degree theses

bachelor’s degree programme in Tourism

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  • Abdullah, Shakhawan (2022): The passenger’s perception of the service quality of an Airport in an end-to-end travel scenario. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Nowadays, airports, whether for business or leisure travelers, must primarily provide the quality of service that corresponds to the requirements of their customers and visitors. In addition, airports must constantly optimize their services to remain competitive. However, constantly increasing service quality may not always be possible and leads to cost increases and financial challenges. Furthermore, regional airports are very compact and provide limited services compared to larger airports. Therefore, this bachelor thesis focuses on the services provided by airport management at regional airports, how travelers perceive them and what quality is expected, followed by the question of how passengers evaluate the services and their quality. Moreover, this approach allows to examine how airports identify customer segments and their expectations, as well as the assessment of current and future customer requirement trends.

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  • Abrahams, Pierre (2004): Restaurant Project «Energy Blue». Diplomarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The paper deals with the creation of a restaurant concept that is not just unique but also viable. It is the creation of a concept in Cape Town, South Africa that should not just be new but also potentially very successful. It is easy having a good idea, finding the right people to expand and implement the idea is sometimes not easy. Eskom is one of the largest South African Energy companies in southern hemisphere of Africa. With the privatisation of all Energy companies Eskom has become forced to find innovative ideas to promote its organisation. Thus the idea of coming up with a restaurant concept which would be used as a stage to promote its company. Our company Franch Ice has thus been nominated to develop and materialise the project. We start by focusing on a mutual vision and goal not just for the restaurant but also the company as a whole. What exactly does Eskom hope to achieve from the concept? It is vital for the restaurant to be a success and to be able to sustain itself independently from the «mother» organisation. This will reflect the success of the whole organisation. Branding is an integral part of the concept. The branding of the whole organisation including the restaurant should be integrated. We want to create a unique profile not just for the restaurant but for the whole organisation. The marketing position is a key area of concern, since this will depict how the public sees the whole organisation. Focusing on quality is the major element of success. Very important; the economy is booming, the disposable income does exist. The restaurant will consist of four different atmospheres; morning, lunch, afternoon, and dinner. This will show how the company is able to adapt depending on the demand during the day. The restaurant’s main concept will be built around being «Fresh and simple». Animation will play a big part of the concept since the restaurant will be a tool to educate the public regarding relevant environmental issues. This all has to be profitable.

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  • Abt, Nadine (2012): Sea Turtle Conservancy Research Station. Marketing in the Off Season. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The Sea Turtle Conservancy’s Eco-Volunteer Programs dealing with sea turtles can only be offered from March until September which results in an almost empty field station during the remainder of the year. However, in order to get as much support as possible, the Sea Turtle Conservancy should also be able to offer an Eco-Volunteer Program during this time that the turtles are not present. Their program focusing on neo-tropical and tropical birds would be perfect to fill this gap since certain birds are there all year round. This bachelor thesis identifies the right target group for the organization’s Eco-Volunteer Program dealing with neo-tropical and tropical birds. Additionally, it investigates this target group’s demographics, motivations, expectations as well as preferred information sources and booking channels. The literature review is supplemented by an online survey. Finally, recommendations for the Sea Turtle Conservancy are deduced from the findings.

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  • Achermann, Evelin (2015): Professional Event Management for Open Air Festivals. Development of an improved toolbox to professionalise the waldstock open air spektakel. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Founded by people without background knowledge of event management the waldstock open air spektakel has continuously been developed and professionalised in a «learning by doing» attempt over the last 15 years. Today with the third generation of organisation committee the festival is still organised and staged by people without previous experiences in hosting an event of such a nature and scale. Due to this background the question arises of how professional the event could have developed and what measures could be undertaken to improve the future organisation of the festival. The purpose of the thesis is to examine the concept of professional event management and ascertain if non-specialist are able to develop a professional event concept. To guarantee more efficiency and smoothen the process of organising and realising an open air festival like the waldstock open air spektakel a tailored toolbox is developed and implemented. This additionally ensures a sound future delegation of the departments.

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  • Ackermann, Stephanie (2021): Opportunities, Challenges and Countermeasures of a possible Cooperation between the Tourism Office and the Town Development Department in the City of St. Gallen. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: St. Gallen shows favourable developments as a tourism destination as well as in various vital industries. St. Gallen-Bodensee Tourism is the incumbent destination marketing and management organisation and contributes to these progressions with their committed strategy. When considering the tourism office and the town development department, both institutions basically have the same goal in mind: further strengthen the position of St. Gallen in the market. Yet, there is no current cooperation with a common focus established between the two institutions. Therefore, within the range of this thesis the current cooperation is thoroughly analysed and future prospects are investigated. The results rest on an extensive literature review and qualitative interviews with experts relevant to the study and valuable experiences. Based on the findings, the thesis gives recommendations to St. Gallen-Bodensee Tourism on first possible action steps towards an integrated and collaborative cooperation.

