Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF)


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  • Pescia, Lena; Rageth, Onna; Trepp, Gian-Reto; Voll, Frieder (2022): «New Work». Touristisches Potenzial für Graubünden. Grundlagenstudie. Chur: FH Graubünden Verlag. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 02.09.2022


    Abstract: In den letzten Jahren sind im Zusammenhang mit «New Work» verschiedene Begriffe aufgekommen, deren zugrunde liegende Konzepte sowohl Arbeitsformen als auch Arbeitsorte beschreiben. Der gemeinsame Nenner der verschiedenen Modelle ist die Flexibilisierung des Arbeitsortes, welche dazu beitrug, dass solche Ansätze verstärkt Einzug in die Angebotswelt des Tourismus hielten – und während der Covid19-Pandiemie einen regelrechten Entwicklungsschub erfuhren. Begrifflichkeiten wie Hoteloffice, Workation, Coworking-Space, Retreat, etc. sind nun häufig in den Angebotsbeschreibungen der touristischen Anbieter zu finden. Die Begriffe werden oftmals synonym verwendet, auch wenn sie eigentlich auf unterschiedlichen Ideen basieren. Neben den Unklarheiten hinsichtlich der Abgrenzung dieser Konzepte sowie der Verwendung der Begrifflichkeiten ist auch das touristische Potenzial, das sich aus New Work ergeben könnte, nicht geklärt. Um diese Wissenslücken zu schliessen, führte das Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF) der Fachhochschule Graubünden, im Auftrag des Amts für Wirtschaft und Tourismus Graubünden (AWT), eine Grundlagenstudie zum Thema «New Work: Touristisches Potenzial für Graubünden» durch.

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  • Pescia, Lena; Steiner, Selina; Hörburger, Norbert; Bügler, Tanja (2022): Flexlodges. Neue flexible Beherbungsformen. Grundlagenstudie. Chur: FH Graubünden Verlag. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 06.10.2022


    Abstract: Unterschiedliche Formen der flexiblen Beherbergung finden in Graubünden immer mehr Verbreitung. Mit einer Grundlagenstudie wurden die wesentlichen Eckpunkte dieser «neuen und flexiblen Beherbergungsformen» erfasst. Die Grundlagenstudie «Flexlodges – neue flexible Beherbergungsformen» zeigt auf, dass unterschiedliche Formen der flexiblen Beherbergung immer mehr Verbreitung finden und bei Gästen auf Anklang stossen. Neben individuellen Anbietern nehmen immer häufiger auch grössere Tourismusunternehmen und -organisationen diesen Trend in Angebot und Kommunikation auf. Die Studie zeigt, dass in Graubünden die Chance zum Ausbau des Angebots grundsätzlich vorhanden ist. «Flexlodges» können eine Gelegenheit zur Stärkung des Bündner Tourismus durch ein komplementäres Angebot im Nischenbereich sein.

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  • Aeschlimann, Lukas Fabian; Berweger, Yves Robin; Wittmer, Andreas (2021): Überblick über neue Antriebssysteme und Technologien von Flugzeugen. Zürich: Dike Verlag (CFAC - Schriften zur Luftfahrt)

    Abstract: Die Luftfahrt trägt 2 bis 3 Prozent am globalen CO2-Ausstoss durch die Verbrennung von fossilen Treibstoffen bei. Der Klimawandel, steigende Rohölpreise und CO2-Kompensationen drängen die Aviatik zu technischen Veränderungen. Diese Arbeit setzt sich mit der Analyse neuer Antriebssysteme und Technologien auseinander. Sie analysiert die aktuell verbauten Technologien, leitet daraus verschiedene Baselines ab und vergleicht diese mit den neuesten Technologien. Mittels einer Multi-Criteria-Decision-Analyse werden die Antriebssysteme auf ihr Marktpotential hin bewertet. Dabei werden ökonomische, ökologische, technische, soziale und politische Faktoren aus der Perspektive von drei Anspruchsgruppen berücksichtigt: Fluggesellschaften, Flugzeug- und Triebwerkshersteller. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die Varianten «Super-conducting motors and generators», «Hybrid electric parallel» und «Hybrid electric partial» die grössten Chancen haben, sich im Markt durchzusetzen.

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  • Rossy, Julian; Wittmer, Andreas; Linden, Erik (2019): Rethinking Airline Business Models. Zürich: Dike Verlag (CFAC - Schriften zur Luftfahrt)

    Abstract: While some low-cost carriers such as JetBlue offer free WIFI, full-service airlines such as United are reducing their services to the bare bones. Starting from this phenomenon, called «convergence of models», this book rethinks the way business models are perceived. We propose a new customer-centric approach, leaving aside the airline-centric reflection. We broke down the four generally accepted business models – low-cost, full-service, regional and leisure – into components and patterns, resulting in a skeleton called «Airline Business Model Framework». This new Airline Business Model Framework gives a new perspective on airline business strategies. We propose a new terminology for dominant business models: no-frills, unbundlers, boutique, and connectors. Successfully tested with more than 130 carriers, the Airline Business Model Framework is a powerful tool for airlines’ employees and aviation professionals to understand their business and compare themselves to competitors.

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  • Merkle, Thorsten; Lewis, Robert Alan (2016): Managing food safety in airline catering in an emerging market. The case of LSG Chefs São Paulo: International CHRIE (SAGE Business Cases)


    Abstract: This case examines an airline caterer’s approach to managing food safety in an emerging market. Staff motivation and compliance with food safety management systems are evaluated. Approaches to food safety management are discussed in connection with certifications. Despite this being a challenge in other organisations, LSG Sky Chefs at the São Paulo unit achieves high compliance levels through effective ways of employee motivation. The organisation offers a number of benefits that can be classified as motivators, such as training or access to medical treatment. In addition, corporate culture plays an important role in this organisation. A system of rewards for employees emphasises the company’s core service-related values.

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  • Wittmer, Andreas; Daum, Sebastian (2016): Multidimensional Decision Behavior in Air Transport. Zürich: Dike Verlag (CFAC - Schriften zur Luftfahrt)

    Abstract: Air transport customers do not always behave economically rational, when making their transport decisions. Irrational decision making by customers implies that economically driven models do not explain consumer choice precisely. They miss out on soft decision factors, which are difficult to quantitatively measure and may make up to half of a decision models variables. Customers are in search of well-being when they travel. This is especially the case for Swiss travellers buying annual general tickets on first class with ground transport or for business class travellers of airlines. The buying decision process is influenced by reasonable, economically irrational decision factors such as well-being, recreation, flexibility and freedom, etc. Economy and “second” class travellers have become more rational decision makers over time focusing mainly on price and ancillary costs of their consumption. They focus on the basic transport service as the product and maximize their personal utility.

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  • Clivaz, Christophe; Doctor, Marut; Gessner, Susanne; Ketterer Bonnelame, Lea; Luthe, Tobias; Schuckert, Markus; Siegrist, Dominik; Wyss, Romano (2012): Adaptionsstrategien des Tourismus an den Klimawandel in den Alpen. Ergebnisse des Alpine Space-Projekts ClimAlpTour in der Schweiz. Rapperswil: HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil. Institut für Landschaft und Freiraum (Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Landschaft und Freiraum, HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil). Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 24.07.2020


    Abstract: Für den Alpentourismus geht es neben der Mitigation (Verminderung) des Klimawandels darum, geeignete Adaptionsstrategien (Anpassungsstrategien) zu entwickeln. Hierzu wurde in den Jahren 2008 – 2011 das alpenweite Interregprojekt „ClimAlpTour - Climate change and its impacts on tourism in the Alpine space“ durchgeführt (Alpine Space). Das Ziel bestand darin, Adaptionsstrategien des Tourismus an den Klimawandel im Alpenraum zu entwickeln und diese modellhaft umzusetzen. Sechs Staaten – die EU-Mitglieder Deutschland, Frankreich, Italien, Österreich und Slowenien sowie die Schweiz beteiligten sich an diesem Projekt und suchten Lösungen für Probleme, die am besten durch gemeinsame, grenzüberschreitende Anstrengungen angegangen werden können. Das Projekt „ClimAlpTour“ setzte auf eine transnationale Herangehensweise und auf den Einsatz von partizipativen Methoden. Akteurinnen und Akteure von der lokalen bis zur transnationalen Ebene sollten dadurch befähigt werden, sich im Hinblick auf die Lösung von Problemstellungen im Klimabereich besser zu organisieren und gemeinschaftliche Ansätze zu entwickeln. Die Arbeiten erfolgten zusammen mit Pilotregionen, Fachleuten und in den beteiligten Ländern und Regionen. Im Rahmen des Projektes „ClimAlpTour“ konzentrierten sich die Schweizer Projektpartner auf folgende Aktivitäten: - Durchführung einer Delphi-Expertenbefragung über Adaptionsstrategien bezüglich Klimaänderung im alpinen Sommer- und Wintertourismus. - Durchführung von Workshops mit Beteiligung der betroffenen Akteurinnen und Akteure in den Pilotregionen zur Identifizierung der wichtigsten Herausforderungen und zur Umsetzung von Projekten. - Analyse sozialer partizipativer Netzwerke in der Pilotregion Obere Surselva, um die Rolle der einzelnen Stakeholder bei der Umsetzung von Massnahmen besser zu verstehen. - Entwicklung von geeigneten Adaptionssstrategien und -massnahmen gemeinsam mit den touristischen Partnern in den Pilotregionen. - Wissenstransfer mit den Projektergebnissen.

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  • Urbanc, Mimi; Pipan, Primož (2011): Climalptour. Climate change and its impact on tourism in the Alpine space. Unter Mitarbeit von Tobias Luthe. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 24.07.2020


    Abstract: Based on existing knowledge and by means of new studies and field activities, ClimAlpTour – Climate Change and its Impact on Tourism in the Alpine Space seeks to improve the capacity of Alpine territories, peoples, and economic systems to respond to the challenges of climate change.

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  • Wittmer, Andreas (2009): Internal Service Systems and Cultural Differences. An Exploratory Study of Switzerland, Australia and Singapore. Saarbrücken: AV Akademikerverlag

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  • Luthe, Tobias (2008): Energetische Bilanzierung von Baustoffen für den Holzhausbau. Hamburg: Diplomica Verlag (Reihe Nachhaltigkeit)


    Abstract: In Design und Bau von umweltfreundlichen Gebäuden spielt die Betrachtung von Werkstoffen unter ökologischen Gesichtspunkten eine zunehmend bedeutende Rolle. Nicht nur die energetische Performance des fertiggestellten Hauses geht in die Bilanz ein, sondern der gesamte Lebenszyklus von der Herstellung bis zum Recycling. Ziel dieses Buchs ist der konkrete Vergleich einer bekannten und oft eingesetzten Zahl von Werkstoffen, um somit der Praxis konkrete Entscheidungsinformationen zu bieten. Dafür befasst sich die Studie mit der rein energetischen Betrachtung der Herstellung von Holzwerkstoffen, wie sie in das Energiebudget von Passiv- und Niedrigenergiehäusern als relevante Größen eingehen. In die Betrachtung und die Ergebnisse spielt auch die Speicherkapazität von Kohlendioxid mit hinein – ein hochaktueller Aspekt der Reduzierung klimaschädlicher Gase. Zu fünf verschiedenen Werkstoffen und Bauteilen für den Einsatz im Holzhausbau werden Vergleiche mit ökologischer Aussage durchgeführt. Die bilanzierten Werkstoffe sind Fermacell, OSB (Oriented Strand Board), Fichte-3-Schicht Platte, Livingboard und Multiplex Top.Der methodische Ansatz der vorliegenden Studie beruht auf der Recherche nach Sekundärinformationen, die im Wesentlichen direkt bei den Herstellerfirmen in Form einer detaillierten Matrix erhoben wurden. Die Untersuchung zeigt Stärken und Schwächen dieser Methodik auf, die für darauf aufbauende Untersuchungen von Relevanz sind.

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  • Luthe, Tobias (2007): Schneesport und Bildung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung. Filme, Fachinformationen und Praxistipps zur vernetzenden Kommunikation eines zukunftsfähigen Schneesports in Schule und Verein. Planegg: Deutscher Skiverband e. V. (DSV-Umweltreihe)

    Abstract: Band 9 der DSV-Umweltreihe mit dem Titel „Schneesport und Bildung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung“ widmet sich den Möglichkeiten, Bewegungs- und Naturerlebnisse im Schnee in der modernen Bildungslandschaft einzusetzen. Ziel ist es, das Potential des Schneesports zu nutzen, insbesondere junge Menschen für Natur zu begeistern und für deren Zusammenhänge zu interessieren. Gerade der Schneesport ist reich an Facetten, die eng mit Fragen der Nachhaltigkeit verknüpft und nur ganzheitlich zu beantworten sind. Darüber hinaus gilt es, die gesellschaftliche Bedeutung des Schneesports im Kontext einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung darzustellen. Das Buch soll dazu beitragen, auf die Verantwortung für die Sicherung der schneesportlichen Grundlagen aufmerksam zu machen und die nachhaltige Entwicklung des Schneesports zu fördern. Schulen, an denen schneesportliche Aktivitäten teils kontrovers diskutiert werden, sollen mit dem vorliegenden Werk Argumente für eine sachliche Diskussion des Themas und Ansätze für eine sinnvolle Durchführung von Schneesportausfahrten geboten werden. Das Werk bietet didaktische Grundlagen und Informationen, wie schneesportliche Erlebnisse im Hinblick einer Bildung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung in ihrer Gesamtvernetzung einsetzbar sind – in Schulen, Vereinen und darüber hinaus. Über eine Vereinfachung der Durchführung von schneesportlichen Aktivitäten soll möglichst vielen jungen Menschen der Zugang zum Schneesport ermöglicht werden. Alternative Schneesportaktivitäten sollen die klassischen Formen ergänzen und auch in Zeiten des klimatischen, demografischen und ökosozialen Wandels den Schneesport an Schulen und in Vereinen zukunftsfähig gestalten helfen.

