. The study goes beyond Winter Olympics and through the scenario planning method draws possible alternative futures for tourism in the destination, defining 2030 as the time horizon in which evaluating medium-term legacies. Starting from the scenarios and related implications, possible strategies are defined.

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  • Trepp, Gian-Reto (2020): Cultural tourism. Potential for cultural associations in the Grisons?. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Tourism is an important economic sector for the Grisons. Winter tourism in particular plays an important role. However, the industry is facing major challenges: Climate change is increasingly leading to winters with little snow, particularily in low-lying regions. The question of how to diversify from winter business to alternative tourism offers is becoming more and more important. Cultural tourism could be one possibility: Cultural tourists are a well-educated and affluent clientele and are interested in the local, authentic cultural life. The Grisons have a long tradition of wind band associations and choirs, which could contribute interesting, authentic offers to cultural tourism products. Which potentials derive from cultural tourism for cultural associations in the Grisons? By means of a mixed-method approach, the Exploratory Sequential Design, this question was investigated with qualitative (expert interviews) and quantitative methods (survey).

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  • Williams, Kofoworola (2020): Nigeria As An International Tourism Destination. The Role of Music and Fashion In Promoting Tourism. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Globally, tourism has become a major economic contributor, although, the developed countries account for a higher proportion of global tourism, many developing countries are beginning to take advantage of the huge opportunities offered by tourism. However, only developing countries with effective natural and man-made tourism supporting and enhancing infrastructure have been able to develop their tourism sector and seize the attendant advantages. Why not Nigeria? Nigeria has all it takes to make her an international tourist’s destination yet fail to take advantage of the huge opportunities offered by tourism. The conclusion of the study outlines that there is hope for the Nigeria tourism industry and that there is room for the creative industries of fashion and music to make a vital contribution to tourism in Nigeria. However, this depends on the development of a separate framework for fashion and music industry tourism in Nigeria, better marketing, and security.

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  • Anierobi, Azuka (2019): Climate change and tourism development in Nigeria. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Climate change is real, and it affects every country in the world today. The increasing volume of literature on the impact of climate on tourism demand is due to the recognition that a more precise modelling of tourism demand must include weather and climate, since they are significant influences on the tourism industry. This study adopts an explanatory research design to explore the effect of climate change on tourism development in Badagry area of Lagos State of Nigeria. The main findings of the social survey revealed that 35 % of the respondents strongly agree and 63 % agree that ‘the rise in the sea level is a threat to the resort’. Also, 28 % strongly agree and 70 % agreed that ‘the unstable weather conditions are a threat to the activities of the resort’. This study provides new insights on the climate change debate in Nigeria and its continuous impact on human life. Keywords: Climate change, Tourism, Tourism development, Climate change adaptation, and Nigeria.

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  • Borner, Luana (2019): How could the Integration of Refugees in the Peripheral Alpine Community of Lavizzara (TI) Contribute to a more Sustainable and Circular Economy. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: This master thesis takes the chance to combine two very current issues. On the one hand migrant flows that arrive to Switzerland and on the other hand the topic of peripheral communities in risk of collapse due to outmigration and the associated negative consequences. The study focuses on the potential for a socio-cultural regeneration of peripheral regions by the integration of refugees into these communities. The community resilience assessment of Lavizzara in combination with statements from expert interviews present the potential of refugees to enhance community resilience in alpine communities. The biggest potentials in welcoming refugees in Lavizzara and other alpine regions were identified in the recognition and use of opportunities which arise by the integration of migrants. Among the most important factors are processes of cultural innovation, the revitalisation of the local economy which was in decline and sustainable usage of abandoned infrastructures.

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  • Dermont, Lisa (2019): Evaluation of the Quality of the Joint Programme Tourism. A Cooperation Between the SUES and the HTW Chur. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: This evaluation assesses the current quality of the Joint Programme Tourism between the Shanghai University of Engineering Sciences and the University of Applied Sciences in Technology and Economy, HTW Chur. The study programme was established in 2013 and this is the first evaluation of its quality. A mixed method approach has been applied to reach a full triangulation of the current accountability. Hence, quantitative and qualitative data was collected. To collect data an online questionnaire, classroom observations and semi-structured interviews were conducted. The results show that lecturers comply with the teaching quality of the HTW Chur, however the students lack engagement and the necessary level of English to contribute. An analysis of the quantitative and qualitative data lead to the determination of measurements for enhancement of the current accountability.

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  • Havelka, Anina (2019): Work Systems @ Hotel Industry in the Digital Age. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Digitalization means new emerging technologies, digitalized processes and customized services. That affects all industries including the hotel industry. Digitalization therefore has a direct impact on the work environment of any employee working at a hotel. This master thesis will investigate how digitalization is influencing the employee’s work-related tasks, skill/competences and technologies in the hotel industry. 16 in-depth interviews with employees from two hotel chains Mövenpick and Accor as well as additional expert interviews will provided insights on possible implications for other hotels and the changing factors from the employee’s perspective. Digitalization has an impact on the task and thus the skills of an employee. Extreme characteristics of skills are expected, whereby jobs at the front might be less influenced. Therefore, a consideration of the hotel as a sociotechnical system shows the interdependencies among human, organization and technology.

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  • Perez, Iraida (2019): A perspective analysis of Peru as a Destination Brand. Case Study, Switzerland. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: In recent decades the importance of destination image has been discussed. It can be noted that the tourism industry in Peru has not been the subject of a great deal of research with regard to its destination brand. Therefore the purpose of this thesis to assess Peru’s destination brand image in the perspective of Swiss people. The research instrument was an online self-administered questionnaire, comprised of open-ended and closed questions. A combination of two software programs, Excel and IBM SPSS Statistics 21, were employed to analyze the data. Findings of the study are valuable for the main tourism organization in Peru, Peru Export and Tourism Agency, who is carefully evaluating the image that both visitors and non-visitors have in relation to the destination brand attributes. Furthermore, results contribute with the validation of the attributes that measure brand image discussed by earlier studies.