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  • Aeberhard, Corina (2013): Ein buchbares Produkt für UNESCO-Welterbe Tektonikarena Sardona. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Seit 2008 ist die Tektonikarena Sardona eines von zwölf UNESCO-Welterben in der Schweiz. Nebst dem Schutz des Naturerbes und dessen Nutzung zum Wissensmanagement, richten sich zukünftige Strategien auf die Förderung der touristischen Nutzung und der daraus entstandenen Wertschöpfung. Ausgehend von der Fragestellung, wie ein touristisches Produkt um das Welterbe aussehen soll, wird innerhalb der Thesis ein Grobkonzept für ein Familienprodukt in der Region Flumserberg erarbeitet. Nebst ausgiebiger Literaturrecherche, werden zur Darstellung der Nachfrage- und Angebotsseite qualitative Interviews mit den Hauptakteuren geführt. Als nächster Schritt werden, mittels einer SWOT-Analyse, strategische Stossrichtungen für den Entwicklungsprozess ausgearbeitet. Basierend auf der geschaffenen Ausgangslage werden als Resultat relevante Kriterien zur Produktentwicklung definiert und anhand eines möglichen Angebots veranschaulicht. Abschliessend präsentierte Erfolgsfaktoren für die Gestaltung von Naturerlebnisangeboten sollen als Empfehlungen für weitere Tätigkeiten dienen.

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  • Aebischer, Angela (2013): Conceptual guideline for touristic offers and events for people with disabilities. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: People with disabilities have to face many challenges while they are travelling or visiting an event. Since there are always more and more people with disabilities and as they want to be treated as people without a disability, it is of great importance to define the needs of individuals with disabilities and to adapt the tourism offers and events to this target group. This Bachelor Thesis highlights the definition and different dimensions of disability as well as the accessible tourism value chain. Moreover, a benchmark study with several events for people with disabilities in neighboring countries is conducted to define success factors in the event development for Swiss Handicap. The literature review is supplemented by expert interviews with people with disabilities as well as with representatives of foundations for individuals with disabilities. Finally, a checklist with barriers of every step of the tourism value chain and possible solutions to overcome these problems is created from the findings.

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  • Aebli, Annika (2007): Children as Target Groups. Chances and Opportunities for Hotels and Destinations. Diplomarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: As families travel more often with their children nowadays, it becomes increasingly important to target those children. Besides, also suitable leisure products should be developed in order to attract families and especially children. Consequently, the first part of the paper gives an overview of the family’s travel behaviour in Switzerland, Austria and Germany. In addition, existing offers of the hotel and leisure industry are also included. Then, derived from this analysis, success factors of existing offers are identified. Hereafter, chances and opportunities for new providers and new offers are presented. To conclude, a summary of the general findings is elaborated and recommendations for future investors concerning children as target groups are given.

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  • Aemisegger, Moritz (2009): How influencing is the bed quality on the hotel decision process of the individual tourist?. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: How is a tourist able to evaluate a hotel, in which he has never been before? Some do rely on word to mouth, some do consult special interest websites and some do bear on newspaper articles. In addition to these sources there is the star rating system, which is commonly used as measure for rating hotels worldwide. To get these stars is simple: the more a hotel can offer its guest, the more stars it will likely get. The Swiss hotel association Hotelleriesuisse is rating Swiss hotels and a survey performed by order of them in 2008, showed that hotel guests would rate hotels by other factors than the already 30-year-old standard. One of the findings was, that a comfortable and high qualitative bed would be most important to the hotel guest. The objective of the thesis therefore was to reflect the actual situation concerning bed quality in Swiss hotels. This has been made through the review of literature and interviews. Additionally a survey was developed and questionnaires from business and leisure guests have been collected and evaluated. With the data gathered, the author then developed a bed concept for hotels together with his principal. This concept will hopefully be implemented successfully in the near future.

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  • Aerne, Claudine (2014): Efficiency Enhancement of Target-Group-Specific Communication with Final Customers in the Swiss Music Industry. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: In times where companies face an increasingly competitive environment, it is crucial to reach the desired final customer as fast and efficient as possible. As an important player in the Swiss music and event industry, the Good News Productions AG sees itself confronted with this challenge. Therefore, appropriate and customized communication channels need to be developed and steadily adapted to new information and communication trends. This Bachelor thesis highlights the steps needed to develop an efficient communication concept. It particularly outlines the relevance of target groups, explains the communication goals, the creation of a message, the choice of media as well as the measurement of the advertising effect. Besides the literature review, qualitative in depth-interviews with two experts were conducted. In addition, the online survey with visitors of the festival Rock The Ring 2014 enabled the company to obtain a better picture of this specific target group. Finally, recommendations regarding the improvement of the companies’ information and communication channels were made.

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  • Aeschi, Michèle (2014): Die Live Communication Branche und ihre Bedürfnisse Analyse und Weiterentwicklung des Live Communication Angebotes an der SuisseEMEX. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Die SuisseEMEX ist die führende Schweizer Event- und Marketing Expo, welche sich dieses Jahr unter dem Motto «Marketing spüren – LiveCom erleben – Online begreifen» präsentiert. Für die Halle 6, welche der Live Communication Branche zur Verfügung steht wurde ein neues Konzept erarbeitet. Diese Bachelor Thesis befasst sich mit der Analyse und Weiterentwicklung dieses Konzeptes. Im theoretischen Bezugsrahmen werden die Live Communication Branche und besonders die Messen und Ausstellungen im Detail beschrieben. Ein Hauptbestandteil der Thesis sind quantitative Befragungen. Diese werden durchgeführt um herauszufinden, ob das neue Live Communication Konzept erfolgsversprechend ist, ob die Angebote positiv aufgenommen werden und welches die Anforderungen der Branche sind. Dabei werden Unternehmungen die schon an der Messe ausgestellt haben, solche die noch nie Aussteller waren und ehemalige Besucher befragt. Zusätzlich werden Interviews mit Experten der Branche durchgeführt um ihre Präferenzen zu eruieren. Abschliessend werden Empfehlungen abgegeben, wie das Live Communication Konzept verbessert werden kann.