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  • Luthe, Tobias (2007): Sustainability Leadership Training. Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Bildungsprogramms in nachhaltiger Entwicklung. Zugleich Masterthesis, Universität Rostock, 2005. Hamburg: Diplomica Verlag

    Abstract: Diese Studie stellt ein Bildungsprogramm vor, das Studenten Schlüsselkompetenzen in Gestaltung einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung vermittelt. Studenten obliegt als zukünftigen potentiellen Entscheidungsträgern und Meinungsbildnern eine besondere Verantwortung in der Umsetzung einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung. Durch das Zusammenwachsen der Welt, durch die Globalisierung, den technologischen Fortschritt und durch vielfältige soziologische und naturgeografische Entwicklungen („Globaler Wandel“) wird die Vernetzung auf allen Ebenen des Lebens komplexer. Dies bedingt eine höhere Komplexität von Entscheidungsprozessen. Ganzheitliches, vernetztes Denken wird somit zu einer immer wichtigeren Schlüsselkompetenz der Zukunft, die auch als berufsfeldorientierte Kompetenz zu sehen ist. Ausgehend von einem klassischen Verständnis der Umweltbildung müssen daher weitere Fähigkeiten insbesondere instrumenteller und mentaler Art beherrscht und gelehrt werden. Vernetztes Denken, Teamarbeit und Konfliktlösung sind solche Hauptkompetenzen. Durch ein auf diese Lehrziele abgestimmtes didaktisches Design wird ein effektiver und effizienter, ein nachhaltiger Lernprozess begünstigt. Selbstorganisation und die metakognitive Begleitung des Lehrprozesses durch die Lernenden ermöglicht ein ständiges Weiterentwickeln der instrumentell-sozialen Kompetenzen. Dabei spielt die zeiteffiziente Vermittlung eine bedeutende Rolle, um einer möglichst grossen Zahl von Studenten die Teilnahme an dem Training in den Semesterferien als „Summer- oder Winterschool“ in geblockter Form zu ermöglichen. Vernetztes Denken wird didaktischen Prinzipien entsprechend handlungsorientiert, situativ und praktisch gelehrt. Die Natur als Lernort und Lernmedium spielt in der Vernetzung sozialer Systeme mit Ökosystemen eine zentrale Rolle. Lernmedium ist Natur deshalb, da Gesetzmässigkeiten vernetzten Denkens am Beispiel natürlicher Systeme dargestellt und veranschaulicht werden. Von der Natur zu lernen und einen Transfer in Alltagssituationen herzustellen ist das Ziel. Lernort ist Natur deshalb, weil die Anschaulichkeit gemäss eines Lernens mit allen fünf Sinnen dort gegeben ist. Zudem unterstützt die Komponente Outdoor- und Bewegungserlebnis (Natursport) in einer natürlichen, abwechslungsreichen Umgebung als motivierender Faktor den Lernprozess. Erlebnispädagogische Methoden werden in Kombination gewählt, um soziale Kompetenzen zu entwickeln. Anhand einer praxisrelevanten Fallstudie lernen die Studenten die konkrete Umsetzung nachhaltiger Konzepte. Während des Lernprozesses und abschliessend erfolgt eine evaluative Begleitung, die die Wirkung des Trainings untersuchen und modifizieren helfen soll.

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  • Wittmer, Andreas (2007): Netzwerkmanagement bei der Swiss International Airlines. Bern: Haupt

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  • Geiser, Thomas; Hilb, Martin; Pärli, Kurt; Stengel, Manuel; Wittmer, Andreas (Hg.) (2021): Ein Kunstflug durch das Recht und die Governance. Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Roland Müller. Zürich: Dike Verlag


    Abstract: Im Mai 2021 feierte Roland Müller seinen 65. Geburtstag. Grund genug, ihm eine Festschrift zu widmen. Professor Müllers Laufbahn beeindruckt nicht nur durch eine Vielzahl von Tätigkeiten, insbesondere Lehraufträgen an Universitäten, sondern auch durch die grosse Bandbreite an Themengebieten, die sie abdecken: von Arbeitsrecht über Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftsrecht über Luftrecht bis hin zu Corporate Governance, Risk Management, Finanzmarktrecht und Compliance. Die Herausgeber und die Autorinnen und Autoren dieser Festschrift zollen seiner Umtriebigkeit und seinem vielfältigen Wirken Respekt und Anerkennung, indem sie diese enorme Bandbreite auch in den Beiträgen widerspiegeln – eben ein Kunstflug durch das Recht und die Governance.

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  • Wittmer, Andreas; Bieger, Thomas; Müller, Roland (Hg.) (2021): Aviation Systems. Management of the Integrated Aviation Value Chain. Second Edition. Berlin: Springer (Classroom Companion: Business). Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 22.10.2021


    Abstract: This book provides an overview of the aviation sector by focusing on all major aspects embedded in the environment (subsystems) and the market of aviation. The book explains the linkages between subsystems politics, society, technology, economy, environment, and regulation, and how these subsystems influence each other and the market. The book starts by describing the aviation system, then focuses on the supply side and the demand side of the system and in a final part focuses on steering and controlling the system of aviation from a managerial, economic, and regulatory perspective. Examples and case studies of airports, airlines, and the production industry in each chapter support the application-oriented approach. The summary and review questions help the reader to understand the focus and main messages of each chapter. Students and researchers in business administration with a focus on aviation, as well as professionals in the industry looking to refresh or broaden their knowledge in the field will benefit from this book.

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  • Tajeddini, Kayhan; Ratten, Vanessa; Merkle, Thorsten (Hg.) (2020): Tourism, hospitality and digital transformation. Strategic management aspects. London, New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group (Innovation and technology horizons). Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 21.08.2020


    Abstract: Innovation and technological advancements can be disruptive forces, especially for conventional business in the hospitality and tourism industries. This book is timely with its critical examination of such forces and how the two industries should strategize and respond to changes effectively. It examines a wide scope of topics, from environmental scanning, formulation, implementation and evaluation to the way managers make strategy choices for better organizational performance. The book illustrates how companies can re-orient their strategies and appraise the effectiveness of the business; its key competitors; and how they should set business goals through various cases, i.e. different types of hospitality and tourism business from traditional hotels to Airbnb and endeavors to provide strategic conceptual theories with real world application through such case studies.

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  • Mosedale, Jan (2016): Neoliberalism and the political economy of tourism. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group (Current developments in the geographies of leisure and tourism)

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  • Reutlinger, Christian; Fritsche, Caroline; Markstaller, Markus; Schemmel, Andrea; Schlatter, Martin; Voll, Frieder (Hg.) (2015): Vom Zwischeneinander der Disziplinen. Neue Perspektiven auf Siedlungs-Verdichtung. St. Gallen: Fachhochschule Ostschweiz

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  • Müller, Roland; Wittmer, Andreas; Drax, Christopher (Hg.) (2014): Aviation Risk and Safety Management. Methods and Applications in Aviation Organizations. Cham: Springer International Publishing. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 22.10.2021


    Abstract: The International Civil Aviation Organization’s (ICAO) decision to require aviation organizations to adopt Safety Management Systems poses a major problem especially for small and medium sized aviation companies. The complexity of regulations overstrains the aviation stakeholders who seek to fully advantage from them but have no clear guidance. The aim of the book is to show the implementation of such a new system with pragmatic effort in order to gain a gradation for smaller operators. This approach should illustrate the leeway in order to adapt the processes and to show the interfaces between Corporate Risk Management and Safety Management. The book shows how to build a system with reasonable effort, appropriate to the size and complexity of the specific operator. It also gives inputs on the key aspects and how to effectively operate such a system with the various interfaces. Furthermore, the book highlights the importance of Corporate Risk Management independent of Safety Management Systems based on ICAO.

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  • Mosedale, Jan (2011): Political economy of tourism. A critical perspective. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group (Contemporary geographies of leisure, tourism and mobility)

    Abstract: Political economy (in its various guises and transfigurations) is a research philosophy that presents both social commentary and theoretical progress and is concerned with a number of different topics: politics, regulation and governance, production systems, social relations, inequality and development amongst many others. As a critical theory, political economy seeks to provide an understanding of societies - and of the structures and social relations that form them - in order to evoke social change toward more equitable conditions. Despite the early influence of critical development studies and political economy on tourism research, political economy has received relatively little attention in tourism research. "Political Economy and Tourism" is the first volume to bring together different theoretical perspectives and discourse in political economy related to tourism. Written by leading scholars, the text is organised into three sequential Parts, linked by the principle that 'the political' and 'the economic' are intimately connected. Part 1 presents different approaches to political economy, including Marxist political economy, regulation, comparative political economy, commodity chain research and alternative political economies; Part 2 links key themes of political economy, such as class, gender, labour, development and consumption, to tourism; and, Part 3 examines the political economy at various geographical scales and focuses on the outcomes and processes of the political act of planning and managing tourism production. This engaging volume provides insights and alternative critical perspectives on political economy theory to expand discussions of tourism development and policy in the future.

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  • Wittmer, Andreas; Bieger, Thomas; Müller, Roland (Hg.) (2011): Aviation Systems. Management of the Integrated Aviation Value Chain. Berlin: Springer


    Abstract: This book aims to provide comprehensive coverage of the field of air transportation, giving attention to all major aspects, such as aviation regulation, economics, management and strategy. The book approaches aviation as an interrelated economic system and in so doing presents the “big picture” of aviation in the market economy. It explains the linkages between domains such as politics, society, technology, economy, ecology, regulation and how these influence each other. Examples of airports and airlines, and case studies in each chapter support the application-oriented approach. Students and researchers in business administration with a focus on the aviation industry, as well as professionals in the industry looking to refresh or broaden their knowledge of the field will benefit from this book.

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  • Müller, Roland; Wittmer, Andreas (Hg.) (2009): Auswirkungen supranationaler Regulierungen in der Luftfahrt. Zürich: Dike Verlag (CFAC - Schriften zur Luftfahrt)

    Abstract: Das Center for Aviation Competence (CFAC-HSG) an der Universität St. Gallen ist eine unabhängige Institution, welche Aufklärungsarbeit im Bereich der Aviatik leistet und damit das Image der Luftfahrt fördern will. Ein wichtiges Mittel der Aufklärungsarbeit sind wissenschaftliche Publikationen. Deshalb soll mit diesem ersten Band eine neue Schriftenreihe unter dem Titel «CFAC – Schriften zur Luftfahrt» begründet werden. Die Luftfahrt wird geprägt durch supranationale Regulierungen. Nationale Behörden haben nur wenige Möglichkeiten, in diesem Bereich selbst regulierend einzugreifen. Umso bedeutender ist es deshalb, wie supranationale Regulierungen national umgesetzt werden. Mit der Umsetzung sind unter Umständen Wettbewerbswirkungen für die Akteure der Luftfahrt verbunden. Diese Problematik wird mit dem ersten Band der Schriftenreihe aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln untersucht. Dabei soll gleichzeitig grundlegendes Fachwissen bezüglich internationalen Organisationen und Normen in der Luftfahrt vermittelt werden. Für weitere Bände dieser Schriftenreihe ist damit der Grundstein gelegt.