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  • Petrenko, Inna (2019): International sanctions against Russia: the impact on the tourism industry. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Given the high vulnerability of the global economy part of which is the tourism industry, there are strong aspirations nowadays towards destabilization and crisis phenomena. Those trends manifest themselves not merely in worsening socio-economic development and arising crisis episodes but also in increased instances of the imposition of international sanctions against numerous states by countries leading globalization. The research strives to find out the mechanisms and impacts of international sanctions on the Russian tourism industry and to define the tourism market trends before and after the imposition of the sanctions' regime. In order to achieve the aim of the research, quantitative assessment techniques have been adopted. In a broader context, the research contributes to revealing direct and indirect implications of sanctions on the Russian tourism industry. The obtained scientific results can be used in the planning practice for the development of tourism under the sanctions.

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  • Roth, Simona (2019): Ranking of Factors Influencing Employee Satisfaction and Effects of Cultural Differences on this Ranking. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Increasing performance in a company while not increasing cost associated with human resources is a constant goal of managers today. One tool to increase an individual’s performance could be the employee’s level of satisfaction. The study, therefore, highlights the impact of employee satisfaction on a company’s performance and evaluates which factors may influence employee satisfaction. Further, with a quantitative research approach, it defines and ranks the most important influencing factors. The study also researches the cultural differences along with this ranking and how the country’s overall cultural profiles differ between three countries. The results should highlight the most important influencing factor of employee’s satisfaction level and illustrate how much a culture influences this ranking. It should help managers increase their employee’s satisfaction by knowing the most important factors influencing this metric and applying those as part of their leadership.

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  • Rupp, Nina (2019): Tourism stakeholder perceptions on solid waste in island destinations. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Islands are attractive tourism destinations that have experienced increasing demand in the last decades. Tourism development on islands comes with a series of environmental effects, one of which is the generation of solid waste in the destination. From a tourism perspective, solid waste pollution affects the attractiveness of the destination and its natural assets, which are important for attracting tourists to island destinations. This master thesis analyzes the perspectives of tourists and the private sector on solid waste in the Bocas del Toro archipelago, a popular island destination in Panama. The results of this research project provide valuable insights into how the impacts of tourism are perceived by these tourism stakeholders. In addition, the research project provides suggestions for possible mitigation measures for the tourism industry that can serve as an example for island destinations around the world.

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  • Tobiassen, Ragna (2019): A Marketing Analysis of U. S. Travel to Switzerland: A Case Study of Graubünden. Analyzing the Inbound and Outbound Marketing Approaches of Graubünden for the U. S. Traveler. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Travelers from the United States are a prominent source market for Switzerland as they accounted for the second strongest foreign demand when it came to overnight stays. Despite this, comparatively few of the U. S. travelers coming to Switzerland each year are making their way to Graubünden, resulting in a huge gap and room for improvement. With this, this thesis aims to analyze the inbound and outbound marketing approaches for U. S. travelers to Graubünden in order to better understand the U. S. travel numbers to the canton. This is done by conducting expert interviews with marketing and destination managers both in Graubünden and in the United States. Conclusions based on the findings are drawn in order to understand the U.S. travel numbers to Graubünden.

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  • Dimitrova Tsolova, Ruska (2018): Innovation in the hotel sector. improving housekeeping services through innovation. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Innovation processes are important for organizational effectiveness. It is an important asset that enables the organization success in a dynamic business environment, in particular in the hotel industry where it is important to introduce new services to stay competitive. The main question to be answered is: How can innovation processes improve the housekeeping services in a hotel? In order to answer this question and meet the objectives, the researcher has conducted a qualitative study. The method of collecting qualitative data, in the form of semi-structured interviews was used with the employees of the housekeeping department of Grand Resort Bad Ragaz. In total nine interviews were conducted in four different languages. The collected data from the interviews were analyzed and answers were clustered into nodes. Based on the results of the analysis, suggestions and recommendations are provided to improve the housekeeping services through innovation

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  • Haraldsdottir, Sigridur Anna (2018): Open Innovation in Tourism. The Pathway to Future Success?. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Open innovation is a new topic within the tourism industry and has been receiving more attention from the academic and practical fields in recent years. The tourism industry is often criticized for not being modern for various reasons and is falling behind other industries regarding innovation. Because of enlarged worldwide competition and increased consumer power the industry has started to look for new ways to innovate and create unique tourism products and services. Open innovation is one of the instruments that can be used to increase innovation capabilities within the industry by applying different tools to include external actors and stakeholders. This thesis emphasizes on open innovation within destination management organizations (DMOs) and explores the success factors, challenges, tools, and motivations of open innovation in order to gain more valuable understanding about the topic, both on theoretical and practical level.

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  • Jobe, Rose (2018): Greening of Hotels. Guests Perspectives on Social and Environmental Friendly Programs – Product Development and Marketing. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Social and environmental concerns have inspired people around the globe to look for ways to lessen such impacts. Many hotel guests are conscious of environmental pollution caused by hotels' unwarranted use of resources and are choosing to stay at hotels that practice green initiatives. Therefore hotels must implement green initiatives in their operations to attract guests. This thesis surveyed customers' perceptions about the social and environmentally friendly programs in hotels and analysed the degree to which such programs influenced customers' hotel selection. Data was collected by handing self-completion questionnaires to hotel guests, a total of 83 respondents participated in the survey. Results showed that the significant factors that affected customers' hotel selection were: energy and biodiversity programs, waste management programs, water programs by customers' option, water programs in housekeeping, workforce development programs and community development

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  • Karnincic, Ivana (2018): Sustainability in a Context of Ski Resorts. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Winter tourism is an important source of income for all the Alpine countries. However, the ski industry showed symptoms of stagnancy in terms of decline in skiers' visits. Besides the stagnation, the presence of different drivers intervened with climate change; make the current situation even more challenging. Sustainability is gaining more importance, and as the concept widely used in a daily life, its interpretation, however, seems to differ according to different groups of stakeholder. The master thesis aims to delineate different perspectives on the meaning of sustainability and its importance within a ski destination.A qualitative research allowed the author to gain a deeper insight into participants' opinions, as it was the topic of sustainability with all its aspects. The perception of ski tourism stakeholders, NGOs, and a governmental representative was examined. By analyzing the current situation, the author was able to give some recommendations for improving practices.

