
Expert round table on export control

Project at a glance

Project at a glance

In recent years, the importance of embargos has increased in international commercial trade. Recent examples include measures against Al-Qaida, Syria and Russia. Due to the legal framework, Swiss companies have to carefully examine if their (planned) international business activities are affected. Export provides many challenges for the SMEs in terms of dealing with critical countries, partners, cargo or end use. Due to the intricacy and high complexity of this topic, export control is a major challenge for internationally active Swiss SMEs. With this in mind, the goal for the expert roundtable on export control is to promote the exchange of best practices and to develop practical assistance for companies.





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Lecturer, Project leader
Prof. Dr. Christian Hauser
Lecturer, Head of institute
Prof. Urs Jenni
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Since its foundation in 2008, VNL Switzerland has been committed to the continuous further development of logistics. It brings industry and research together in order to break down traditional and functional perspectives on logistics and to find new ways to increase productivity and performance through logistics innovations.