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  • Eberhardt, Stephan; Linden, Erik; Wittmer, Andreas (2020) : Drohnen als Lufttaxis. Ein neues Transportmittel für Personen In: Laesser, Christian; Bieger, Thomas; Axhausen, Kay W. (Hg.): Schweizer Jahrbuch für Verkehr 2020. Universität St. Gallen. Institut für Systemisches Management und Public Governance; Schweizerische Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft: St. Gallen (Schweizer Jahrbuch für Verkehr), S. 7-23

    Abstract: Die Einführung von autonomen Lufttaxis (autonomous vertical take-off and landing aircraft, AVTOL) hat das Potenzial, eine neue Art des Personentransports zu prägen und eine sinnvolle Ergänzung zu bisherigen Verkehrsträgern in der Zukunft darzustellen. Neben der fortschrittlichen Technologie könnten AVTOLs eine Vielzahl an Vorteilen gegenüber anderen Transportmitteln bieten. Je nach AVTOL-Technologie könnten Vorteile zum Beispiel schnelles Reisen, mehr bzw. andere Nutzung von verfügbarer Infrastruktur, mehr produktive Zeit auf der Reise, mehr Sicherheit und mehr Mobilität sein. Dieser Beitrag hat das Ziel, mögliche Szenarien und Anwendungsfälle für den Einsatz von autonomen Lufttaxis zu evaluieren und den Zeitpunkt zu untersuchen, zu dem mit einer Umsetzung gerechnet werden kann. Dazu wird, neben einer Literaturrecherche zur Sichtweise möglicher Anwendungsfälle und deren Umsetzungszeit, eine Delphi-Studie mit Experten durchgeführt. Mit Hilfe der Delphi-Studie wurde ein breit gefächertes Expertenpanel zur Eintrittswahrscheinlich von möglichen Szenarien und Anwendungsfällen sowie zum Zeitpunkt der Umsetzung von AVTOLs befragt. Im Anschluss wurden die Ergebnisse aus der Literaturrecherche mit denen der Delphi-Befragung reflektiert, um eine bessere Vorhersage treffen zu können. Die Wissenschaftlichkeit dieses Beitrags liegt darin, dass auf den bestehenden Studien aufgebaut wird und ein neuer Ansatz im Umgang mit AVTOLs gewählt wird. Die praktische Relevanz dieses Beitrags umfasst die Evaluation möglicher Anwendungsfelder für den Einsatz von AVTOL als Lufttaxis für Personen und deren möglicher Implementierungszeitpunkt.

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  • Gunziger, Philipp; Linden, Erik; Wittmer, Andreas (2018) : Das System Elektromobilität. Eine qualitatv-systemische Analyse der Einflussfaktoren auf die Elektromobilität in der Schweiz In: Laesser, Christian; Bieger, Thomas; Maggi, Rico (Hg.): Schweizer Jahrbuch für Verkehr 2018. Universität St. Gallen. Institut für Systemisches Management und Public Governance; Schweizerische Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft: St. Gallen (Schweizer Jahrbuch für Verkehr)

    Abstract: Die vorliegende Studie untersucht Faktoren, welchen auf das Voranschreiten der Elektromobilität in der Schweiz einen Einfluss nehmen. Dazu wurde untersucht, welche Einflussfaktoren sich in fördernder oder hemmender Hinsicht auf die Elektromobilität in der Schweiz auswirken. Darüber hinaus wurde der Frage nachgegangen, welche Veränderung in Zukunft noch erfolgen müssen, um die Elektromobilität massentauglich auszugestalten. Hierfür wurde ein systemischer Ansatz nach Ulrich (1970) verfolgt, um die Komplexität und die Interdependenzen innerhalb eines vielschichtigen Konstrukts wie der Elektromobilität ganzheitlich erfassen zu können. Mithilfe des systemischen Managementansatzes «Aviation Systems» von Wittmer und Bieger (2011) wurde ein provisorisches Framework für die Elektromobilität gebildet, unter dessen Teile die Einflussfaktoren später subsumiert wurden. Zentraler Bestandteil sind die Expertenbefragungen in Form von Experteninterviews und einer Fokusgruppe, die qualitativ ausgewertet und mit der Literatur in Abgleich gebracht wurden. Die Auswertungen zeigen dass die wichtigsten Einflussfaktoren mit den CO2 Vorschriften und der Ladeinfrastruktur dem «politischen Teilsystem» der Elektromobilität zuzuordnen sind. Des Weiteren sind aus dem ökonomischen Teilsystem das beschränkte Angebot an Elektrofahrzeugen und deren hoher Kaufpreis als prioritäre Einflussfaktoren zu sehen. Ausser den CO2 Vorschriften sind die genannten Faktoren zurzeit noch hemmend für die Entwicklung der Elektromobilität, wodurch sich auch die momentan sehr tiefen Marktanteile von Elektrofahrzeugen erklären lassen. Für eine hohe Marktdurchdringung von Elektrofahrzeugen ist ein dichtes Netz an öffentlicher Ladeinfrastruktur, ebenso wie private Lademöglichkeiten essentiell. Weiter unabdingbar für die Massentauglichkeit sind eine breite Fahrzeugpalette an Elektrofahrzeugen, die unterschiedliche Segmente bedienen kann und eine Senkung der immer noch sehr hohen Verkaufspreise. Des Weiteren muss die Reichweite von Elektrofahrzeugen weiter ansteigen, nicht aber, um einen realen Reichweitenbedarf abzudecken, sondern viel mehr um der psychologischen Reichweitenangst der Konsumenten entgegenzuwirken. Der systemische Ansatz hat sich bei der Behandlung einer vielschichtigen Thematik wie der Elektromobilität als essentiell erwiesen. Nur mit einer holistischen Betrachtungsweise können sämtliche relevanten Faktoren gefunden, evaluiert und deren Auswirkungen beurteilt werden.

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  • Wittmer, Andreas; Linden, Erik (2017) : Die Zukunft der Mobilität In: Laesser, Christian; Bieger, Thomas; Maggi, Rico (Hg.): Schweizer Jahrbuch für Verkehr 2017. Universität St. Gallen. Institut für Systemisches Management und Public Governance; Schweizerische Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft: St. Gallen (Schweizer Jahrbuch für Verkehr), S. 117-133

    Abstract: Mobilität wird durch Trends und dadurch einhergehende Veränderung der Umwelt immer komplexer und für Mobilitätsanbieter schwieriger planbar. Um dieser Komplexität Rechnung zu tragen wurden zentrale Trends der Mobilität identifiziert, Mobilitätskriterien gebildet und hiervon zwei Mobilitätsszenarien für die Zukunft der Mobilität im Jahr 2040 abgeleitet – die disruptive Digitalisierung und die konservative Demokratie. Es wurden acht Bedürfnisse von Mobilitätskunden und deren 22 Nutzentreiber als zentral identifiziert und in den beiden Szenarien überprüft, um Erkenntnisse zu den Veränderungen im Informations- und Mobilitätsverhalten von Mobilitätskunden zu gewinnen. Es konnte herausgefunden werden, dass die Mobilitätskunden komplex und divers und somit nur schwer in Kundengruppen zu ordnen sind. Ausserdem wurde ermittelt, dass sich das Informations-, Pendel- und allgemeine Mobilitätsverhalten verändern und stark an die Umwelt- bzw. Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen anpassen wird. Der Mobilitätskunde wünscht sich somit in Zukunft 100%-ige Sicherheit, Pünktlichkeit und Planbarkeit sowie emissionsfreie, klimafreundliche, multimodale und zeitungebundene Angebote.

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  • Huitric, Miriam; Peterson, Garry; Rocha, Juan Carlos; Carson, Marcus; Clark, Douglas; Forbes, Bruce; Hovelsrud, Grete K.; Mathiesen, Svein D.; Perl, Ashley; Quinlan, Allyson (2016) : What factors build or erode resilience in the Arctic?. Unter Mitarbeit von Tobias Luthe In: Arctic Council: Arctic Resilience Report. Stockholm Environment Institute and Stockholm Resilience Centre: Stockholm

    Abstract: Resilience, including the capacity for transformation, has always been crucial for living in the Arctic – and it is even more so amid the rapid changes taking place today. A key first step towards enhancing resilience across the Arctic is to understand the social, behavioural and ecological processes that are already building (or eroding) resilience in the Arctic. This chapter compares 25 case studies to identify commonalities in cases where resilience has been maintained or lost, or where transformation has occurred. The findings have important implications for the design of policies and measures to build resilience in the Arctic.

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  • Wittmer, Andreas; Gross, Mirco; Bieger, Thomas; Olesen, Anne (2012) : Die Entwicklung eines Wirkungsmodells für den Schienenverkehr am Beispiel der SBB In: Laesser, Christian; Bieger, Thomas; Maggi, Rico (Hg.): Schweizer Jahrbuch für Verkehr 2012. Universität St. Gallen. Institut für Systemisches Management und Public Governance; Schweizerische Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft: St. Gallen (Schweizer Jahrbuch für Verkehr), S. 193-204

    Abstract: Wirkungsmodelle sind ein geeignetes Instrument, um der hohen Komplexität heutiger Organisationen und Branchen oder auch Geschäftsmodellen von Unternehmen sinnvoll zu begegnen. Insbesondere der Schienenverkehr ist durch seine Stellung an der Schnittstelle von Staat und Markt sowie durch den engen Verbund von Infrastruktur und Betrieb durch eine Vielzahl interner und externer Wirkungsbeziehungen gekennzeichnet. Im Beitrag wird der Prozess zur Entwicklung eines Wirkungsmodells im Schienenverkehr am Beispiel der SBB aufgezeigt und die damit verbundenen Erfahrungen und Lehren reflektiert.

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  • Wittmer, Andreas; Beritelli, Pietro (2010) : Das Netzwerk der Regionalflughäfen der Schweiz. Identifizierung der Rolle von Netzwerkpartnern und Simulierung von strukturellen Veränderungen In: Laesser, Christian; Bieger, Thomas; Maggi, Rico (Hg.): Schweizerische Verkehrswirtschaft: Jahrbuch 2010. Universität St. Gallen. Institut für Systemisches Management und Public Governance: St. Gallen (Schweizer Jahrbuch für Verkehr), S. 9-22

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  • Wittmer, Andreas (2009) : Untersuchungen der Luftfahrtentwicklung unter Einbezug von Reisezeitersparnissen und Emissionen am Beispiel des Flughafens Zürich In: Laesser, Christian; Bieger, Thomas; Maggi, Rico (Hg.): Schweizerische Verkehrswirtschaft: Jahrbuch 2009. Universität St. Gallen. Institut für Systemisches Management und Public Governance: St. Gallen (Schweizer Jahrbuch für Verkehr)

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  • Wittmer, Andreas (2008) : Die Wirkung einer Allianzmitgliedschaft auf die Passagiernachfrage In: Laesser, Christian; Bieger, Thomas; Beritelli, Pietro (Hg.): Schweizerische Verkehrswirtschaft: Jahrbuch 2008. Universität St. Gallen. Institut für Systemisches Management und Public Governance: St. Gallen (Schweizer Jahrbuch für Verkehr), S. 221-231

    Abstract: Dieser Beitrag behandelt das Verhalten von Flugpassagieren beim Kauf von Flugtickets in Verbindung mit Meilenprogrammen von Airlines. Empirische Daten zeigen, dass Passagierloyalität durch das Besitzen eines Meilenkontos bei einer Airlineallianz entsteht. Zudem sind Passagiere mit einem hohen Meilenstatus weniger preissensitiv beim Kauf eines Flugtickets. Der vorliegende Artikel betrachtet die Produktivität von Fluggesellschaften aus der Perspektive von Loyalitätsprogrammen als Teil des Relationship Management. Des Weiteren beschäftigt er sich mit der Wichtigkeit von Preisen für Passagiere, die über ein Meilenkonto bei einer Airlineallianz verfügen.

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  • Müller, Adrian; Wittmer, Andreas (2021) : The end of international business air travel?. Pandemics, climate change, and the need to meet: 24th ATRS World Conference: Air Transport Research Society (ATRS): Online, 26.-29. August. University of New South Wales

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  • Wittmer, Andreas; Marchetti, Mara (2019) : The potential of loyalty programs for leisure carriers: 23rd ATRS World Conference: Air Transport Research Society (ATRS): Amsterdam, 2.-5. Juli. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, School of Business & Economics

    Abstract: The aim of this paper is to assess the potential of loyalty programs, which reward loyal passengers flying mainly for leisure purposes with an airline. This empirical, quantitative work includes an online survey. In total, 247 individuals participated in the enquiry. 190 respondents answered all questions completely. The whole sample consists of inflight and online surveys. A KANO approach was used to find implicit results in addition to answers on explicit questions. The results show the capability of a loyalty program to add value to the passenger experience of leisure carries. Passengers highly appreciate services like free seat reservations, surprises, additional or individualized services and collection as a group. The highest potential is seen in a loyalty program that focuses on characteristics that drive attitudinal loyalty in addition to behavioral loyalty, aiming to collect customer data and to build up an emotional relationship with the customer. The relevance lies in the question, how leisure carriers can better bind their customers. Especially leisure carriers, which operate under the roof of a large network carriers, often need to redeem miles points of customers flying on vacation with miles they collected on business trips with other partner airlines. Hence, leisure carriers have to think about how to bind customers, who actually create value to them, not to others. This research approaches this relevant issue.