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  • M'Rabet-Bensalah, Aicha (2018): The role of a tour operator in tourism sustainability from the perspective of its suppliers – A case study of Switzerland Travel Centre AG. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: This research tries to find out the role of a tour operator in the sustainability of tourism from the perspective of its suppliers. The purpose of the study is to find out how a tour operator can contribute to the sustainability of tourism from the perspective of its suppliers. The research adopts a qualitative case study methodology and conducts semi-structured interviews. The case study focuses on Switzerland Travel Center AG, an incoming tour operator which is owned by Switzerland Tourism, Swiss Hotels Association, and SBB, and which is located in Zürich. Two main sectors of incoming tourism were considered: Accommodation and Transportation. In a broader context, the research contributes to finding new ways to increase sustainability in the tourism sector in Switzerland and around the world.

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  • Maestinger, Caroline (2018): The Influence of Neolocalism on Tourist Motivations at NC's Triad Craft Breweries. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: This study uses a qualitative approach to understand how the use of neolocalism influences tourist motivations to visit craft breweries. The research took place at two breweries in North Carolina's Triad region where guests were interviewed about the factors related to brewery selection, its impact while travelling, and what aspects of neolocalism they found most effective. Once a connection between neolocalism and tourist motivations was visible, various push and pull factors were identified. Most importantly noted was how neolocalism can be used to influence these motivations as opposed to being the main motivational factor itself. This is particularly relevant in the facilitation of social exchange, authentic tourist experiences, and the support of local economies. Suggestions for future research have been identified as well as recommendations for brewery tourism campaigns.

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  • Sprecher, Patricia (2018): Gamification Mobile Application Concept for National Parks. A Case Study in the Swiss National Park. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Gamification is the concept of infusing game-elements into non-game activities. A gamification app is a great tool to involve people with nature and may require players to identify things in nature to gain points. It is an opportunity to introduce people to nature through technology. There is a lack of existing gamification mobile apps for national parks. The aim is to develop a gamification mobile app concept for national parks. Therefore, the researcher analyzed different gamification frameworks and developed an initial concept for national parks with the case study of the Swiss National Park (SNP). Then, nine expert interviews were conducted with gamification specialists and people from the SNP to gain information on how to improve the initial concept. By analyzing the main findings, the researcher could create the final gamification concept for the SNP. In the context of the result, the intention is that the evaluated concept is transferable to comparable national parks.

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  • Braendli, Manuel (2017): ‘Shopping Tourism’ in the context of Landquart Fashion Outlet. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: This research study aimed to connect the two defining areas of shopping and tourism – FOC and its relationship with tourism – in order to identify their so far insufficiently studied interdependencies. This research study is motivated by the following research question: How can a Factory Outlet Center, like Landquart Fashion Outlet (LFO), capitalize on the connection with tourism and position itself in relation to other Factory Outlet Centers (FOCs)? The applicable scope of the research conducted so far has brought about the following research gap, namely FOCs and tourism are two interdependent entities, whereby the current research conducted so far, has yet to define a connection between the two. The final purpose of this research paper was to gain knowledge about Landquart Fashion Outlet, a FOC in eastern Switzerland, and its direct involvement with tourism. This knowledge and findings contributed to the existing facets of shopping tourism on an amplified scale.

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  • Bugarcheva, Mariya (2017): The Creative Platform. a source for creating innovative solutions to regional development in Davos/Klosters. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The purpose of the Master Thesis was to introduce a new creativity tool in the Swiss regional development sphere and build awareness for the tool. To answer the research question an action research approach was taken. This thesis has chosen to implement the Creative Platform as a workshop for finding creative solution to a problem and finding possible courses of action to implement that idea to the regional development strategy of Davos and Klosters. The Platform could not reach its full potential, but has used all available resources in best way possible. However, the participants of the workshop have rated the experience satisfying and very interesting, which means that the Creative Platform has caused some effect on their creativity. Furthermore, two creative ideas have emerged from the workshop, one of which was chosen for implementation. A Multi-stakeholder approach to tourism development has been presented as a recommendation and implemented through 6 courses of action.

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  • Cernostana, Julija (2017): Customer Experience Management components in Hotels. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: This qualitative case study research tends to find out what are the necessary organizational and managerial capabilities required for customer experience management in the hotels. The purpose of the research is to personify the customer experience management components in the context of hotels’ organisational governance. The research focuses on exploring the internal organisational processes and operations of hotel, in order to identify the necessary capabilities and capacities, which are crucial for customer experience management. Therefore, the study seeks to answer the question on what are the underlying organizational processes coherent with customer experience management in hotel and which of them stand as crucial capabilities. The research conducts three data collection methods: documentary analysis, observation and semi-structured interviews of case study. The findings provide a list of managerial capabilities required for customer experience management in hotels.