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  • Aeschlimann, Lea (2013): Advertising psychology. Assessment of brochures based on advertising psychology and marketing criteria including eye tracking observations. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Designing brochures in an attractive way is nowadays of high importance due to multiple competitors. Different aspects can be taken into consideration when designing a brochure. The focus may be set on the content or the context. However, only the context aspect was taken into consideration and has been looked from the point of view of advertising psychology. With the help of the knowledge from this field, a set of marketing criteria has been evolved which can also be adapted to different brochures of the partner. This paper is looking at these criteria from two points of view: On one hand, it is looking at what happens within an organism or a consumer, with the help visual perception processes and psychology background. On the other hand it is taking a closer look at the question how to best designing a page in order to ensure a positive consumer reaction. The overall goal of this thesis is to analyse the given brochures of St. Gallen-Bodensee Tourismus. Based on the theory given about the psychological marketing criteria, eye tracking observations have been conducted in order to verify whether these criteria can be agreed upon in practice. With the help of these findings, the brochure of St. Gallen-Bodensee Tourismus, have been analysed. To sum up, recommendations according the improvement of the brochure pages haven been given.

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  • Afsari, Nurul (2022): Interactive Virtual Tours as a Business for Tour Guides. The Case of Amazing Swiss Trips. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: A massive impact was caused by the COVID-19 pandemic on the tourism industry worldwide which led countries to force closing their borders to tourists and therefore experiencing major losses. However, with an innovative solution of offering virtual tours via live streaming, Amazing Swiss Trips was yet able to generate income and prevent itself from bankruptcy.  This bachelor thesis aims to identify factors that affect people's willingness to use virtual tourism during and after the pandemic and how virtual tourism can aid the recovery of the tour guide business. A comprehensive literature review and two surveys were conducted among Indonesian residents to collect the information needed. To further determine effective strategies and recommendations, an internal analysis of the firm was conveyed by interviewing the CEO. Finally, findings from the research methods are presented along with a detailed implementation of the business model for virtual tours for tour guides.

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  • Aggeler, Salome (2014): Lobbying im Tourismus in der Schweiz. Evaluation der Akzeptanz und des Bewusstseins von Tourismus-Anliegen in der Schweizer Politik. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Lobbying wird häufig mit heimlichen Machenschaften in einem Hinterzimmer des Bundeshauses assoziiert. Doch wie findet Lobbying wirklich statt und wer vertritt die Interessen des Tourismus in Bern? Diese Bachelorarbeit befasst sich mit diesen und weiteren Fragen im Bereich der Tourismuspolitik. Die Forschung hat sich bisher wenig mit dem Stand der Interessenvertretung des Tourismus in der Schweiz befasst. Im Rahmen der Themen Zweitwohnungsinitiative und Lobbyingevents wird «Lobbying im Tourismus» anhand von aktuellen Beispielen aufgezeigt. Im Rahmen der 16 qualitativen Interviews mit Lobbyisten, Politikern und Vertretern der Verwaltung wird die aktuelle Situation von Tourismus in der Politik analysiert. Diese umfassende Betrachtung aus den verschiedenen Perspektiven der politischen Arbeit im Tourismus lässt nicht nur Schlussfolgerungen zu sondern liefert auch konkrete Ansätze für mögliche Massnahmen.

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  • Aguayo, Cristian (2004): Marketing a Yacht Club with a special focus on the Punta Centinela Hotel Resort, Spa & Yacht Club. Diplomarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The paper describes the Yacht Club Industry in Ecuador and its evolution through the past, present and projecting for the exciting future. It offers information about the market strategic elements of the Yacht Club, Hotel Resort & Spa, in comparison to the local competitors and provides information of the local landscape. This paper discusses marketing strategies for the Punta Centinela Yacht Club, Hotel, Resort & Spa describing the long and short terms objective of the company. It analysis the importance for the company to reach its market objective and to prove if the objective are realistic and achievable. The overall objective is to identify the market segmentation and the sustainability of the Hotel with an emphasis on the appropriate marketing strategy to be put in place to focus on expanding or sustaining for the business. It focuses on the necessary marketing integrated communication plans to achieve the financial objectives. The views and opinions of this paper are solely based on knowledge and information about the yacht club industry in Ecuador as well as on the interviews and discussions with the directors of Punta Centinela Yacht Club, Resort, Hotel & Spa and the present tourism industry.