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  • Gremion, Emilie; Linden, Erik; Wittmer, Andreas (2019) : An Empirical Analysis of Flight Ticket Purchasing Behavior. Determining Generation Y's Level of Involvement for Different Network Strategies: 23rd ATRS World Conference: Air Transport Research Society (ATRS): Amsterdam, 2.-5. Juli. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, School of Business & Economics

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  • Linden, Erik; Dorizzi, Francesco; Wittmer, Andreas (2019) : Eco-labels and their influence on consumers' decision making in the aviation sector: 23rd ATRS World Conference: Air Transport Research Society (ATRS): Amsterdam, 2.-5. Juli. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, School of Business & Economics

    Abstract: This paper focuses on eco-labels, as an educative nudge and measures its ability to create transparency on the environmental impact of a commercial flight as well as its influence on the passengers choice making. The increasing concerns about the environment in our society led to more pro-environmental consumer behaviour. Resulting from social norms, values and beliefs people act more environmental-friendly which leads to several improvements in several industries. However, this picture is slightly different in the airlines industry, where few people want to forgo the possibility to fly. This is shown in the tremendously growing number of air passenger and the growth of new CO2 emissions, which outpaces the savings of current innovations in the aviation sector. A discrete-choice-model experiment with 202 participants measured that there is a willingness-to-pay for better ratings of eco-labelled aircraft. The respondents slightly prefer good scores for attributes that measure non-domestic impacts (e.g., total emissions of flight) to characteristics that measure domestic impacts (e.g., noise level or starting and landing emissions). In particular, respondents that have a firm intention of behaving pro-environmental choose the best ratings despite the price of the corresponding flight.

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  • Deuber, Andreas; Hörburger, Norbert (2018) : Design to cost in der Ferienhotellerie. Entwicklung und Umsetzung standortgerechter Beherbergungskonzepte In: Ehlen, Tobias; Scherhag, Knut (Hg.): Aktuelle Herausforderungen in der Hotellerie: Innovationen und Trends: 20. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Tourismus (DGT): Worms, 10. - 11. November 2016: Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag (Schriften zu Tourismus und Freizeit), S. 115-132

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  • Luthe, Tobias (2018) : Systemic Design Lab. Incubating systemic design skills by experiential didactics and nature-based creativity In: Volk, Benno; Scherrer, Pia (Hg.): Proceedings of the Learning and Teaching Fair: Learning and Teaching Fair: Zürich, 14. November. Educational Development and Technology Unit (LET). ETH Zurich (Learning and Teaching Journal. Special Edition), S. 56-57. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 24.07.2020


    Abstract: Outdoor experiences, fabrication and transdisciplinarity empower students as change agents for sustainability, developing skills in critical systems thinking, bio-inspired creativity, circular design and service understanding.

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  • Linden, Erik; Bruschek, Tamara; Wittmer, Andreas (2018) : Usability of airline websites in the ticket purchasing process. An eye-tracking study of air traffic passengers: 22nd ATRS World Conference: Air Transport Research Society (ATRS): Seoul, 2.-5. Juli. The Korea Transport Institute

    Abstract: The goal of this research project was to analyze how a booking processes on airline websites can be designed more easily so that usability for the customer can be improved. Further, the authors wanted to derive possible consequences of an easier ticket purchase process for the overall design of an airline website. The model underlying this paper shows the connection between booking process design, subject behavior, perception and consequences of the customer in the ticket purchase process. In contrast to the frequently used TAM, the focus of this model lies on the booking process design as an external factor and on actual subject behavior. Through the mix of a literature review, an eye tracking research method as well as a pre- and post-survey, the actual behavior was compared to the subjective perception. Through the examination of the homepage of Swiss International Airlines, Turkish Airlines, Norwegian Airlines, and Ryanair, the authors emphasize that satisfaction of customers significantly influences the intention to reuse and the probability of WOM. The website of Turkish Airlines has proven to be not customer friendly, having a direct negative effect on the intention to reuse the website and the probability of WOM. Swiss customers were very satisfied with the usability, design and process of booking, having a direct positive effect on the intention to reuse and the probability of WOM. Despite being relatively easy to use and due to the high amount of information, the websites of Norwegian and Ryanair have proven to be very complex for customers in their design, thus having a direct negative effect on the rate of satisfaction.

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  • Wittmer, Andreas; Nachbaur, Sabrina (2018) : Booking recommendations of search engines. Danger for the airline industry?: 22nd ATRS World Conference: Air Transport Research Society (ATRS): Seoul, 2.-5. Juli. The Korea Transport Institute

    Abstract: This paper investigates the influence of search engines on the booking behavior of passengers and the airline industry. It is examined whether new functions of booking portals advising to book or to wait with respect to price changes in the future influence the booking behavior of passengers and whether the recommendations of search engines are precise. This is relevant and can become a threat to airlines with respect to ticket pricing. Therefore, an online survey was developed to collect data about booking behavior. 543 persons representing current and future users of online booking portals across all age groups in Switzerland and the surrounding boarder regions in Austria and Germany were used as a sample. In addition to the survey, an experiment to test the accuracy of booking portals was carried out. The results indicate that the booking recommendations of Kayak or Swoodoo are used by about 25% of all participants. In future usage can be estimated increase. Relations can be seen with the price sensitivity and the frequency of traveling. However, with different functions entirely different correlations were found. Overall, the survey shows that the features of the search engines can have an influence on the booking behavior of passengers. According to the experiment the portals must be assessed differently: while Google Flights was correct in all predictions, there were partial deviations for Kayak. Assuming that the portals continue to evolve and that passengers pay attention to these recommendations full service carriers need to be aware of these developments in the future.

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  • Jent, Nils; Pescia, Lena; Schneider, René (2018) : Digitale Arbeitsplatzgestaltung. Ein Live Case: Gesundheit und Inklusion in Zeiten der Digitalisierung: 5. Tagung des CDI-HSG zum Thema «Gesundheit und Inklusion in Zeiten der Digitalisierung»: St. Gallen, 19. Juni. Universität St. Gallen. Center for Disability and Integration

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  • Aebli, Annika (2017) : Mobile App Use Behaviour of Tourism Destination Visitor. An Investigation of Sought Gratifications and Actual Use Behaviours In: Kalbaska, Nadzeya; Ge, Jing; Murphy, Jamie; Sigala, Marianna (Hg.): PhD Workshop Research Proposals: ENTER2017 eTourism Conference: Rome, 24. - 26. Januar. International Federation for IT and Travel & Tourism: Lugano: Università della Svizzera italiana, S. 125-129. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 27.03.2020


    Abstract: Mobile apps provide tourism destinations with features to offer personalised services to their guests. Although the relevance of mobile apps for travels is indisputable, it remains unclear what motivates tourists to use mobile apps during holiday. This study contributes to the theory of uses & gratifications (U&Gs) and the theory of reasoned action (TRA) by investigating tourists’ actual use behaviours of a mobile destination app. The research findings are expected to help tourism destinations offer the right mobile app features to their different target groups.

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  • Aebli, Annika (2017) : Touristische Nutzung Mobiler Dienste zur Information und Kommunikation. Eine Sommergäste-Befragung in Alpinen Destinationen des Kantons Graubünden, Schweiz In: Landvogt, Markus; Brysch, Armin A.; Gardini, Marco A. (Hg.): Tourismus - E-Tourismus - M-Tourismus: Herausforderungen und Trends der Digitalisierung im Tourismus: 19. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Tourismuswissenschaft (DGT) 2015: Kempten: Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag (Schriften zu Tourismus und Freizeit), S. 169-179. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 06.03.2020


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  • Luthe, Tobias; Lumpe, Thomas; Schwarz, Jonas; Schütz, Martin; Shea, Kristina (2017) : Teaching Systemic Design for Sustainability in Engineering by Building Eco Skis In: Maier, Anja; Škec, Stanko; Kim, Harrison; Kokkolaras, Michael; Oehmen, Josef; Fadel, Georges; Salustri, Filippo; van der Loos, Mike (Hg.): Resource Sensitive Design, Design Research Applications and Case Studies: 21st International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED): Vancouver, 21. - 25. August 2017. Design Society: Red Hook, NY: Curran (Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 17)), S. 189-198. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 27.03.2020


    Abstract: Resource limitations are drivers for engaging in sustainability. Systemic design approaches to address complex sustainability challenges need to be implemented more in education curricula, especially in design and engineering programs. Innovative and adequate didactic concepts should be effective in the long-term learning outcomes, and motivate students to engage in systemic design thinking and practice. The main objective of this paper is to deliver and evaluate an innovative format for teaching systemic design in an engineering program at the ETH Zurich, that is effective both in direct learning outcomes and long-term motivation to embrace and apply its theory and practice. We evaluate the effectiveness of the course with self-reflective material and process matrices, and with a final questionnaire. The combination of lectures and a ski-building workshop led to highly engaged and motivated students who experienced simplifications to complexity and trustable, aesthetic eco-design solutions to incorporate in their skis. The majority wished to study further in systemic design and to apply such practice more in their engineering design work.

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  • Luthe, Tobias; Wyss, Romano (2017) : Eine sozial-ökologische Netzwerkanalyse zur Bedeutung von Ökosystemleistungen in der touristisch geprägten Schweizer Parc Adula-Gotthard Region In: Roth, Ralf; Schwark, Jürgen (Hg.): Wirtschaftsfaktor Sporttourismus: Ressourcenmanagement, Produkt- und Destinationsentwicklung: 18. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Tourismus (DGT): Köln, 13. bis 15. November 2014: Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag (Schriften zu Tourismus und Freizeit), S. 123-136

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  • Linden, Erik; Feltscher, Bettino; Wittmer, Andreas (2017) : A Model for Measuring Airport Competitiveness. The Case of Zurich Airport: 21st ATRS World Conference: Air Transport Research Society (ATRS): Antwerp, 5.-8. Juli. University of Antwerp

    Abstract: This paper focuses on hub airport competition for airlines and for transfer traffic but not for origin – destination passengers. There is an ongoing discussion about airport competitiveness and factors used to measure and compare competitiveness of airports. The question raised addresses whether the competitiveness of airports can objectively be compared and which implications can be derived with respect to the case of Zurich Airport, the hub of Switzerland. Therefore, the authors develop a comprehensive model of airport competitiveness based on five main factors: environmental factors, demand factors, managerial factors, facility factors and service factors. To assess its competitiveness, Zurich Airport is compared with seven European competitors for transfer traffic. Among eight airports Zurich Airport is ranked fifth. The most competitive airport thereof turned out to be Schiphol, followed by Paris CDG, London Heathrow and Frankfurt. The results show that the competitiveness of Zurich Airport is inhibited through the strict regulations for capacity extensions, operation hours and the regulations regarding noise. As growth at Zurich Airport is limited due to capacity restrictions, it is questionable if the airport will be competitive in the future.

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  • Beier, Michael; Aebli, Annika (2016) : Who Uses Mobile Apps Frequently on Vacation?. Evidence from Tourism in Switzerland In: Inversini, Alessandro; Schegg, Roland (Hg.): Information and communication technologies in tourism 2016: Proceedings: ENTER2016: Bilbao, 2. - 5. Februar: Cham; Heidelberg; New York, NY; Dordrecht; London: Springer, S. 549-562. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 25.06.2020


    Abstract: Mobile applications which are installed and executed on smartphones (so called “mobile apps”) are currently an intensively debated topic in tourism. Mobile apps provide various potentials for applications in the industry as they enable tourism organizations to provide better services to their customers. Also, they allow tourists special travel experiences which significantly add value to their travel activities. Using a survey of 1562 tourists in Switzerland we analyse influences of five different person-related factors on tourist’s propensity for frequent use of mobile apps on their vacation. Our results show that the general propensity to use internet on holidays corresponds with the propensity to use mobile apps on vacation. In contrast, age and a foreign origin of tourists are negatively related to the propensity to use mobile apps on vacation.

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  • Wittmer, Andreas; Daum, Sebastian (2016) : The Concept of Well-being and Its Effect on Airline Ticket Purchasing: 20st ATRS World Conference: Air Transport Research Society World Conference: Rhodes, Griechenland, 23.-26. Juni

    Abstract: For very long time questions on and about well-being were discussed by several authors and are still present in recent literature. Although well-being research has grown increasingly within the last decade and in the field of consumer behavior, a transfer and use of its concept into the airline ticket purchasing process cannot be found. Until now, only a few authors have taken efforts to apply well-being as a potential factor within the consumer decision-making in travel and transportation research. Based on the theoretical roots of well-being, this paper analyses its constitution, function and use within human behavioral motivation to first describe and define well-being in general and second to investigate potential well-being factors that can be used within the airline ticket purchasing process. By combining a review of relevant literature and qualitative research, well-being is defined as a condition or state of good, positive and pleasant feelings and a general feeling of happiness. It is mainly constituted by six major attributes: Positive social environment, being relaxation, freedom, trust, good feeling and myself. The transfer of general well-being factors from travel and transportation research identified seven aviation factors that supposedly affect passengers’ ticket purchases. These key factors are linked to specific airline options and are further specified in order to test the most appropriate on their effect within the airline ticket purchasing process. In the end, a conjoint analysis reveals that the derived well-being factors are only partly relevant for passengers’ ticket purchases. Yet, it is shown that air travelling is affected by hedonic well-being options, such as comfort, relaxation or joy. Airlines that focus on implementing effective hedonic.