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  • Lingamgunta, Pravanyalaalasa (2017): Strategies for Attracting Indian Individual Guests. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Indian tourists visiting Switzerland are increasing every year with the growing number of Indian international travellers. This is a consequence of rapid rise in the disposable income of the emerging Indian middle class and upper middle class families. Due to the fact that Engelberg destination is well known from Bollywood movies, all most all the Indian visitors visit the destination hence, the destination is obtaining good number of overnight stays. However, in order to maintain as well as strengthen its position, especially in Indian individual travel market, it is necessary to understand attributes of the market. Therefore, the main aim of this thesis paper is to examine the needs, wants, interests and attitudes of Indian individual travellers and to identify the potential development of new products/services/ co-operations in order to make the Engelberg-Titlis destination even more attractive for Indian individual travellers and repeat visitors.

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  • Möller, Lisa (2017): Datenmanagement in Tourismusdestinationen. Datenerfassung und Datennutzung. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Im digitalen Zeitalter werden von unterschiedlichsten Akteuren in der touristischen Wertschöpfungskette Kundendaten gesammelt und genutzt. Das Sammeln von Daten kann einen Wettbewerbsvorteil kreieren. Allein das Sammeln von Daten führt allerdings nicht automatisch zu Wissen. Die Daten müssen effizient aufgearbeitet und genutzt werden, um neue Geschäftsbereiche zu öffnen. In diesem empirischen Beitrag wird zum einen die aktuelle Lage der Datenerfassung und Datennutzung in einer Tourismusdestination tiefer analysiert und zum anderen die Chancen und Herausforderungen eines Datenaustausches innerhalb einer Destination ermittelt. Dies vor allem mit Hinblick auf vermeintlichen Wettbewerbsvorteil bei alleiniger Nutzung der Daten. Anhand der Erkenntnisse werden Empfehlungen für den Austausch von Kundendaten gegeben, damit Produkte und Dienstleistungen kundenorientiert entwickelt werden können.

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  • Oana, Libotte (2017): The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), an opportunity for the hotel sector in the Swiss canton of Grisons. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The inquiry triggers a wake-up alarm within the Swiss hoteliers in Grisons with regards to the tremendous business opportunities that could be taken from the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the world’s Agenda 2030. The study demonstrates why today it is the right moment for the hoteliers to take action. The researcher brings into the light personalised opportunities taken from the UN SDGs, a unique knowhow that could highly support the industry to mitigate the most difficult challenges it faces at the moment. The findings highlight that the Grisons hoteliers’ engagement with the UN SGDs is not about doing charity. It is a smart movement, a win-win relationship that creates business benefits for them while they have socio-economic & environmental impacts. The identified opportunities are specially shaped to the Grisons hoteliers’ needs. Thus, the inquiry involved local experts from the most relevant fields as hoteliers, icons of sustainability in the canton.

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  • Romain, Daniel (2017): Development of a Mountain Biking Offering in Val d’Anniviers. Marketing Plan for the Enduro segment.. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: This Master Thesis is realized in collaboration with the Destination Management Organization of Val d’Anniviers (VS/CH), that has launched a project to develop mountain biking within the destination. The goal of this paper is to provide recommendations to the DMO for the marketing of offers for enduro segment. The research is based on a quantitative approach, and makes use of an online survey to determine the expectations of enduro bikers towards mountain biking destinations. More precisely, this survey aims to find out how mountain bikers behave, what are their needs in terms of infrastructure, what are their sources of information, what are their preferred bike destinations, and how they assess the bike destination Val d’Anniviers.

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  • Scala, Eveline (2017): The Role of Agro-touristic Networks in the Marketing of Local Food Products. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The purpose of this study was to identify the role of the actors in the agro-touristic value chain of the region Valposchiavo regarding the marketing of local food products. The aim was to gain insights how the businesses in the sectors agriculture, food processing and gastronomy collaborate with a social network analysis. Further, one tried to find an understanding why the companies seek new partnerships or want to deepen them, and what kind of challenges they face while doing so. With this research study, the first agro-touristic network for the marketing of local food products has been investigated for a small Swiss region. The findings can be useful for Valposchiavo with its positioning as a tourism destination which produces, processes and offers predominantly local food product sand dishes. Furthermore, the results give some references how the level of collective action in the valley can be increased and what need to be considered for a higher network governance.

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  • Westermann, Sven (2017): Development of a business concept for a fitness club in metropolitan areas in Germany. A strategic management approach applied on the market of Cologne, Germany. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: In order to develop a business concept for a fitness club in metropolitan areas in Germany, the researcher has decided to use a market research approach in form of a case study of the fitness market of Cologne. Therefore, the researcher has used mixed research methods for the data collection and analysis. In this relation, interviews with local market experts, personal investigations of chosen best practice fitness providers and a customer segmentation analysis based on an online survey, have been performed. After presenting the individual results of the analyses in the results section, the researcher has further brought specific findings together using selected strategic management instruments. With the help of the chosen combined analyses, the researcher has been able to identify a specific market opportunity and furthermore systematically developed a business concept by focusing on the needs of particular customer segments.

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  • Cernostana, Julija (2016): The Potential of Russian Market for Swiss MICE Tourism. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: MICE tourism brings economic, social and intellectual benefits to the tourism industry, but also contributes to the destination’s development. Switzerland has been recognised for years as a competent destination within the Europe’s MICE industry. On the other side, Russian business travellers occupy considerable market share due to their performance on the MICE market. However, the travel intensity from Russia to Switzerland leaves much to be desired. The purpose of this master thesis is to deliver the recent knowledge on the Russian MICE tourism to Switzerland. The aim of the thesis is to provide an insight into the characteristics, preferences and current tendency of Russian MICE market. For the research there has been applied a qualitative approach. The market data was collected by semi-structured expert interviews and further results are going to establish fundamental knowledge of the market.