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  • Albin, Viola (2021): Partizipativer Tourismus im Bergdorf anhand des Beispiels von Tersnaus (GR). Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Der Tourismus ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung eines Ortes oder einer Region, kann gleichzeitig aber auch ein Mitverursacher an unerwünschten ökologischen und sozialen Auswirkungen sein. Deshalb ist es umso wichtiger, im Tourismus neue Wege zu gehen, um negativen Impacts entgegenzuwirken und ein nachhaltig positives Image zu fördern. Ein Ansatz könnte ein partizipativer, also ein durch Teilnahme sowie Mitgestaltung bestimmter Tourismus sein. Durch diese Art von Tourismus entsteht ein verbundeneres Miteinander von Einheimischen und Gästen. In dieser Bachelorarbeit sollen partizipative Ansätze im Tourismus in den Fokus gerückt werden. Mittels Experteninterviews, einer Akteuranalyse und einer Fokusgruppe wird angestrebt, ein umsetzbares Modell anhand des Beispiels von Tersnaus (GR) darzustellen. Die Datengenerierung wird durch autoethnografische Elemente erweitert. Durch alle angewendeten Methoden wird der Begriff des partizipativen Tourismus klarer definiert.

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  • Albisser, Nicole (2020): The Dual Positioning Strategy of a Wellness and Family Tourism Destination. The Case of Bad Zurzach Tourismus AG. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Nowadays a destination has to attract more than one guest group in order to generate enough overnight stays and revenues to stay competitive. However, it turns out to be a challenging task to accommodate families as well as wellness guests who have differing needs and expectations. This bachelor thesis outlines how a tourist destination can successfully position itself as a family and wellness tourism destination by applying a dual positioning strategy. The results are based on a profound literature review and a qualitative methodological triangulation consisting of a benchmark analysis among Swiss tourist destinations as well as interviews with experts from strategic and operative business backgrounds. Based on the findings, the thesis gives recommendations to tourist destinations on how to appropriately position themselves as both family and wellness tourism destinations with the example of Bad Zurzach.

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  • Albonico, Milena (2014): Organisation und Durchführung von Events Empfehlungen an tpc. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Nur wenigen ist bekannt, dass tpc nicht nur im Broadcast- sondern auch im Eventgeschäft tätig ist. Besonders die Fernsehstudios eignen sich optimal als einzigartige Event-Location. Da das grösste Studio in absehbarer Zeit aber nicht mehr für Events genutzt werden kann, ist tpc gezwungen Massnahmen zu ergreifen, um dem Wegfall des Studios und den damit verbundenen Einbussen im Eventgeschäft entgegen zu wirken. In dieser Arbeit wird das Unternehmen tpc und der Zürcher Eventmarkt analysiert. Die hierfür verwendeten Daten stammen aus einer fundierten Literaturanalyse sowie aus vier Experteninterviews. Das Ziel der Analyse ist es, Möglichkeiten zu finden, wie tpc das Event-Portfolio anpassen könnte, um auch nach der Schliessung des Studio 1 erfolgreich am Eventmarkt operieren zu können. Resultierend aus den in der Analyse gewonnen Erkenntnissen, werden anschliessend Empfehlungen an tpc abgegeben.

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  • Alder, Lidia (2020): Destination analysis. The foundation for sustainable tourism development in the context of development cooperation. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: In order to develop sustainable tourism in Béni Mellal and Azilal, two Moroccan provinces in the heart of the High Atlas, the project “Sustainable Tourism Switzerland-Morocco” was initiated by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO). This bachelor thesis was commissioned by Swisscontact (Swiss Foundation for Technical Cooperation), the implementation agency of the project. In this thesis the destinations are rapidly analysed by carrying out Swisscontact’s “Initial Destination Review” which is a preparatory step of their broader destination evaluation process. Thus, potential, challenges and social effects of developing sustainable tourism in Béni Mellal and Azilal are identified. To obtain the results, literature research and expert interviews are applied. In addition, this Bachelor Thesis is concluded by a critical reflection on the process “Initial Destination Review” and proposals for improvement.

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  • Allemann, Remy (2016): Is there a market for a new eco-snowboard?. A market research about snowboards and sustainability. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Grown is a successful ski brand, producing the most eco-friendly skis available on the market today. After gaining a reputation as authentic, sustainable and high quality brand, Grown is considering taking their experience and expertise from making skis and expanding into the snowboard market. The Swiss snowboard market today, shows declining sales numbers and its future seems to be in danger, especially with the climate change underway, causing an advancing decline of winter from year to year. On the other hand, environmental problems have caused a shift in the mind-set of consumers, beginning to demand sustainable products, causing less harm to the environment from cradle to grave. This bachelor’s thesis tries to seek out whether the opportunities outweigh the threats, in order to recommend Grown whether to enter the snowboard market or not. To reach this goal, the author conducts literature research, a quantitative survey and expert interviews.

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  • Allmendinger, Eric (2009): Creation of a Marketing Plan. Concept for the Museums of Winterthur in the Context of Two Important Reopenings. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The city of Winterthur possesses several museums that hold extraordinary collections of international renown. Yet the number of visitors is rather low and leisure tourism in general plays a minor role. Following refurbishment of two very important museums Winterthur Tourism has decided to use the occasion of their reopenings to launch a marketing campaign in the cultural sector with the goal to attract more tourists. This bachelor thesis should support the organization in its future plans. The aim is to develop a strategic marketing plan for Winterthur Tourism with the main focus on communication. The thesis is divided into three main parts: A profound analysis of the initial situation, the elaboration of a reasonable strategy and the presentation of implementation guidelines/controlling measures. The core of the thesis is the analysis of the role the tourism organization should play and the elaboration of reasonable communication tools that are regarded as most useful to successfully promote the museums in Winterthur.