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  • Wittmer, Andreas; Daum, Sebastian (2016) : The concept of well-being and its effect on airline ticket purchasing: 66th AIEST Conference: International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism Conference: Malta, 28. August - 1. September

    Abstract: From the very beginning questions on and about well-being were discussed by several authors and are still very present in recent literature. Although well-being research has grown increasingly within the last decade and in the field of consumer behaviour, a transfer and use of its concept into the airline ticket purchasing process cannot be found. Until now, only a few authors have taken efforts to apply well-being as a potential factor within the consumer decision-making in travel and transportation research. Based on the theoretical roots of well-being, this thesis analyses its constitution, function and use within human behavioural motivation to first describe and define well-being in general and second to investigate potential well-being factors that can be used within the airline ticket purchasing process. By combining a review of relevant literature and qualitative research, well-being is defined as a condition or state of good, positive and pleasant feelings and a general feeling of happiness. It is mainly constituted by six major attributes: Positive social environment, being myself, relaxation, freedom, trust and good feeling. The transfer of general well-being factors from travel and transportation research identified seven aviation factors that supposedly impact passengers’ ticket purchases. These key factors are linked to specific airline options and are further specified in order to test the most appropriate on their effect within the airline ticket purchasing process. In the end, a conjoint analysis reveals that the derived well-being factors are only partly relevant for passengers’ ticket purchases. Yet, it is shown that air travelling is affected by hedonic well-being options, such as comfort, relaxation or joy. Airlines that focus on implementing effective hedonic well-being factors, such as seat comfort and ticket flexibility, can thus create additional value for customers through the creation of well-being.

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  • Maurer, Thalissa; Wittmer, Andreas (2015) : Airport loyalty programs: 19th ATRS World Conference: Air Transport Research Society World Conference: Singapur, 2.-5. Juli

    Abstract: Airports are operating in two sided markets. On one side are the airlines, which airports fight for in a competitive market. On the other side are passengers within the catchment area of the airports. Furthermore, there are transfer travelers, which choose their itinerary partly based on the attractiveness and efficiency of transfer airports. Hence, airports aim at being an attractive place for travelers and by this for airlines. For increasing competitiveness, especially secondary airports, but partly also primary hubs have established customer loyalty programs. The aim of this paper is to compare several of such programs, which European Airports offer. A passenger survey provides a ranking of service attributes, which are attractive for travelers as benefits from airport loyalty programs. The results of the study provide indications for secondary airports in Europe, which consider their competitiveness by introducing an airport loyalty program.

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  • Wittmer, Andreas; Bott, Gian Andrea (2015) : Explicit and implicit customer satisfaction factors in the leisure airline business: 65th AIEST Conference: International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism Conference: Lijiang, China, 23.-27. August

    Abstract: One of the main challenges for airlines is to retain loyal customers in a very competitive environment. Loyal customers offer a greater share of wallet, require less marketing effort, spread positive word of mouth and are often less price sensitive. Consequently, the objective of this paper is to understand what the key leisure airline loyalty factors are and how the leisure airline could design their product to retain as many loyal leisure passengers as possible. Hence, we develop a framework based on the customer value model which can serve as guidance for airline managers focusing on the leisure air market. To find satisfaction factors, a literature review followed by a means-end analysis to update the satisfaction factor database were conducted. The satisfaction factors were then tested in a survey including explicit and implicit questions with 402 air passengers at Zurich Airport in 2014. Based on stated preferences 21 identified factors were ranked. By using the Kano approach ten main aggregated attributes were identified and the potential implicit satisfaction impact was measured.

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  • Wittmer, Andreas; Oberlin, Nicole (2014) : Ancillary revenue pricing: 18th ATRS World Conference: Air Transport Research Society World Conference: Bordeaux, 17.-20. Juli

    Abstract: The airline industry has evolved from a system of long-established state owned carriers operating in a regular market to a dynamic, deregulated industry. This development - especially the emerging competition of Low Cost Carriers - had a major influence on the price setting behavior of airlines. Profitability of airlines is limited and pricing systems are reconsidered. In order to stay competitive traditional full service carriers consider the implementation of ancillary revenue systems (similar to Low Cost Carriers). This paper investigates challenges of an ancillary revenue pricing approach for full service network carriers. A qualitative means-end approach was used to find attributes which are of importance for air passengers and influence their ticket buying behavior. In addition, the study provides an insight into the perception of an ancillary revenue system in the full service network carrier market. The findings provide 18 ticket purchase attributes and 15 behavioral terminal values shown in hierarchical value maps. Based on those values it became evident that most passengers appreciate if some services are included in the price and not offered as ancillaries. Benefits of ancillary revenue systems are the individual ticket creation, customization, improved price-performance ratio, flexibility gains and progressive idea. Main drawbacks are complicate and complex booking process, feeling of uncertainty, branding problem, deformation of competitive behavior, similar system like Low Cost Carriers, feeling of paying extra for every service, perceived loss in service and quality.

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  • Wittmer, Andreas; Wolffson, Jannik (2014) : Customer value of the first class product on long-haul flights. A Kano Analysis: 64th AIEST Conference: International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism Conference: Plzen, Tschechien, 24.-28. August

    Abstract: Throughout the last years, airlines reduced first class capacities on long-haul flights or even completely cut their long-haul first class offers (Nicas, 2012). Due to a reduction in demand (IATA, 2010), many premium airlines struggled to afford a top premium offer. The goal of this study is to investigate the customer value of a long-haul flight in first class cabin. Hereby, the focus lies in identifying drivers for customer satisfaction and to analyse if there are differences in experience of satisfaction among different customer groups. By conducting a means end analysis, customers’ motivation and values were determined. Based on these results, a Kano analysis was designed. The survey was conducted online among more than 100 participants who regularly travel business and first class. The results show that current first class products do provide attributes that foster satisfaction. Customers perceive certain attributes differently not only according to their product aware-ness but also in relation to monetary versus status voucher or miles payment.

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  • Luthe, Tobias; Voll, Frieder (2013) : An outline of research for systemic governance of protected areas. Building partnerships for sustainable management: Conference Volume: 5th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas: Mittersill, 10. - 12. Juni. Nationalparks Austria, S. 483-488. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 24.07.2020


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  • Wittmer, Andreas (2013) : Customer Value of Airport Security Services: 17th ATRS World Conference: Air Transport Research Society World Conference: Bergamo, 26.-29. Juni

    Abstract: Service quality of airports is evaluated by several studies on a regular basis (ACI, Skytrax, ATRS). Many studies do not or only partly include airport security and border control services as quality drivers of passengers' airport experience. Reasons are that security and border control services are mostly handled by governmental organizations or external security companies rather than by the airports themselves. From a passenger perspective security and border control are steps of the service chain at airports and they can have an impact on travelers' first perception of service culture in a destination. They belong to the procedure at the airport and can have an impact on airport service quality perception. Furthermore, as border control and security checks are the first and last interaction point of travelers with a destination, there might be an impact on the feelings and memories of travelers about a country. Therefore the underlying study focuses on customer value provided by security and border control services at airports and its impacts on passengers' quality perception of the airport and the destination. The results show that most of the participants do not see a relation between the performance of an airport at security check and border control and the service culture of the destination they travel to. There are no specific expectations concerning the treatment at security and border control at the airport. But on one hand the passengers expect more friendly staff and more information about the procedure and what they are allowed to take into the secure area of the airport. On the other hand, the security checks are perceived as strict and some rules and behaviors of security staff are not understandable. Sometimes Passengers do not feel fairly treated by the security department. Passengers feel that they are seen as a potential threat. Passengers think that the treatment in Europe is generally more friendly than in the United States.

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  • Wittmer, Andreas; Riegler, Barbara (2013) : Purchasing a General Ticket. A Means End Approach: 13th WCTRS: World Conference of Transport Research: Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien, 15.-18. Juli

    Abstract: Consumer behavior or decision making by consumer can be viewed from different perspectives. In the case of the underlying study judgment and decision theory and systematic versus heuristic decision making build bases for the research discussion. The buying behavior of season tickets underlies a complex decision process. The railway customer can deal with complexity in two ways. Either he decides on the based on heuristics of his rather emotional beliefs or systematic based on a rational calculation. The goal of the study is the explanation of the two consumer typologies when buying seasonal tickets along the continuum from rather heuristically to systematically made decisions. Drivers for a rather heuristically based vs. a systematically based decision process under consideration of endogenous and exogenous factors and the willingness to pay are evaluated. Literature review is used to find relevant heuristic and systematic decision factors. Further expert interviews verify those factors. Primary research with railway customers in Switzerland is conducted using implicit and explicit research methods to find the relevance of factors influencing a buying decision. Results show the decision process of rail season ticket customers. It is shown that convenience factors have a greater impact on season ticket sales than systematic factors. Furthermore, it is shown that customers who base their buying decisions on heuristic convenience factors rather than systematic price calculations are less price sensitive. Elements of customer benefits have come out of the research. From those benefits factors which make rail travels more valuable will be derived. The knowledge of the impact of heuristic and systematic factors on the buying decision of seasonal railway tickets allows an explanation of willingness to pay for those tickets.

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  • Wittmer, Andreas (2013) : Monitoring Aviation Data. The Monitor System: 13th WCTRS: World Conference of Transport Research: Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien, 15.-18. Juli

    Abstract: The main intention in connection with the Monitor project was to design, plan and realise a monitoring system that is capable of continuously describing and evaluating long-term trends and challenges within the air transport sector. The following objectives were addressed by the project: - Gaining a better understanding of the dynamic nature of developments in air transport and the behaviour of the different actors within the aviation system. - Balancing economic interests, ecological constraints and social needs (sustainability approach). - Generating input for scenario modelling and quantification exercises linked to ACARE Vision 2020+, EUROCONTROL's "Long Term Forecast", JTI Clean Sky Technology Evaluator. - Identifying necessary conditions for aviation growth in the field of technology development and within the macro and socio-economic framework. As a strong orientation on the requirements and needs of aviation stakeholders was regarded as an important prerequisite for this task, an advisory committee of aviation experts was established at a very early stage of the project in order to secure that an external view is included. Together with the outcome of an experts' survey, the project objectives and the expected results could then be defined in more detail. Given this work process, the final components of the monitoring system were designed and oriented on three pillars which were seen as essential to address the monitoring function linked to the project. The monitoring system produced a flexible and upgradeable system that is capable of a permanent scanning and assessing of trends with relevance for the aviation sector. The broad focus of the monitoring system covers many important aspects from different perspectives. The results of the project are a meta-database on the major aviation issues, an indicator set providing a structure for monitoring the aviation industry and future air transport trends and scenarios. Three pillars (Database on Data sources, Indicator System, Future Trends and Scenarios) of the monitoring system were combined and implemented on a webpage ( On the basis of different indicators it is possible to compare different data from different sources.

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  • Wittmer, Andreas; Rowley, Edward (2013) : Customer value of purchasable supplementary services: 63rd AIEST Conference: International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism Conference: Izmir, Türkei, 25.-29. Juni

    Abstract: There is a general trend in the airline industry to find ways to generate ancillary revenue by offering additional or unbundled services. Especially low cost carriers are known to unbundle their services, however, in contrast only some network carriers started to unbundle their services and gain ancillary revenues, others do not due to a possible negative impact on customer perception and their brand image. The goal of this study is to determine viability and customer value of purchasable supplementary services for economy class passengers of European full-service network carriers. The focus of the study lies in determining specific characteristics of the customer value concept in the context of purchasable supplementary services. Additionally, knowledge about the unbundling of existing services, the introduction of new additional services, and the packaging of purchasable supplementary services is gained in order to determine the feasibility of implementing such measures. Using a customer value hierarchy to formulate the economy class passenger's desired attributes of purchasable supplementary services, a framework was built as a base for the research. Furthermore, a choice-based conjoint analysis was used to determine the implicit preferences in regard to purchasable supplementary service of economy class passengers. A survey was conducted at Zurich Airport in Switzerland and the results and analysis were built on the data of 249 respondents. The results show that economy class passengers do perceive value in purchasable supplementary services and display a general intention to purchase such services as long as they provide the passenger with added value and utility.

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  • Wittmer, Andreas; Rowley, Edward (2012) : Customer value of purchasable supplementary services: 16th ATRS World Conference: Air Transport Research Society World Conference: Tainan, Taiwan, 27.-30. Juni

    Abstract: There is a general trend in the airline industry to find ways to generate ancillary revenue by offering additional or unbundled services. Especially low cost carriers are known to unbundle their services, however, in contrast only some network carriers started to unbundle their services and gain ancillary revenues, others do not due to a possible negative impact on customer perception and their brand image. The goal of this study is to determine viability and customer value of purchasable supplementary services for economy class passengers of European full-service network carriers. The focus of the study lies in determining specific characteristics of the customer value concept in the context of purchasable supplementary services. Additionally, knowledge about the unbundling of existing services, the introduction of new additional services, and the packaging of purchasable supplementary services is gained in order to determine the feasibility of implementing such measures. Using a customer value hierarchy to formulate the economy class passenger's desired attributes of purchasable supplementary services, a framework was built as a base for the research. Furthermore, a choice-based conjoint analysis was used to determine the implicit preferences in regard to purchasable supplementary service of economy class passengers. A survey was conducted at Zurich Airport in Switzerland and the results and analysis were built on the data of 249 respondents. The results show that economy class passengers do perceive value in purchasable supplementary services and display a general intention to purchase such services as long as they provide the passenger with added value and utility.