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  • Chekhomova, Valentina (2016): E-learning as a viable training tool in the hotel sector (Evaluation of the current situation and further potential of e-learning for the Swiss hotel industry). Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The research addresses the degree of e-learning usage by the Swiss hotel sector, particularly its impact on staff training as well as its economic benefits. Specifically, this thesis discussion revolves around two main points: Firstly, an overview of the current status of e-learning in the Swiss hotel industry. This includes penetration depth and usage patterns in which e-learning is designed and delivered to hotel employees in Switzerland as well as its effectiveness (success factors, best practices, limitations etc). In parallel, the range of utilized tools and suppliers is discussed. Secondly, it provides a forecast on e-learning development and its potential for the Swiss hotel industry as well as a cost comparison of e-learning against traditional forms of training. Primary data are derived from qualitative and quantitative interviews with three groups of respondents: e-learning experts, hotel managers and managers of the Swiss insurance sector. The latter group serves as a benchmark. The reason for this is to compare e-learning usage in Swiss hospitality with best practices in other (service) sectors engaging in massive in e-learning and which face similar customer-facing challenges. Data from other industries help develop a set of recommendations for the hospitality business.

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  • Dianu, Catalina Simona (2016): Ecological Impacts of Tourism in Swiss National Park Assessing the ecological Impacts of Nature based Tourism in the Swiss National Park. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: This research paper intends to get an insight of a new topic, mainly to identify and to assess the ecological impacts in the Swiss National Park based on the general ideas found in literature combined with the specific answers resulted from the research. Thereby, the author of this paper desires to provide some new information which could provide some new knowledge to the literature. This research paper will first try to develop a list with general ecological impacts of tourism, followed by a selection of ecological impacts of nature based tourism in the Swiss National Park and an assessment of their consequences. Moreover, the author of paper will investigate the management awareness and taken actions with regard of these impacts and consequences.

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  • Ghinea, Irina Stefana (2016): Experience management: customer experience as core value in tourism. The case of Dumbrava Hotel Bacaˇu. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: This study explores the consumer experience by examining empirical data collected via a series of semi-structured interviews with business travellers. The study findings indicate that hotel guest experiences constitute both of physical environment and human interaction dimensions. The research findings suggest that business travellers’ experiences are affected by physical environment of the hotel, but also by the attitude of employees. In terms of physical environment, the most important drivers for good customer experience for business travellers are the location and comfort of the hotel, having access to all-inclusive facilities which helps them to feel like home even when they are away. The research findings provide specific implications for hotel executives looking for ways to differentiate themselves from their competitors by creating impressive customer experiences for business travellers. In particular, the proposed framework in this study can help practicing managers understand what the determinants of consumer experience are and how to adapt the services to fit the needs and requests of guests. This paper contributes to the overall understanding of consumer experience by illuminating the experience perceptions of business travellers in a hotel environment.

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  • Grossmann, Elisabeth (2016): Generation Y. adaptations needed in the hotel industry. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: In recent years, Generation Y has quickly become a major segment of the tourism industry and has also a high spending potential. Thus, it is essential for tourism owners and operators to get to know the unique characteristics and expectations of those customers in order to be able to adapt their practices and cultures appropriately to meet the needs of this generation. According to this fact, the master thesis deals with the question, which adaptations are needed in order to win Generation Y as loyal customers. In order to reach this aim, a detailed literature analysis is done in a first step. This is followed by a structured and standardized online questionnaire via the social media platform Facebook to investigate the travel behaviour of Generation Y. In a further step, the results of the quantitative research are discussed with chosen experts in order to gain further ideas for adaptations. Out of the different information gathered recommendations for adaptations in the hotel industry are given.

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  • Hauck, Eva Karin (2016): Evaluation of Community Support at a Sporting Mega-Event. A Case-Study of the FIS Alpine World Ski Championships 2017 St. Moritz. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The research intends to investigate the attitude of the host community of St.Moritz towards the FIS Alpine World Ski Championships 2017 and suitable community engagement practices to increase community support. Main theoretical concepts addressed are the role of the host community as a stakeholder of an event, the effects of an event on the host community and the effect of the host community on the success of an event with the concept of community support. To investigate the attitude of the host community towards the event, a survey has been developed on the basis of existing literature. The results enable the organizing committee of the event to clearly understand the attitude of the host community, to identify areas of emphasis to work on and to specify those community engagement measures that are deemed as the most suitable ones. The future-oriented approach of this research allows insights to supplement and influence the organizing committee planning with the aim to increase benefits for all involved parties.

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  • Kabeya Tshiangu, Jeancy (2016): African Luxury Tourists. A Potential Niche Market for the Swiss Tourism Industry. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Following the appreciation of the national currency and the considerable drop in European tourist numbers, the Swiss tourism industry is looking for solutions. This research intends to uncover the real potential that African outbound tourism represent for the Swiss tourism industry. It also analyses how the Swiss tourism industry views African outbound tourism and identifies the barriers and drivers of including this type of tourism in its market portfolio. Primary data was gathered by expert interviews, while secondary data was analysed to assess African outbound tourism in respect to the criteria applied by Switzerland Tourism. This study is one of the first that attempts to not only evaluate the real potential that African outbound tourism may represent for the Swiss tourism industry but also to unearth the underlying reasons for its position. It aims to stimulate a scientific debate on the paradox relating to the desired growth of African outbound tourism and the establishment of measures that impede that very same desired growth.

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  • Kriha, Kerstin (2016): Crisis Management Strategies of Thailand’s Tourism Industry. A study of Thailand’s tourism industry following political unrests and terrorism in 2014/15. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Political instabilities and terror attacks pose a serious challenge for the tourism industry which relies on stable surrounding conditions. Thailand has seen its share of such crises in recent years with the military coup in 2014 and the Bangkok bombing in August 2015. This research investigates the impacts as well as the corresponding crisis management activities. Key stakeholders from the private and public sector were interviewed both in Europe and on site in Thailand. A first aim of the research was to analyse the impacts of both events on tourist arrivals through Desk and Field research. Another part of the thesis is dedicated to the analysis of crisis management activities prior to, during and after the crises. The research also analyses to which extent collaboration between stakeholders took place and whether there was room for improvement. Finally, the efficiency of Thailand’s tourism industry in managing political instabilities and terrorism is evaluated. Due to the involvement of stakeholders from all relevant parties, the thesis was able to gain practical – and sometimes surprising – insights into the complexity behind the management of tourism crises.