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  • Aloys, Celina (2020): Tourism and Corona. Impacts for a Tourism Destination with a Grown Structure like Ischgl. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Ischgl is a place where people meet and enjoy their time together and seek relaxation supported by a wide range of outdoor activities, restaurants and bars, as well as wellness facilities. Tourism is continually changing and has to adapt to keep up with different developments and requirements. COVID-19 has brought many industries to a lockdown, including tourism with all its direct and indirect partners. Not only an outbreak and consequent lockdown itself hit Ischgl hard but also negative media coverage all over Europe. Nevertheless, in Ischgl there is experience and knowledge to reinvent and position the destination, so this crisis needs to be considered as an opportunity to critically question the status quo and to work together as a community to maintain its primary source of income. Based on literature research and stakeholder interviews, impacts of the crisis for Ischgl are identified. A further focus is on the analysis of favourable opportunities that arise with the crisis.

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  • Alther, Jan (2006): Development of family oriented events. A practice oriented event concept for Weisse Arena Laax to balance demand in off-peak season. Diplomarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The thesis is mainly built on six constructive steps. In the first part, a theoretical approach to concepts of managing supply and demand is presented. The next chapter focuses on the destination Flims/Laax. It comprises a portfolio analysis of the existing event portfolio, and reveals unused potentials for further event development. The topic of accurate timing of events to balance demand in off-peak season is investigated. It follows the development of a strategical criteria catalogue which can be applied in the process of event selection and creation. This criteria catalogue is central to the thesis, as it serves as a base for the future development of events. On the base of the criteria catalogue follows a benchmark of family events in alpine destinations. The benchmark reveals best practices in the organisation of family events which then flow in the following chapter. It follows the development of a family event concept for Weisse Arena AG, based on the developed criteria catalogue for strategic selection and creation of events. The thesis ends with controlling accuracy of the developed criteria catalogue based event concept and proves the viability of this tool.

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  • Altintas, Sinan (2006): Analysis and revue of the specific characteristics of hospitality services. The case of Kaufleuten Zurich. Diplomarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The aim of the paper is to elaborate and analyze the specific characteristics of hospitality services; Intangibility, Inseparability, Variability and Perishability and to outline the problematic aspects of it. First a theoretical revue of different literature is given and on the second part these theories and findings are analyzed on the real case of Kaufleuten Zurich. The analysis of Kaufleuten Zurich is especially focusing on the discotheque of Kaufleuten because this is the area with the highest degree of intangibility and therefore it seems to be the most challenging part, considering the problematic of service characteristics, within the organization. First a description of the company and its offers is done and than a detailed analysis of operational parts that are heavily influenced by these characteristics like; managing physical surroundings, handling demand and capacity and managing employees is elaborated. The problematic within these operational sectors is shown and the strength and weaknesses are pointed out. Where it is needed possible solutions opportunities are described.

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  • Altintas, Sinan (2007): Development of a Branding and Positioning Concept for the «Kaufleuten Festsaal» in Zurich. Diplomarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Zurich is the largest marketplace for entertainment and gastronomy in Switzerland. Even across Europe, Zurich has one of the highest densities of gastronomic and entertainment establishments. Within this highly competitive market, Kaufleuten Restaurants Zurich has established itself over the last 15 years very successfully as a market leader. Currently Kaufleuten opened a new event location. By launching the Festsaal, a new potential big player entered the market. Now the challenge for Kaufleuten is to avoid an internal competition. The Festsaal has to be positioned in a way that it does not directly compete against the already established Kaufleuten Club. The main goal of the paper is to elaborate possible positioning solutions for the Festsaal. The paper consists of two parts. In the first section a theoretical overview about positioning and branding is given. Different literature is analyzed and commented on. In the second section a proposal for the positioning of the Festsaal is identified by benchmarking the direct competitors, selecting an appropriate target market and developing a branding and differentiation strategy.

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  • Altwegg, Livia (2015): GC Unihockey. Increase of attendance figures. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Floorball is a rather new sport and is still developing in many countries. In Switzerland, floorball has more than 30’000 active players, but overall it still gets very little attention in the sports industry. The research paper is about the problem of scarce attention and sparse spectators in floorball. In collaboration with the team of GC Unihockey, which plays in the highest league in Switzerland, the problem was analysed. The goal of the paper was to analyse current efforts and to spot new ways of attracting more visitors to the games of GC Unihockey. The research does not include a marketing strategy for the club, but the paper should present a selection of approaches, which could be applied at GC. The paper is based on literature about sport management, sport marketing and floorball. Furthermore, expert interviews and secondary data were used for the analysis.