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  • Beritelli, Pietro; Laesser, Christian; Wittmer, Andreas (2012) : DMOs bridging structural holes in destination networks. A perspective based on actor's networks: 62nd AIEST Conference: International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism Conference: Khon Kaen, Thailand, 26.-30. August

    Abstract: One of the main functions of Destination Management Organizations (DMO) in community-type of tourist destinations is to coordinate the supply network and therefore to serve as bridging organization in a fragmented and complex system of organizations, institutions and stake-holder groups. Traditional research on the roles of DMOs, including the coordinating function, builds on descriptive case studies and on the discussion of the cases at organizational/ destination level. We propose to change the perspective by analyzing the actor's level with the help of structural hole analysis of local elite networks. Thus, instead of describing the organizational role of coordination, we effectively measure the bridging value of the actors affiliated to the DMO in the network of the destination. The results of six selected destinations show that among the top four/ five bridging individuals in networks of between 13 to 42 actors, there are always not only the DMO directors but also at least one board member of the DMO. The paper concludes with further research in DMO board composition and evolution.

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  • Riegler, Barbara; Wittmer, Andreas (2012) : Differences of Ski Destination Choice Criteria for Day and Overnight Visitors In: Lade, Clare; Melsen, Lisa (Hg.): The new golden age of tourism and hospitality: 22nd International Research Conference Council for Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education: Melbourne, 6.-9. Februar: Victoria: La Trobe University (CAUTHE 2012)

    Abstract: Alpine ski resorts are facing the challenge of attracting tourists. Problems arise from two sides: increasing temperatures that lead to less snow resulting in shorter winter seasons and the number of skier days in the alpine region is decreasing constantly. Especially lower lying ski resorts are threatened by the falling demand. Ski destination in the Alps which are situated close to large cities are characterized by operating at lower altitudes, have therefore a shorter winter season and the majority of visitors are coming for just one day. This paper evaluates differences in destination choice factors for day and overnight visitors. Results show that day tourists put more weight on ski area quality related factors whereas for overnight tourists the overall performance of the ski destination is relevant.

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  • Wittmer, Andreas; Beritelli, Pietro (2011) : Comparing Airline Network Structures. The case of Australia: Tourism: Creating a Brilliant Blend: 21st International Research Conference Council for Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education: Adelaide, 8.-11. Februar

    Abstract: This paper examines network structures of Australian airlines between 2007 and 2010. First, it determines the importance and development of airport hubs and their position in the networks of Australian airlines. Second, it compares airline routes and competition. The network analysis is based on correlations which display the network structure and show the competi-tive situation of specific air routes, airlines and airports. The analysis was limited to the major Australian carriers Qantas, Jetstar Airways, Virgin Blue, V Australia, Tiger Australia and Tiger Airways. The results show that Sydney is the most important airport for the Australian air network followed by Brisbane, Melbourne and Perth. During the period between 2007 and 2010, Melbourne lost importance while Brisbane was gaining centrality. Correlations between the routes and the seat capacities of the airlines show situations of competition and coopera-tion and provide indications for the evaluation of airline strategies.

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  • Wittmer, Andreas; Riegler, Barbara; Monsch, Gian Rico (2011) : Impact Of An Economic Crisis On The Role Of Mileage Program ASSENGERS' CHOICE OF AN AIRLINE: 15th ATRS World Conference: Air Transport Research Society World Conference: Sydney, 29. Juni - 3. Juli

    Abstract: Customer loyalty and frequent flyer programs are proven to have a significant loyalty effect and a large influence on buying decisions (such as the choice of airline) in economically stable periods. The goal is to explore whether these influences and loyalty effects of frequent flyer programs still persist in economically difficult times of a likely longer duration, such as the situation in the second half of 2009. Just under 600 travelers have been questioned about their perception of the economic crisis on the one hand, and the influences on their choice and preference of airlines as well as the importance of frequent flyer programs for these choices on the other hand. The result of this research is that the economic crisis in fact has an impact on the importance of frequent flyer programs for the choice of airline, and that this importance has been reduced significantly. A preference for the airline of whose frequent flyer program the passenger is a member can still be found, but the actual behavior differs from it. This effect is measurable for all types of travelers and along various different stratifications (e.g. income, share of business trips) of the participants.

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  • Wittmer, Andreas; Riegler, Barbara; Laesser, Christian (2011) : Drivers for Ski Destination Choice: Tourism Promotion: New Challenges for the Tourism Sector: 61st International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism (AIEST) Conference: Barcelona, 28. August - 1. September

    Abstract: Alpine ski resorts are facing the challenge of attracting tourists. Especially ski destinations on lower levels in Switzerland will face problems to sustain with increasing temperatures and less snow. The arising question concerns the motives for skier visits. This study evaluates drivers for ski destination selection on the basis of a sample of potential Swiss skiers. Descriptive statistics and an exploratory factor analysis identify motives for ski destination selection criteria. Five factors were found and are (1) the overall snow and slope conditions, (2) the quality of relevant infrastructure, (3) the overall offer and popularity, (4) the price and the accessibility, (5) the means of transportation of a ski destination. These factors show that there are other factors next to snow and slope conditions, which motivate skiers for a visit. It is interesting the price factor is not the most important one.

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  • Riegler, Barbara; Stangl, Brigitte; Wittmer, Andreas (2011) : Hotel Managers' Complaint Handling Behavior on Social Media Platforms. An Inductive Qualitative Analysis: Conference on Social Media in Hospitality and Tourism: Verona, 21.-22. Oktober

    Abstract: Failures in the hotel's service performance lead to dissatisfaction of the customers. Dissatisfaction increases if organizations don't handle customer complaints in an appropriate way resulting in negative impacts of outcome variables such as negative word-of-mouth (WOM). There is evidence, that the more dissatisfied customers are the more likely they engage in negative WOM activities. Thus, effective service recovery strategies are of great importance in order to correct service failures and to secure the success of organizations. Social media platforms allow consumers to engage in WOM activities about an organization online. Thus, these platforms not only serve as a channel for distributing information from the suppliers' side but are also used to change experiences between travelers. Actually, social media is one of the most important sources for planning a vacation; customers trust their e-fellow's opinion; and online user reviews have significant impact on consumer considerations and online bookings. Therefore, hotel managers are forced to continuously monitor social media platforms. However, there is not enough research attempting if and how enterprises respond to negative eWOM. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate reactions of hotel managers to online complaints. In our study hotel managers in German speaking countries (Austria, Germany, and Switzerland) are confronted with a scenario of a possible negative entry (i.e. one travel blog posting and one review on a hotel rating platform) concerning their hotel. Then, they are asked to react to the scenario in terms of intended actions to be taken after detecting these negative comments online. A qualitative content analysis of the answers resulted in 8 categories of complaint handling on social media platforms. The hotel managers intend to either i) ignore the negative positng, ii) get in contact with the complainant, iii) place a statement on the platform, iv) delete the posting v) enhance customer reviews, vi) investigate the reason for the complaint internally, vi) assume that the review is a fake, vii) take legal steps. Detailed results on each category are given and implications for hotel managers as well as suggestions for future research are discussed.

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  • Luthe, Tobias (2010) : Overcoming social barriers in managing vulnerability of alpine tourism to environmental change. Working paper: Proceedings: Berlin Conference on Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change: Berlin, 8. - 9. Oktober. Freie Universität Berlin, Environmental Policy Research Centre. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 31.07.2020


    Abstract: Tourism as the world’s biggest service industry is threatened by global environmental change. Alpine tourism with its economic backbone of alpine skiing has been responding to direct ecological threats of climate change. Adaptation focused on maintaining a status quo of alpine (ski) tourism, resulting in technical adaptation such as snow making and expansion of lifts and slopes to higher elevations. Such business-as-usual strategies feed back negatively to environmental change and proofed to be not sustainable, neither ecologically nor economically. More sustainable kinds of vulnerability management include behavioral ways of adaptation, such as diversification strategies, and mitigation efforts. Both have been neglected by the supply side of tourism stakeholders because of the fear of high investments into alternative products and services that would not meet customer demand. A vulnerability analysis in thirty tourism destinations in the four main alpine countries after an analogue winter for future (climate) change proofed that vulnerability is more complex than currently understood. Climate change is one major threat, but socio-economic developments have been neglected and underestimated in their potential consequences. Vulnerability factors are not mainly climate change, the geographical situation of the destination or snow making capacity, but socio-economic changes and the inadequacy of policies adressing these. Further social causes such as a lack of participation on supply side, personal social barriers, weaknesses in destination governance models and a lack of interaction and partnering with the demand side increase vulnerability of alpine tourism to environmental change. Given these findings, an alternative, qualitative growth model is proposed and outlined which would not only decrease negative feedbacks on social-ecological systems, but given a matching demand it could create a business opportunity and act as a push-and- pull factor, thus addressing social supply side barriers to change business- as-usual strategies.

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  • Wittmer, Andreas (2010) : Structural Analysis of VLJ air taxi customer preferences: Business jets: Economic and ecologic impacts of a growing market: G.A.R.S. Workshop: Berlin, 10. Juni

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  • Wittmer, Andreas; Weinert, Robert (2010) : Effects of Regional Airports in the Air Transport System. The Case of Switzerland: 14th ATRS World Conference: Air Transport Research Society World Conference: Porto, Portugal, 6.-9. Juli

    Abstract: This paper deals with intangible economic effects of Swiss regional airports (Altenrhein, Bern, Grenchen, Sion, Lugano, Samedan) on the air transport system of Switzerland. The focus lies on network, structure and competence effects. These are evaluated qualitatively from different perspectives. Furthermore, a quantitative survey with companies across industries was conducted in the different regions of the airports. The importance of the airports for these companies was identified. Competence effects are found in the fields of pilots education, aviation leisure activities and the technological competence on and near regional airports. Structural effects appear through the accessibility of regions, the possibility of relief of national airports especially by the business aviation and some charter movements, medical supply of air rescue services and the infrastructure for aviation education and air sports. Furthermore, a network analysis of the airports' business partners shows the connectedness of the regional airports nationwide. The results reveal that regional airports do have a relevant function in the Swiss air transport system. Regional airports do not stand in direct competition with each other, but rather complement each other to the benefit of the national air transport system. The network decentrally developed over time and exists without a central control. The network which is activated through the regional airports is not sufficiently used and recognised by the players.

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  • Wittmer, Andreas (2010) : Acceptance of self service check-in at Zurich Airport: 14th ATRS World Conference: Air Transport Research Society World Conference: Porto, Portugal, 6.-9. Juli

    Abstract: This paper is about the acceptance of self check-in services by air travelers at Zurich airport. As society becomes more familiar with new technologies, airlines and airports can use new procedures to deliver a faster and smother service to airline passengers. The underlying research focuses on e-check-in procedures like web check-in, mobile check-in, check-in kiosks and evaluates passenger satisfaction with the different check-in options. Furthermore, the personalized check-in was evaluated for comparing purposes. Data were collected at Zurich airport on several non consecutive days. The Kano method was used for the analysis of passenger satisfaction with the different check-in procedures. The satisfaction of air travelers is evaluated with respect to travel purpose and age of travelers. It is assumed that time needed at airports is an important driver of satisfaction. It appears that for business travelers self check-in procedures are more important than for leisure travelers. It is shown, that especially business travelers carry mobile phones which are compatible for mobile check-in, but they are not used to use it for check-in proposes and they are hesitant concerning towards it. With respect to age groups the results reveal that web-check-in becomes a more common way of check-in especially for the 31 - 40 years old travelers. Mobile check-in was not possible at Zurich airport at the time of the research.

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  • Fröhlich, Philipp; Wittmer, Andreas; Weinert, Robert; Axhausen, Kai (2010) : Sustainability and Air Transport. Zurich Airport Case Study: 12th WCTRS: World Conference of Transport Research: Lissabon, 11.-15. Juli

    Abstract: The research goal was to evaluate the environmental sustainability of Zurich Airport. The method used was to compare the environmental costs to the economic and social benefits generated by the airport. The analysis was completed on both the regional and global levels. The results show that Zurich Airport air transport generates more economic value than environmental and social costs.

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  • Wittmer, Andreas; Böttger, Tim Michael (2010) : Structural analysis of VLJ Air Taxi customer value factors: 12th WCTRS: World Conference of Transport Research: Lissabon, 11.-15. Juli

    Abstract: The arrival of very light jets (VLJ) also sparked new business models including models for VLJ air taxi operators. Those operators rely on the expected low acquisition and operating costs of VLJ's to provide on-demand, point-to-point air transport services at a competitive price. However, at present, the success of those emerging air taxi services is still to be realized. One of the critical success factors of the emerging VLJ air taxi services will be their ability to generate superior customer value in comparison to other means of transport. The objective of this study is to gain insights into the structure of customer preferences of potential passengers of VLJ air taxi operators. The Kano model was used to analyze perceived customer value factors. The structural analysis showed the different ways each factor influences the preferences of the potential customers. Risk factors such as safety and reliability are taken for granted. Benefit factors such as sympathy and mileage program are not important factors for potential air taxi passengers. But time has a linear impact on customer value depending on the fulfillment based on the expectation. Price, flexibility, network, comfort and service positively influence customer preference.