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  • LIN, Ke (2016): New Business Strategies and Methods for Chinese Traditional Outbound Travel Company. The Case of GIC Company. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The work is mainly composed of three parts in order to help the client, GIC Company, to find out the new business strategies and methods under the influence of Internet. In the first part, the literature review is considered as secondary data to give insights on China outbound travel market including luxury travel market and online travel market, and to provide the business model framework as the foundation of the work for further qualitative research and data analysis. The second part would be the presentation of primary data, the useful findings from six in-depth interviews with the ravel companies and one in-depth interview with the industrial expert are generated and analyzed with the selected business model framework. In the final part, all the findings from both primary and secondary data eventually form the basis to answer the research question and sub-questions of my master thesis.

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  • Lüdke, Ramona Patricia (2016): Development of an online marketing concept for Bad Zurzach. taking into account its strategic positioning as a health tourism destination. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The vibrant nature of the online marketing industry with the emergence of new features and instruments, in contrast to the traditional, rather slow-pacing health tourism industry results in a lack of knowledge and uncertainty about the effectiveness and appropriate use of online marketing for a health tourism destination. With Bad Zurzach being a well-known village in terms of health issues in Switzerland, this problem is specifically applied to this destination. With the help of expert interviews amongst health tourism and online marketing professionals and a web-based survey with (potential) tourists, this research proposes an online marketing concept for the tourism organisation of Bad Zurzach regarding its presence in online channels.

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  • Nahrgang, Lisa (2016): Relevant criteria for Generation Y and Z in Switzerland when deciding for or against an apprenticeship in the hospitality industry. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Current market trends reveal the following aspects for the travel and tourism industry: Growing touristic markets and a need for qualified personnel face skill shortages and difficulties of attracting young talented staff in a sector, which is often associated with negative career and working conditions. This thesis therefore deals with the topic of relevant criteria for Generation Y and Z in Switzerland when deciding for or against an apprenticeship in the hospitality industry. Existing literature on the topics of human capital in the hospitality industry, Generation Y and Z as well as employer branding served as a basis for the research. Afterwards, 18 interviews with former interns of hotel Schweizerhof in Lenzerheide were conducted to reveal how and for what reasons the interviewees finally decided for or against an apprenticeship in the hospitality industry. The aim of this thesis is o give recommendations to hotel Schweizerhof and to other businesses in the named sector, to enable them to adapt their personnel recruitment and management strategies to the needs and expectations of young generations.

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  • Popescu, Andreea-Maria (2016): Ecotourism development in Romania. and Challenges in Land of Dorna destination. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Ecotourism is known as having a big potential to develop sustainably an ecosystem and minimize the human impact on it and on the local culture. From the all types of tourism, ecotourism has the fastest growth recently, due to its strong link with nature and local culture. In some destinations the term «ecotourism» is used just as a marketing tool to promote the business and attract tourists and not as it should be used and developed. Therefore, this research aims to establish the status of the ecotourism concept in the Land of Dorna destination as it presents a big potential for developing ecotourism operations. There is a need for knowing the current condition of ecotourism in Land of Dorna, as it is important to establish further strategies and plans for improving its condition. To get to a conclusion, the researcher has conducted semi-structured interviews with Romanian experts in ecotourism as well with members of the local community of Land of Dorna. In this study there were identified the impacts of ecotourism in the destination, the opportunities and challenges which exists for ecotourism and there were presented methods and ideas of improving the practices in the destination.

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  • Stan, Valentin (2016): Climate change in the Swiss National Park region. Impacts of climate change on the tourism business in winter season in the Swiss National Park region. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Climate change is currently a central issue for Swiss winter tourism, as the mountain destinations are and will be for sure affected in different modalities by this global phenomenon. This issue is even more pressing for those destinations that rely mainly on the revenues obtained from this type of tourism. This study investigates the climate change impacts on tourism business in the Swiss National Park (SNP) region during the winter time and also the tourism providers’ behaviors with regards to this phenomenon. With the help of literature review, interviews with tourism experts and with tourism providers of the area, aspects such as physical impacts, effects on tourism business, adaptation measures, drivers, barriers, and consequences are treated. The results of this research can represent a starting point for further studies but it is also useful for the practitioners who are interested how climate change can influence winter tourism businesses in the SNP region during winter season.

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  • Burgaretta, Samira Venerina (2015): The Impact of Demographic Change on European Tourism. Aspects of Demographic Change regarding the Baby Boomer Generation focusing on Alpine Destinations in Grisons. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The Swiss tourism industry is an important economic sector for Switzerland, especially for the Grison’s Alpine regions. Tourism provides about 6% of export income, being approximately 15.6 billion CHF. Since demographic change has had an impact on the tourism industry as well as several industry sectors, this thesis aims to discover if demographic change impacted tourism supply, product development, infrastructure, marketing / communication of destinations. This investigation will also explore the change of the travel behaviour as well as the needs of the baby boomers. With the help of a literature review and 16 semi-structured interviews, the awareness of the respective person in Alpine destinations and the baby boomers was identified. On one hand, the awareness of demographic change is quite high however the strategies of the different destinations are not completely focused on the baby boomer generation. On the other hand, the demand side changed regarding their travel motivation.