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  • Amacher, Beatrice (2008): A Culture and Architecture Product for Graubünden Ferien. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Culture and architecture are basic components with growing potential in the tourism industry. In the alpine regions of Switzerland there has always been a major focus on sports tourism. The cultural tourism has been left out and not regarded as important until now, also in Grisons which has a huge variety on cultural and architectural offers. In the paper it is evaluated with different research methods if the introduction of a culture and architecture product of Graubünden Ferien would make sense or not. To find this out there were some experts asked about their opinions and their interest on such a culture and architecture product. In a next step, the offers and the marketing of Grisons were compared with three other destinations, the Salzburgerland, Vorarlberg and Zürich. All these regions have a big cultural or architectural offer and are therefore good organisations to compare the product. The cooperation model, resulting from the analysis, shows which partner should take part in the proposed product of GRF and according to which conditions. Finally, there are some criteria set to evaluate the recommendation or refusal of the introduction of the product.

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  • Ambühl, Corina (2020): Development and evaluation of different potential experiences in the greater Zügenschlucht area. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Davos Klosters is a well-known destination for its wide range of sporting activities, the landscape and the conference venue. Approximately 10 kilometres from the centre of Davos the Zügenschlucht offers visitors a unique landscape in the middle of a historic gorge. In the past, the Zügenschlucht played an important role as a connection to the Albulatal valley, whereas today it is known as a hiking or cycling trail. In order to attract tourists to the Zügenschlucht and to make the visit more spectacular, this bachelor thesis provides ideas for a potential experience staging in the Zügenschlucht and its surroundings. The different possibilities are analysed with regard to their feasibility and in particular with regard to the natural risks in the Zügenschlucht. The results of these different analyses are used to make recommendations for a new experience in the greater Zügenschlucht area.

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  • Ammon, Rahel (2015): Cultural Challenges of Multicultural Cabin Crews. The Case of Swiss International Airlines. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The steady reduction of trade barriers led to a growing mobile labour market world-wide. To meet the needs of its passengers, Swiss International Airlines engages Cabin Crew Members not only from Switzerland but also from China, India, Japan and Thailand. Consequently also Swiss International Airlines is dealing with cultural diversity issues at the workplace. The purpose of this thesis is to reveal how cultural diversity is perceived within the company and to uncover challenges as well as advantages of multinational Cabin Crews. As the Asian Crew Members possess a profound cultural knowledge on their home route, a further goal is the collection of important know-how regarding behaviour rules and service expectations. The information in turn aims to foster cultural understanding among the Cabin Crew Members from Switzerland. The assessment is based on the gathered data from a survey which has been conducted with the Asian Cabin Crew Members at Swiss International Airlines.

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  • Andenmatten, Michael (2007): Development of Products for «Best Agers« as a Target Group for Liechtenstein Tourism. Diplomarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The demographic changes and the rapidly aging populations in Asia, America and Europe lead to the fact that the so called Baby boomers are becoming an important target group for the tourism industry in the near future. The Best Agers are experienced travellers who have more time and money to spend than the average customers. Therefore, high quality and an excellent service have to be guaranteed to attract this target market. Many tourism organisations realised the importance of Best Agers, but have not yet reacted. The aim of this diploma thesis is to adapt existing products or create new ones, which suit the needs and wants of Best Agers for Liechtenstein Tourism. A company, competitor, and an environmental analysis clarify the current situation of Liechtenstein as a tourism destination in the market. In addition, a communication action plan illustrates which internal and external communication actions Liechtenstein Tourism has to take to bring more people aged over 50 to the country.

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  • Andrist, Simone (2019): Situationsanalyse der Tourismuswahrnehmung der lokalen Bevölkerung in der Destination Oberaargau. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Die Region Oberaargau steht im Bereich Tourismus noch am Anfang. Beim Aufbau von einem erfolgreichen Tourismus spielt die Wahrnehmung der Bevölkerung eine zentrale Rolle. In dieser Arbeit wird in Zusammenarbeit mit der Erlebnismacher AG, die das Mandat für die Destination Oberaargau inne hat, eine Analyse der touristischen Wahrnehmung der Bevölkerung durchgeführt. Dabei werden PR Massnahmen abgeleitet und mögliche Lösungsempfehlungen zur Stärkung der Identität aufgezeigt. Das Tourismusbewusstsein muss im Oberaargau gesteigert werden, damit die Einwohner zu Botschaftern der Region werden und die Destination nach aussen tragen. Die Zufriedenheit der Gäste hängt zu einem grossen Teil von der Bevölkerung ab. Die Thesis generiert Wissen durch Interviews mit Experten sowie einer Fokusgruppe mit lokalen Personen aus verschiedenen Regionen des Oberaargaus. Der theoretische Teil über das Kommunikationsverhalten einer DMO gegenüber der Bevölkerung wird in der Literaturrecherche abgehandelt.

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  • Anhorn, Ivo (2007): Cross Boarder Day Trips from Switzerland to Germany. Diplomarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: This individual diploma thesis examines the topic «Cross border day trips from Switzerland to Germany». It is the aim of this diploma thesis to analyse why and how often inhabitants from cities in Switzerland cross the border to Germany. Thereto a survey with inhabitants from 3 cities in Switzerland close to the border of Germany (St. Margreten, Kreuzlingen and Schaffhausen) and 2 cities farther from the border of Germany (Chur and Zürich) was executed. The reason for this distinction is to examine, if the distance of a city from the border is in relationship with the trip intensity. Further, it is shown with whom and with which means of transportation people living in those cities cross the border to Germany, how long and how many kilometres they travel, how much money they spend during their trips, etc. Finally it is analysed if the Schengen Agreement, which leads to an abolition of controls of people at the Swiss – German border in 2008, will have an impact on the trip intensity from Switzerland to Germany.