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  • Wittmer, Andreas (2010) : Passengers' attitude towards environmental activities by airlines: 12th WCTRS: World Conference of Transport Research: Lissabon, 11.-15. Juli

    Abstract: Climate change is one of the most serious problems the world faces today. The aviation industry has been in the spotlight for its contribution to global warming. Yet this has not brought the demand for air travel to a halt. The rising demand has been met by governments imposing regulations and international organizations issuing recommendations. Airlines have adapted to this ecominded trend. Passengers are given the opportunity to offset their CO2 emissions. Furthermore, airlines have engaged in corporate environmental responsibility to reduce their impact on global warming. This begs the question whether passengers are fully aware of the efforts taken by airlines to protect the environment and if this knowledge influences potential customers in choosing a certain airline. This paper discusses the topic by taking the case of Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS) passengers at Zurich Airport. It was found that passengers are not fully aware of the efforts taken by the airline. But passengers are interested in an airlines environmental responsibility and it was found that the airlines action is appealing to customers. However, the price plays an important role for passengers when choosing an airline also when it is more environmentally responsible. Furthermore, there is a relation between the environmental activities of an airline and the brand image. The brand of the airline is strengthened, if it is engaged in environmental activities and communicates them efficiently to passengers.

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  • Wittmer, Andreas; Vespermann, Jan (2010) : Impacts of the proposed EU-emission trading scheme on aviation. The good, the bad and the ugly: Tourism Development after the Crisis: 60th International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism (AIEST) Conference: Potchefstroom, South Africa, 12.-16. September

    Abstract: From 2012 on, all emissions from flights departing from or arriving at airports within the European Union will be covered under an Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). Based on a simulation model and building on the now fixed system design, this research analyzes the economic and ecologic impacts of the ETS for the Lufthansa Group. The results show that while ecological effects are rather modest in the in the first years after the system introduction, the ETS will evoke much higher emis-sion reductions in the mid- and long-term. Notwithstanding, these ecological benefits come at the expense of increased financial burdens. The paper argues that the system will evoke a variety of strategic and operational implications at airlines in fields such as such as environmental monitoring, financial risk management, and marketing. Furthermore, the results indicate that the ETS is likely to cause competitive distortions and favor the redirection of traffic flows, leading to higher emissions and partly foiling the goals of the system.

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  • Wittmer, Andreas; Böttger, Tim Michael (2009) : Customer value factors of VLG air taxi passengers. The case of Switzerland: 13th ATRS World Conference: Air Transport Research Society World Conference: Abu Dhabi, 27.-30. Juli

    Abstract: The introduction of very light jets could induce significant changes in the business aviation industry. The possible emergence and persistence of very light jet air taxi operators is among the most discussed effects. By adapting the customer value model for very light jet air taxi passengers, this paper aims at helping practitioners and presenting a useful framework for further research on the customer preferences of those operators. By combining a review of the relevant literature, a grounded theory analysis of the offerings of very light jet air taxi operators and four expert interviews, fourteen key factors are identified that supposedly influence the customer value of those operators. These key factors are linked to the customer value model to produce an adapted model as its operationalisation. The model is then specified for the main target group on the basis of an internet-based survey among business travellers from all over the world. By evaluating simple-stated and hidden preferences, the relative importance of the key factors is estimated. It was found that risk factors have the highest importance, when business air travellers are directly asked about their choice of a very light air taxi operator. Based on a hidden preference analysis, business travellers' most important factor is total travel time.

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  • Bieger, Thomas; Wittmer, Andreas; Boetsch, Tina (2009) : Customer value as a framework for analyzing customer services. The airline industry as a case: 13th ATRS World Conference: Air Transport Research Society World Conference: Abu Dhabi, 27.-30. Juli

    Abstract: With the growth in demand for long haul air transport services and the increased competition especially for high yield passengers a new focus on service quality emerged. This paper looks into the importance of specific service elements for customers by applying a customer value based analyses. By applying choice based conjoint analysis customer value drivers as well as the value contribution of service elements are identified. By this the paper contributes to the deeper understanding of requirements and needs of business class passengers. Seat comfort and "hard" service factors play the most important role. The biggest differences in customer value evaluation between passengers from different continents and thereby cultures can be found in the evaluation of the "soft" factor airline brand. Conclusions about the use of con-joint analyses as well as practical implications for investments into the service product of air-lines are drawn.

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  • Wittmer, Andreas; Beritelli, Pietro; Laesser, Christian (2009) : The Swiss regional airport network. Identifying brokerage roles and simulating structural changes: 59th AIEST Conference: International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism Conference: Savonlinna, Finnland, 23.-27. August

    Abstract: Regional airports play a secondary but important role in the transport system of a country. The study presented in this paper analyses the Swiss regional airport system, consisting of six locations and respective institutional networks of main suppliers, customers, and cooperation partners. A first analysis of the network based on betweenness centralities and brokerage roles presents a rather large network of 112 institutions with only eighteen being relevant for the network configuration. A further analysis of average distances simulates a series of possible mergers with the aim to compare overall network strengths against costs. The results indicate a loosely connected system with high cost efficiencies and relatively weak links. Further options to improve network effectiveness and hence to develop an overall regional airport strategy in Switzerland are discussed.

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  • Luthe, Tobias; Roth, Ralf (2008) : Extended vulnerability of ski tourism to global change In: Raschi, Antonio; Trampetti, Sonia (Hg.): Management for protection and sustainable development: Proceedings: The Fourth International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas (MMV 4): Montecatini Terme, 14. - 19. Oktober, S. 89-92. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 31.07.2020


    Abstract: The current and forecasted outcomes of global change put ski destinations under different stresses. Climate change is the most discussed and the most obvious factor that directly affects the economic success of ski areas. Latest since the last OECD report a broad discussion about such ski areas that will lose from climate change, namely the lower and smaller ones, and those potentially winning being the higher and bigger ski areas, got started. This discussion has been focusing on the main vulnerability factors elevation, size and snow making capacity. Technical snow making is the main kind of adaptation to climate change being discussed and applied. But in addition to climate change there are socioeconomic and demographic developments that lead to other grades of vulnerability for ski tourism. In the research project SkiSustain we aim to develop a sustainability management framework for ski destinations responding to global change. In the supply side part we did personal qualitative interviews in thirty six ski areas of four Alpine countries after the extremely warm winter of 2006/07. Ski areas were picked for interviews as the main drivers of investments and employment in ski destinations. Research questions were about the perception of vulnerability to global change and strategies and possibilities of adaptive capacity. In the interviews ski area managements were confronted with recent results from the customer demand survey Save Snow to find out about the possibilities to drive changes to chances, for example by softer means of adaptation and more mitigation and partnering more with the customer. Results show that the view on vulnerability of ski destinations needs to be extended from a current climate change and elevation focused view to a much more diverse one. Current means of adaptation will not be suitable to tackle the sum of challenges from global change.

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  • Luthe, Tobias; Roth, Ralf; Elsasser, Hans (2008) : Vulnerability to global change and sustainable adaptation of ski tourism – an outlook on the study SkiSustain In: Borsdorf, Axel; Stötter, Johann; Veulliet, Eric (Hg.): Managing alpine future: Proceedings: Innsbruck Conference: Innsbruck, 15. - 17. Oktober 2007. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Institut für interdisziplinäre Gebirgsforschung: Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (IGF-Forschungsberichte), S. 103-117. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 31.07.2020


    Abstract: Global change, in particular changes in demographic patterns, in socioeconomic developments and in climate, significantly affects alpine tourism, especially ski tourism. In response, mainly technical means of adaptation in ski areas are being applied. After the analogue winter of 2006/07 the current kind of adaptation proofed to be not sustainable, neither in its effectiveness, nor in its ecological and economical future. To increase the adaptive capacity for long-term success in a sustainable way, additional adaptation measures are required, such as behavioural and mitigative strategies. In the coupled human-environment system of ski tourism sustainable adaptation also has to involve the customer more in adapting the demand side consumer behaviour to changing services of ski areas as opposed to maintaining the status quo as the only approach. Mitigational strategies in conjunction with demand side adaptation might lead to a potential new chance for suffering ski areas - a market of sustainable ski tourism where a blended mix of adaptation strategies leads to win-win situations in ski tourism. In the research project SkiSustain we model the relation between global change, customer demand and supply side strategies to develop a vulnerability framework for ski tourism. It is meant to deliver a differentiated understanding of vulnerability and of sustainable adaptive capacity.

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  • Wittmer, Andreas; Laesser, Christian (2008) : The perception of time in air transport. What level of delays is accepted by air travellers?: 12th ATRS World Conference: Air Transport Research Society World Conference: Athen, Griechenland, 6.-10. Juli

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  • Wittmer, Andreas; Bieger, Thomas; Engeler, Isabelle; Riklin, Thomas (2008) : Perceived Customer Preferences in the Airline Industry: Differences between Business Models. The Case of Zurich Airport, Switzerland: 12th ATRS World Conference: Air Transport Research Society World Conference: Athen, Griechenland, 6.-10. Juli

    Abstract: This paper contributes to the understanding of the perceived preferences of airline passengers in the short and long distant market. Since the emergence of low cost carriers as a successful business model in the short distant market, traditional network carriers face a strong price competition. To increase competitiveness, network carriers have to better respond to the demands of their customers and to identify the distinct service requirements of their customer segments to provide them with additional value. The aim of this paper is to determine these preferences that consequently lead to the choice of either business model. A standardized face-to-face survey was conducted with 209 air travellers at Zurich Airport. The contingency analysis reveals interesting differences regarding potential sources of additional customer value for different business models. As a theoretical contribution this paper adds to the existing literature on customer value components in the airline industry and adds data with the case of Zurich Airport. The results reveal interesting implications and explore ways for airline managers to increase future competitiveness by superior customer value creation.

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  • Wittmer, Andreas (2008) : Overcoming psychological barriers to rent by introducing new IT platforms: 58th AIEST Conference: International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism Conference: Whistler, CA, 7.-11. September

    Abstract: In Switzerland the holiday-home-market is a major pillar in the accommodation sector as there are more holiday apartment beds than hotel beds. While the number of hotel beds decreases for economic reasons a positive trend of holiday apartment beds exists, but only a limited number of these are on the market. This study investigates the barriers-to-rent on an economical, social and psychological level based on theoretical models and an empirical survey in Swiss destinations. It was found that information technology (IT) could play an important role in increasing the number of second-home beds available on the market. By using internet platforms which connect owners, guests and agents, psychological and economic barriers for owners can be overcome. Especially the psychological barriers, which include identity and trust issues encounter positive effects if web-platforms are introduced. The results of this study provide insights for the durable goods in the leisure sector and their rental.

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  • Wittmer, Andreas; Beritelli, Pietro (2007) : Do Location Based Services in Tourism Really get Assessed?. A Critical Analysis of Adopted Evaluation Methods and Techniques in Research Projects: ENTER: The 14th International Conference on Information Technology and Travel & Tourism: Ljubljana, 24.-26. Januar

    Abstract: Mobile technology becomes an increasingly important issue for tourists as well as tour operators. A proof for the importance of location based services and mobile applications in tourism are a recognisable number of studies which were conducted during the past years and funded by the European Union. Interestingly enough, there was no breakthrough of location based mobile applications in tourism from a user perspective up to date. This paper raises the question if evaluation procedures and methods of location based mobile devices fit the user perspective in tourism. An analysis of past projects is used to find the gaps in evaluation methods and results in learning for future projects of this kind.

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  • Bieger, Thomas; Laesser, Christian; Wittmer, Andreas (2007) : The valuation of direct intercontinental flights as opposed to non-direct ones. Insights based on a hedonic apporach: 11th ATRS World Conference: Air Transport Research Society World Conference: Berkeley, USA, 21.-23. Juni

    Abstract: This paper is about valuating direct intercontinental flights as opposed to non-direct ones, taking an individual travelers' perspective. The methodology of this study is derived from a hedonic approach which tries to explain actual expenditures (in our case of air transport) by means of a number of non-divisible characteristics (origin and destination, number of stopovers, choice of travel class). The results reveal that direct flights are valued higher than non-direct ones. However, the share of this advantage in relation to other characteristics by which a flight can be valued is limited, ranging from 15 to 20 per cent (in the context of travel in economy class; ceteris paribus) to less than 10 per cent (in the context of travel in business class; ceteris paribus). In contrast, and to put those numbers into perspective, choosing business class (instead of economy) adds 240% to an economy air fare (ceteris paribus).

