
Internal reporting systems of Swiss businesses

Project at a glance

Project at a glance

Within the scope of this project, the determinants for a successful implementation and execution of in-house whistleblower reporting systems are being examined. The identified successful practices form the base of a practical manual and a workshop concept along with associated methodical material.

The following questions were asked regarding the process and the design of a successful in-house whistleblower reporting system:

  • When is a whistleblower reporting system successful – when is it unsuccessful?
  • How do successful reporting systems differentiate between minor cases and hazardous cases?
  • What are the consequences of successful whistle blowers' reports for the misconduct that triggers them?
  • How are employees encouraged to speak openly about misconduct?
  • How big is the risk of improper reporting?
  • Is the introduction of an anonymous reporting system counterproductive to the mutual trust in a company?
  • What additional measures are needed when implementing a reporting system to avoid improper reporting?


Lecturer, Project leader
Prof. Dr. Christian Hauser
Prof. Dr. Urs Dahinden
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Parties involved

The project has been implemented by the Swiss Institute for Entrepeneurship (SIFE), in cooperation with PRME Business Integrity Action Center, the Swiss Institute for Information Science (SII) and EQS – Integrity Line, on behalf of Innosuisse.