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  • Anliker, Rahel (2015): Sponsoring Improvements for Bike Days. How to attract non-industry sponsor. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The Bike Days is a national bike festival in Solothurn. To ensure a successful event, a financial support is needed, which leads to the necessity of sponsors. However, the current problem of the Bike Days is that mainly industry sponsors are engaged in a sponsorship contract. Due to that fact, this bachelor thesis analyses on how to attract non-industry sponsors and provides useful recommendations for the Bike Days event. The current problem of the Bike Days was analysed and possible reasons for the sponsor imbalance evaluated. Furthermore, the main requirements of potential sponsors to support an event were detected through a qualitative content analysis. The assessment was based on self-conducted interviews with experts, potential sponsors and current sponsors and strengthened by means of another five written interviews. The given recommendations for the Bike Days on how to attract non-industry sponsors are grounded on the interviews, the theory as well as on own ideas.

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  • Aprile, Kristina (2012): FC Vaduz home matches – more than just sport events. Development of possible measures and strategies for changes and improvements. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Football has filled people since nearly two centuries with enthusiasm. The past years, football has gone through a commercialization, which has brought up new elements like shows and the involvement of gates into the stadiums. Football is developing into a more commercial event. Sport and entertainment are increasingly staged together. This development has brought up new needs from the society. Today, fans are looking for a more spectacular supporting program and want to experience special and exciting moments. The sporting competition is just the core of the program these days and the entertainment program in stadiums has to follow-up a clever devised dramaturgy. This development has led to some difficulties for the Liechtenstein Football Club Vaduz. The club is trying to increase the amount of visitors through different strategies. Unfortunately, their fans fail to appear. This thesis analyse the actual situation and problems of FC Vaduz in order to give recommendations to improve the situation.

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  • Apsis, Victor (2015): Analysing the potential of in non-European markets (China, India, USA, Japan). Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: GmbH is one of the only group accommodation reservation platforms in Switzerland, which assists a wide range of groups in finding and booking suitable accommodation facilities for various purposes of travel. The company also supports hosts and guest house operators to market their availability by facilitating the communication with potential consumers. Currently the main customer segments of come from the German-speaking countries as well as European countries neighbouring Switzerland. This Bachelor Thesis analyses the potential of the company in engaging with the outbound touristic markets of four overseas countries, namely, China, India, Japan and the U.S. By evaluating the supply of touristic product offered by and the volume, characteristics, guests’ preferences and travel culture of the four outbound touristic markets, this paper will assess whether there is potential for success in initiating business operations with customers from the four overseas markets.

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  • Aregger, Eliane (2021): Entwicklung und Bewertung von Konzeptvorschlägen für ein neues Hotel Walensee in Weesen mit Innen- und Aussengastronomie unter Beachtung der geltenden Rahmenbedingungen. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: In der Gemeinde Weesen ist auf den Parzellen der Trattoria Walensee AG die Entwicklung eines Neubaus geplant. Von Seite der Gemeindeverwaltung würde eine weitere Hotel- und Gastronomienutzung begrüsst. In dieser Arbeit werden die grundsätzlichen Möglichkeiten dargestellt und vier Konzeptvorschläge entwickelt sowie bewertet. Basis dafür bilden Standort- und Marktüberlegungen sowie Überlegungen zur Gästestruktur sowie Trends und Erkenntnisse zur Wirtschaftlichkeit von Hotel- und Gastronomiebetrieben. Die Konzeptvorschläge werden anschliessend beurteilt und durch eine Expertenmeinung plausibilisiert. Es sollen diejenigen Vorschläge mit dem grössten Potential erkennbar sein, die dann ausserhalb dieser Bachelorarbeit durch die Promotoren weiter geprüft und bearbeitet werden können.

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  • Arizzoli, Flavia (2006): Vacational needs and desires in the case of overweight women. A market-oriented analysis. Diplomarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Our industrial world is facing an epidemic of increasing overweight and obesity, nicknamed ‘globesity’. Various consequences in different fields occur and the question arises if and how the tourism industry has to adapt. As a result, this diploma paper investigates the impacts of the overweight population on the tourism industry by analyzing both perspectives in depth. The diploma paper is divided in two parts, a theoretical and a practical one. The first part shortly introduces the weight loss institute CaloryCoach. Different aspects and insights of overweight and obesity as well as of the relevant and related tourism industry are discussed. The second component describes travel patterns of overweight women based on primary data of a self conceived survey. From the whole analysis pragmatic recommendations on a potential vacational CaloryCoach service are given. At the end essential marketing plan elements are developed.

