Workshop Embedded Vision AI


We invite you to an exclusive workshop titled "Industrial Machine Vision Meets Artificial Intelligence and Embedded Systems".


In this workshop, we will delve into how industrial image processing can greatly benefit from the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI). We will also discuss how these advanced systems can be effectively incorporated into embedded systems / edge computing, discussing systems requirements and performance.

Key Question

  • How can I apply these technologies in my industrial environment?


The workshop will feature insightful presentations and demonstrations, showcasing the practical applications of these technologies in the industry. Key topics include object detection and classification, quantitative measurements and defect detection, predictions and analytics and more. This event is a unique opportunity for you to gain valuable insights into the latest advancements in machine vision, AI, and embedded systems, and to discuss possible ideas with AI experts. It will also be an excellent platform for networking with other industry experts and peers.

We believe your expertise and involvement in the industry would greatly enrich the discussions, and we would be honored by your presence at this workshop. Please forward this information to other interested parties.


Mittwoch, 18.09.2024
14:45 - 19:00 Uhr

Fachhochschule Graubünden
Pulvermühlestrasse 57
7000 Chur
Google Maps Kalendereintrag