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  • Wittmer, Andreas; Laesser, Christian; Bieger, Thomas (2007) : Valuation of direct intercontinental flights as opposed to non-direct ones. Insights based on a hedonic approach: 11th ATRS World Conference: Air Transport Research Society World Conference: Berkeley, USA, 21.-23. Juni

    Abstract: This paper is about valuating direct intercontinental flights as opposed to non-direct ones, taking an individual travelers' perspective. The methodology of this study is derived from a hedonic approach which tries to explain actual expenditures (in our case of air transport) by means of a number of non-divisible characteristics (origin and destination, number of stopovers, choice of travel class). The results reveal that direct flights are valued higher than non-direct ones. However, the share of this advantage in relation to other characteristics by which a flight can be valued is limited, ranging from 15 to 20 per cent (in the context of travel in economy class; ceteris paribus) to less than 10 per cent (in the context of travel in business class; ceteris paribus). In contrast, and to put those numbers into perspective, choosing business class (instead of economy) adds 240% to an economy air fare (ceteris paribus).

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  • Wittmer, Andreas; Laesser, Christian (2007) : The impact of alliance membership on passenger demand: 57th AIEST Conference: International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism Conference: Macau, 19.-23. August

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  • Laesser, Christian; Wittmer, Andreas (2007) : Customer issues related to limitations in air connectivity: 7th STRC: Swiss Transport Research Conference: Monte Verita, Ascona, 12.-14. September

    Abstract: Air access is claimed to be most crucial for regional economic development, especially in terms of globally acting industries. However, air traffic generates potential negative impacts, such as noise or air pollution, which case wise might lead to the claim to reduce air traffic politically. This paper investigates customer issues and potential responses of frequent flyers to non market driven limitations of air transportation (frequent flyers are considered to be more affected by such measures than non-frequent ones). Based on a survey conducted at Zurich airport in June 2006 and the test of a number of hypotheses, it can be shown that frequent air travellers as opposed to non frequent ones supposedly hold comparably higher office, and work in industries and environments which communicate intensively with nodes outside of Switzerland. Consequently, frequent flyers as opposed to on frequent ones have a more critical attitude towards potential limitations of air connections.

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  • Bieger, Thomas; Laesser, Christian; Wittmer, Andreas (2006) : Importance of direct flight connections between Switzerland and the Far East. A Logistic Choice Model: 10th ATRS World Conference: Air Transport Research Society World Conference: Nagoya, Japan, 26.-28. Mai

    Abstract: This paper is about the importance of purchasing criteria in intercontinental air transport as exemplified by origin and destination between Switzerland and selected destinations in the Far East. Passengers waiting to board their flights from Switzerland to Far Eastern destinations were invited to participate in a choice experiment. Subsequently, they were offered choice sets where they had to choose among two different flight tickets from Zurich to one specific destination within each set. To statistically analyse the data a variance decomposition method was performed to learn about the importance of the different purchasing criteria. The results show that for both the business and economy class passengers alike and the business and leisure travellers the most important criteria is the price, even before the direct connection, which is the second most important criteria. In comparison with transatlantic travellers, the Far East travellers value the direct flight more and the price is a somewhat less important.

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  • Laesser, Christian; Bieger, Thomas; Wittmer, Andreas (2006) : Customer Value of direct transatlantic flight connections. A logistic choice model in the case of Switzerland In: Wittmer, Andreas: New Frontiers in Global Tourism: Trends and Competitive Challenges: 37th Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA) Annual Research Conference: Dublin, 18.-20. Juni: Boise, Idaho: Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA), S. 621-633

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  • Bieger, Thomas; Weinert, Robert; Wittmer, Andreas; Beritelli, Pietro (2005) : Building trust and identity on the Web. New IT transaction platforms to overcome psychological barriers to rent: Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism: 12th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Travel and Tourism: Innsbruck, 26.-28. Januar: Wien: Springer, S. 296-305

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  • Bieger, Thomas; Beritelli, Pietro; Weinert, Robert; Wittmer, Andreas (2005) : Customer benefits of ownership. The case of second homes: 34th EMAC Conference: EMAC Conference: Milan, 24. Mai

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  • Bieger, Thomas; Laesser, Christian; Wittmer, Andreas (2004) : Perspectives of mobility in leisure and tourism. About the customer value of transport: Leisure Futures: 2nd Leisure Futures Conference: Bozen, 10.-12. November

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  • Jacobson, Christopher David; Capol, Corsin; Bügler, Tanja; Staudt, Yves; Derungs, Robin (2023) : Einsatz und Potenzial künstlicher Intelligenzim Tourismus. Verhaltensprogrnosen In: Bieger, Thomas; Beritelli, Pietro; Laesser, Christian (Hg.): Alpiner Tourismus in disruptiven Zeiten: Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag (Schweizer Jahrbuch für Tourismus), S. 265-278

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  • Pescia, Lena; Voll, Frieder; Rageth, Onna (2023) : New Work. Touristisches Potenzial für Graubünden In: Bieger, Thomas; Beritelli, Pietro; Laesser, Christian (Hg.): Alpiner Tourismus in disruptiven Zeiten: Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag (Schweizer Jahrbuch für Tourismus), S. 249-263

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  • Capol, Corsin; Jacobson, Christopher David; Balestra, Stefano; Bügler, Tanja; Staudt, Yves; Siegrist, Chantal; Iten, Marc-Alexander (2022) : Personalallokation und -planung für das Immobilienmanagement im Tourismus In: Bieger, Thomas; Beritelli, Pietro; Laesser, Christian (Hg.): Krisenbewältigung und digitale Innovationen im alpinen Tourismus: Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag (Schweizer Jahrbuch für Tourismus), S. 131-146

    Abstract: In Zusammenarbeit mit der Weissen Arena AG haben die AutorInnen der FH Graubünden (Corsin Capol, Christopher Jacobson, Stefano Balestra, Tanja Bügler, Yves Staudt, Chantal Siegrist und Marc-Alexander Iten) ein durch maschinelles Lernen optimiertes System entwickelt, das zuverlässig Einsätze beispielsweise für das Reinigungspersonal prognostizieren kann.

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  • Capol, Corsin; Jacobson, Christopher David; Balestra, Stefano; Bügler, Tanja; Staudt, Yves (2022) : Personalallokation und -planung für das Immobilienmanagement im Tourismus (PIT) In: Forster, Michael; Alt, Sharon; Hanselmann, Marcel; Deflorin, Patricia (Hg.): Digitale Transformation an der Fachhochschule Graubünden: Case Studies aus Forschung und Lehre: Chur: FH Graubünden Verlag, S. 101-110. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 20.01.2023


    Abstract: Die Fachhochschule Graubünden (FHGR) hat zusammen mit der Weisse Arena Gruppe und LAAX Homes AG einen Forschungsprototyp für die Personalallokation und -planung für das Immobilienmanagement im Tourismus entwickelt. Im Anschluss an die Modellierung der Personalstrukturdaten und der Übernachtungsangebote wurde ein AI Constraint Satisfaction Solver für die Personalallokation (Planung von Reinigungsteams für einen konkreten Tag) durch das Institut für Photonics und Robotics (IPR) entwickelt. Ebenfalls wurden die Einflussfaktoren auf die Vorbuchungs- und Aufenthaltsdauer anhand maschinellen Lernens durch das Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF) erforscht und das Verhalten von Eigentümern und Gästen analysiert. Basierend auf den Erkenntnissen der Tourismusforschung wurde ein Modell zur Vorhersage der Anzahl an Abreisen durch das IPR implementiert. Durch eine agile Vorgehensweise wurde der Forschungsprototyp früh getestet und in die Systemlandschaft der Weisse Arena Gruppe integriert. Mit einer vorausschauenden und technologieunterstützten Vorhersage des Personalbedarfs kann das benötigte Reinigungspersonal vorzeitig (den zu reinigenden Immobilien) zugeordnet werden. Durch die Planungssicherheit seitens der Weisse Arena Gruppe und der LAAX Homes AG können Engpässe frühzeitig erkannt und entsprechende Massnahmen definiert werden. Dies hat einen Einfluss auf die Zufriedenheit von Mitarbeitenden. Die Ferienimmobilien können durch die Personalallokation effizient durch das Reinigungspersonal angefahren und gereinigt werden.

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  • Staudt, Yves; Mosedale, Jan (2022) : Der Einsatz von Robotik in der Hotellerie In: Forster, Michael; Alt, Sharon; Hanselmann, Marcel; Deflorin, Patricia (Hg.): Digitale Transformation an der Fachhochschule Graubünden: Case Studies aus Forschung und Lehre: Chur: FH Graubünden Verlag, S. 30-38

    Abstract: In diesem Projekt wurde der Einsatz von zwei verschiedenen sozialen Robotern in zwei unterschiedlichen Hotels untersucht, um die Erkenntnisse sowie die damit verbundenen Chancen und Herausforderungen mit der Schweizer Hotellerie zu teilen. Quantitative wie auch qualitative Methoden wurden angewandt, um die Einstellung von Gästen und Mitarbeitenden zu analysieren.

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  • Merkle, Thorsten; Golding, Philippa (2021) : Sports Stadium Hospitality and Catering. A Global Perspective In: Gardini, Marco A.; Ottenbacher, Michael C.; Schuckert, Markus (Hg.): The Routledge companion to international hospitality management: New York: Routledge (Routledge companions in business, management and marketing)

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  • Hörburger, Norbert; Deuber, Andreas; Trepp, Gian-Reto (2021) : RenoRent - Renovierung und touristische Aktivierung von Zweitwohnungen. Vorstellung eines neuen Geschäftsmodells zur Nutzung des Zweitwohnungsbestandes für den Aufenthaltstourismus In: Bieger, Thomas; Beritelli, Pietro; Laesser, Christian (Hg.): Krisenmanagement und Zukunftsstrategien für den alpinen Tourismus: Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag (Schweizer Jahrbuch für Tourismus), S. 137-150

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  • Deuber, Andreas; Derungs, Curdin (2021) : InfraTour. Gemeinden als Tourismusunternehmen In: Bieger, Thomas; Beritelli, Pietro; Laesser, Christian (Hg.): Krisenmanagement und Zukunftsstrategien für den alpinen Tourismus: Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag (Schweizer Jahrbuch für Tourismus), S. 151-166

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  • Puls, René; Wittmer, Andreas (2021) : Managing Airports In: Wittmer, Andreas; Bieger, Thomas; Müller, Roland (Hg.): Aviation Systems: Management of the Integrated Aviation Value Chain: Second Edition: Berlin: Springer (Classroom Companion: Business), S. 225-249. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 22.10.2021


    Abstract: This chapter presents the basics of airport management. Airports are embedded within the aviation value chain by providing key infrastructure to handle flights. This infrastructure can be designed and adjusted in order to cater for different use cases, which are presented in the chapter. Furthermore, the profitability of an airport consists of different revenues that an airport earns to cover its different expenses. In order to stay competitive, it is imperative that airports adjust their service offerings to their consumers’ preferences. However, airports need to act beyond their daily operations by collaborating with different stakeholders who are part of the airport ecosystem and thus influence it. The chapter signifies the importance of this collaboration by exemplifying the economic and political importance of airports as well as the commercial aspects in terms of attracting passenger and airlines.

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  • Müller, Roland; Wittmer, Andreas (2021) : Risk Management in Aviation In: Wittmer, Andreas; Bieger, Thomas; Müller, Roland (Hg.): Aviation Systems: Management of the Integrated Aviation Value Chain: Second Edition: Berlin: Springer (Classroom Companion: Business), S. 387-402. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 22.10.2021


    Abstract: Risk Management is a process based on the systematic collection and analysis of all relevant risks facing a company. Risks are particularly present in the aviation industry, and therefore necessitates a special emphasis on a comprehensive Risk Management. The quality of Risk Management is shaped by the enterprise culture and starts at a board level. By integrating a Safety Management System, the operational area of Corporate Risk Management can be further improved. It is important to realise that Risk Management is opportunity management too, where potential improvements need to be actively identified. For aviation companies it makes sense to take out a Director’s and Officer’s Insurance (D&O) to insure the management against any financial liabilities resulting from damage claims. However, these are expensive and require a time-consuming evaluation.

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  • Wittmer, Andreas; Bieger, Thomas (2021) : Fundamentals and Structure of Aviation Systems In: Wittmer, Andreas; Bieger, Thomas; Müller, Roland (Hg.): Aviation Systems: Management of the Integrated Aviation Value Chain: Second Edition: Berlin: Springer (Classroom Companion: Business), S. 39-78. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 22.10.2021


    Abstract: The history of aviation and the dream of flight dates back many centuries and includes pioneers such as Leonardo da Vinci, Otto Lilienthal and the Wright Brothers, who contributed to this quest. The last century brought along a remarkable growth of the aviation sector and resulted in considerable economic importance of the industry. The aviation industry can be projected along the aviation value chain and comes with its own special characteristics. Whilst aviation creates a high value for customers and other stakeholders, the profit margins are typically low due to high fixed costs and its dependence on external factors. The benefits of aviation to the economy as well as other drivers create positive effects for many stakeholders who are directly or indirectly involved in the system. The aviation system is surrounded by different environments: the economic, ecological, social, technological and political environments. Each environment exerts influence on the aviation system and is simultaneously affected by it.

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