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  • Cerna, Dana (2015): Development of a Strategy Concept for the Mountain Hotel Lesní Bouda. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Lesní Bouda is a mountain hotel located in the Giant Mountains National Park in the Czech Republic. Its managers are not satisfied with the hotel´s economic performance even if they spend seven days a week there. The purpose of this master thesis is to find the best suitable solution that can move the hotel forward and improve its situation on the market. The aim of this study is to recommend which steps should be taken to further the hotel´s development. The primary research consisted of nine semi-structured expert interviews, 151 face-to-face potential guest surveys and 381 on-line current guest surveys. Based on the research, four best suitable strategic alternatives with their business plans were developed in order to suggest the best recommendation with specific steps to the hotel managers.

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  • Frey, Caroline (2015): Tourism Awareness through Themed Restaurants. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The researcher’s experience in the hospitality industry accounts for over 12 years. This lasting contribution served as motivation to combine academic aspects of a Master’s degree with knowledge of food and beverage areas. The practicality of combining these competencies under one purposive objective inspired the thesis: “Tourism Awareness through Themed Restaurants. Under which conditions can Themed Restaurants promote a tourism destination? Using primary and secondary data sources, valuable information was obtained from thirteen face-to-face semi structured interviews with themed restaurants› managers and owners, tourism organization employees and Food Tourism Association representatives worldwide. A qualitative method was the key to obtaining valuable information and conclusive results- always keeping in mind consideration of quality criteria for the data collected. The results of this research show that willingness to work in partnerships between tourism organizations and themed restaurants is feasible. An innovative promotion concept was devised, which is a very specialized approach for a new type of tourism advertising. Even though similar approaches have been used in few destinations such as Sweden or Australia, this concept proved the importance of food and decoration authenticity when representing a destination. Furthermore, employees’ responsibility, knowledge and attitude was found to be a key aspect for this concept’s success since cultural representation can only be delivered or maxim-ized through employees’ behavior and knowledge of food and the destination itself.

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  • Gredig, Sandra (2015): Staging & Guest Involvement in Alpine Tourism Destinations. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The aim of the research at hand is to investigate possibilities to involve tourists in alpine tourism destinations to create unique vacation experiences. The research includes a substantial literature review about the experience economy and its influence on tourism in alpine destinations. A short comparison about connection to performance studies is included. The second part is dedicated to the results of the primary research conducted in form of expert interviews. Additionally, best practice examples are introduced. The findings of the literature review, the expert interviews and the best practice examples are then used to develop a guideline for tourism practitioners. The implementation of the suggested guideline is shown at the example of the alpine tourism destination Arosa. The findings indicate that authentic personal interaction, co-creation and individual experiences are increasingly important for tourists. These needs need to be considered when developing tourism products.

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  • Grouzakis, Georgios (2015): The Future Tourism Development of Holiday Destinations. The case of Sitia, Crete (Greece). Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The Master thesis is dealing with the stagnated tourism destination of Sitia, located in Crete, Greece. The main objectives of the research paper is to discover why this par-ticular destination is stagnated and to identify how the area can be rejuvenated. A thorough review of the existing literature on areas such as destination life cycle, destination management and destination growth theories guides the research and the in-depth deliver the results. The detailed analysis of the results, combined with the theoretical framework are the basis for the provided recommendations. It is suggested that Sitia should take advantage of previously untapped cultural and natural resources in order to differentiate from the competition and promote its uniqueness. Moreover, the author recommends the development of a destination management and marketing organiza-tion and some necessary actions which will improve the business environment and encourage investments.

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  • Haselwanter, Maria (2015): Summer Tourism in Kühtai. Current Situation and Future Perspective. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: This master thesis aims at discussing how the current situation of summer tourism in Kühtai looks like and what potential it presents considering resources given and future challenges and opportunities. A review of current literature on alpine summer tourism, network management and future challenges and opportunities for summer tourism is given. Further to this, three other high-altitude examples are described in order to assist in identifying possible opportunities and challenges. Within the chapters three and four the research approach is explained and discussed in more detail. This is followed by the most essential chapters, the results, the practical implications and the conclusion. First, details about the data results gained through the undertaken online survey and the semi-structured interviews with stakeholders of Kühtai will be described elaborately. Second, based on these findings, a rough destination image, a problem analysis and a comparison to other high-altitude destinations is described in order to elaborate Kühtai’s potential for summer tourism.

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  • Hentschel, Jörg (2015): The Impact of River Cruises in Franconia on Local Destinations. The economic impact of river cruise tourism in Franconia and the attitude of residents towards this tourism sector. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The Master Thesis aims at discussing the economic impact of river cruise tourism in Franconia and the attitude of residents towards this tourism sector with focus on Bamberg and Nuremberg. These two cities were chosen due to the fact that Bamberg is a typical stopover destination for river cruise tourism and Nuremberg partly a stopover destination and a destination with embarkation / debarkation. An overview of Franconia and the current market situation of river cruise tourism as well as a review of current literature on the economic impact of tourism and the attitude of residents to tourism are given in chapter two. Within the chapters three, four and five the research approach is explained and discussed in more detail. This is followed by the most essential chapters, the results, the practical implications and the conclusion. First, details about the data results gained through the undertaken questionnaire (cruise pas-sengers), the online survey (local population) as well as interviews with the tour opera-tors and agencies will be described elaborately and conclusions on specific aspects will be explained and summarized. Second, based on these findings, different recommen-dations for the future development of river cruise tourism are carried out. All in all the results of this Master Thesis indicate that river cruise tourism is of economic relevance in Bamberg and Nuremberg.

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  • Herold, Annika Marie (2015): The Effects of the Ebola Crisis on African Tourism. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The outbreak of Ebola not only led to several thousand fatalities, but an exaggerated perception of risk resulted in tourists avoiding the whole African continent, which in-creased the need for a recovery plan. Several strategies have been implemented in previous crises by the tourism industry; however, no research is available showing which recovery marketing strategies are effective to approach the perception problem, specifically the effect of generalizing a crisis to a whole continent, shown by tourists. This thesis reviews literature regarding Ebola, perception of tourists and crises plans. Subsequently, the conducted primary research in form of interviews with National Tourism Organizations and a focus group with potential tourists is presented. Afterwards the implemented strategies are compared with the actual demands of tourists to identify effective strategies that will help tourism not to decrease after another crisis and to pro-vide recommendations for stimulating tourism.

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  • Kristiansen, Maria Ramstad (2015): Crowdfunding in Tourism. Identification of Added Value for Businesses Following a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: This study describes the various forms of crowdfunding, how campaigns are set up in relation to individual projects, but also in terms of financing entrepreneurial ventures or start-ups. The factors that are considered necessary to achieve successful funding are covered, as well as the associated outcomes of successful funding. As success in literature mainly equals reaching a set amount to be collected, this study explores the aspects of other benefits and value added that projects might experience both during and after the crowdfunding campaign in the context of tourism and hospitality in Switzerland. The study is based on an extensive literature review and the findings presented and discussed based on semi-structured interviews with initiators of projects successfully funded through the Swiss crowdfunding platform

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  • Kummer, Izabella (2015): The Luxury Hotel Spa Industry. Case Study of the InterContinental Hotel Spa´s. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: This Master Thesis is focusing on spas, which are operating in luxury hotel chains. It aims to provide a comprehensive picture of the wellness markets current situation and its presence in the luxury hotel chains. In the framework of a case study this study is examining the InterContinental Spas current operation and its future possibilities. The paper has two parts. The first part is a quantitative analyzes, in which 18 InterContinental Spas are analyzed, based on 7 key indicator group category. The second part of the study is a qualitative discussion, where the immeasurable characteristics of the spas are discussed. This study is explaining why spas can`t be simply described in a quantitative way, what are the advantages and disadvantages of spas standardization efforts, what is the difficulty in selling intangible goods and how experience economy is present within this industry?

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  • Redlich, Maria (2015): Waldhotel Davos: Strategic Development of its Spa. Elaboration of a new wellness concept according to guests requirements and current infrastructure. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: On the basis of a clear positioning strategy, the purpose of this thesis is to develop a concept for a new spa of the Waldhotel Davos. The hotel’s actual spa is obsolete and in urgent need of renovation. The aim of this thesis is to elaborate a wellness concept according to the guests’ requirements and the current infrastructure. With this in mind, the greatest objective is to find the best solution with moderate financial resources that do not exceed the budget. The study was conducted for the Waldhotel Davos. 60 hotel guests were questioned for their requirements. Additionally, six semi-structured interviews with benchmark hotels and four semi-structured interviews with experts of the spa industry were conducted. The guests’ statements, experiences of the hotel managers from well-known and successful properties as well as the experts’ advices made a valuable contribution to the outcome. The findings finally suggest a new wellness concept that fits the guests’ needs and the current infrastructure of the Waldhotel Davos.

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  • Sarad, Tarek (2015): Intercultural Aspects in Tourism Marketing. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The study deals with an in-depth research for the GCC market niche of touristic products that should and can be provided within Lichtenstein. The initial point of the research lays in the inquiry how and whether it would be possible to attract more GCC tourists and to foster regional new business development in the tourism sector. Furthermore, it was crucial for the research to find relevant knowledge as a basis for a new marketing strategy that works fine in the GCC market to attract new GCC tourists. Although, literature has developed suitable models to fully understand the cultural background of GCC residents, but little effort has been made to analyse the situation in Lichtenstein, from a qualitative perspective in order to provide some insights about GCC tourists’ travelling behaviour and their needs. In the final state of the author has developed a wide range of suggested implications that need to be taken into consideration, when developing a specific marketing strategy.

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  • Schneeberger, Roman (2015): Inbound Luxury Medical Tourism Product Development. Demand, Sustainability and Strategic Alliance Factors. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: This research aimed to identify factors that play a role in demand, sustainability and strategic alliance in the particular inbound luxury medical tourism product development of St. Moritz Bäder AG located in the Alpine destination of Engadin and St. Moritz. In-depth semi structured expert interviews and literature review served in selection of appropriate objectives and methodology. Existing gap in the research of inbound medical tourism led to using general medical tourism research as reference that suggested combining both qualitative and quantitative methods in respective order. The main model (R2=0.315 and p-value <0.001) as well as secondary models are very comparable with other research and confirm that there is a potential to develop niche luxury medical product in this suitable region using its given natural environment and niche attributes. Driving customer demand factors such as medical reputation and the presence of a well-known specialist are essential for product strategy. The study is grounded in the existing medical tourism research and therefore the results, given limitations, can be applied and further research can extend the findings.

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  • Talau, Daniela Alexandra (2015): The potential of the Dracula Myth for Romanian Tourism. Masterarbeit Tourism. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The present paper is an attempt of defining the potential of Dracula tourism to foster Romanian tourism. Taking into account the aim, the author used “The Integrative Competitiveness Model” adapted to the uniqueness of Dracula tourism into “Dracula Tourism Destination Competitiveness Model and Indicators”. This model compress attributes related with Dracula type of tourism as cultural and media tourism with dark interferences. The analysis was conducted with the help of the qualitative methods by following a desk research and by conducting interviews with the main stakeholders of Dracula tourism. The results showed that the position of the state regarding Dracula Tourism, is playing a major role in how the defined potential could be exploit it. Thus, for the conclusion, the author chose to offer two possible scenarios: One concerning the actual situation without the involvement of the state, where the potential of Dracula tourism is exploited mainly by the commercial entities; And one supposing that the state will decide that Tourism, including Dracula Tourism, will be a national priority, hence the possibility to mention that Dracula tourism may foster Romanian tourism.

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