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  • Arnet, Nicole (2017): Trends in MICE Tourism in Switzerland and their strategic impact on the Radisson Blu Basel. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The Radisson Blu Basel is one of the main business hotels in Basel which hosts many national and international guests during exhibitions and conventions. The city of Basel is well known for its exhibitions and conventions such as Art Basel and Baselworld, and therefore, the MICE business in general represents a rather profitable segment of the city’s tourism industry. As the competition is high, it is important to keep up with the developments of the industry and to constantly improve the services provided by the hotel. This Bachelor Thesis provides strategies for the Radisson Blu Basel which will help the hotel to adapt to the trends of the MICE industry in Switzerland and stay successful in the market. To get a better insight, the business tourism industries of Switzerland, with a focus on the one in Basel, are analyzed. Based on the interviews with benchmark hotels of the Swiss MICE industry as well as with organizers of conventions and exhibitions, strategies are elaborated.

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  • Arnold, Jeamine (2019): Entwicklung von Tourismusangeboten unter Einbezug der einheimischen Bevölkerung am Beispiel des Urner Unterlandes. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Für Destinationsmanagementorganisationen (DMO) stellt die Produktentwicklung ein wichtiges Element dar, damit sich eine Destination positionieren, vom Wettbewerb abheben und mehr Gäste gewinnen kann. Gemäss den Ergebnissen des Tourismus Monitor Schweiz wird ein «Meet the Locals»-Konzept im Kanton Uri als passende Lösung erachtet, um den Tourismus zu stärken. Das Ziel dieser Bachelorarbeit ist es, mithilfe einer Marktanalyse herauszufinden, ob diese Einschätzung stimmt, im Kanton Uri Potenzial für ein solches Konzept besteht und grob zu beurteilen, wie dieses aussehen kann. Dazu wird die Bereitschaft zur Teilnahme an einem solchen Angebot geklärt und es werden Produktkategorien ermittelt, um daraus konkrete Produktvorschläge zu ziehen. Die Ergebnisse und Empfehlungen stützen sich einerseits auf Onlinebefragungen von Einheimischen und Gästen und andererseits auf der qualitativen Ebene auf Experteninterviews, sowie einer Benchmark-Analyse von bestehenden «Meet the Locals»-Konzepten.

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  • Arnold, Angelika (2020): Touristische Inwertsetzung von regionalen Lebensmitteln. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Diese Bachelorarbeit untersucht die Bedeutung von regionalen Lebensmitteln im Tourismus und wie Lebensmittel im Kanton Uri touristisch in Wert gesetzt werden können. Basierend auf den rund 70 Kleinst- und Kleinproduzenten, welche im Urner Unterland tätig sind, werden in dieser Arbeit die Bedürfnisse der Produzenten in Bezug auf die Inwertsetzung der Angebote erforscht. Dazu werden zuerst Ansätze zu einer Inwertsetzung mit einer vertieften Literaturrecherche ermittelt. Des Weiteren werden die Bedürfnisse der Produzenten bezüglich einer Inwertsetzung ihrer Lebensmittel anhand von halbstrukturierten Interviews untersucht. Die Ergebnisse aus den Interviews werden mit der Literatur kritisch reflektiert, woraufhin ein Handbuch für Uri Tourismus erstellt wird. Das Handbuch zeigt alle wichtigen Bedürfnisse und Wünsche der Produzenten auf und beinhaltet Empfehlungen für Uri Tourismus zu weiterführenden Massnahmen bezüglich der Inwertsetzung der Lebensmittel in Uri.

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  • Arpagaus, Bernadette (2008): Swiss alpine club SAC. Sustainable hiking-tourism in the Alps and marketing of the cottages. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: In contrast to some years ago, the image of hiking has changed due to different influencing factors. Previously hiking was regarded as an activity for «knickerbockers-wearing seniors» rather than a trendy leisure-time pursuit. Today the hiking sport experiences new sympathy and has many devotees. Everyone is hiking and figures are increasing. The Swiss Alpine Club (SAC – «Schweizerischer Alpen-Club») and its mountain huts are also faced with this new trend and have to develop offers to satisfy the needs of the changed target group. The aim of this thesis is to identify general trends and changes which influence the hiking trend, show how the hiker as person has changed, present important issues in hiking tourism and find out success ful marketing methods for this segment. A further step is to find out how SAC has to develop itself to meet the needs of the new and persuaded hikers. The paper is made up of three main parts. The first chapters give a theoretical overview about general trends in tourism, hiking tourism, the behaviour of the hikers and marketing tools in hiking tourism, whereas research is conducted by expert interviews, surveys and desk research in the second section. Theory and research are consolidated in a third section in which recommendations are also given.

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  • Atzenweiler, Melanie (2016): The Indian Travel Behaviour and its Consequences for Swiss International Air Lines Ltd.. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Swiss International Air Lines Ltd. provides flights to India on an everyday basis. Over 250’000 passengers are transported on this flight legs each year, while most of them are Indian passengers. In such a competitive industry, it is essential airline carriers are well aware of the needs of their passengers in order to fully satisfy them. This Bachelor Thesis provides recommendations to Swiss International Air Lines Ltd. when it comes to the serving of Indian passengers on board. The recommendations cover the fields of Cabin Crew Management, the provided onboard service product and the Marketing and Sales Department in Mumbai. The expectations and perception towards the provided onboard service on the legs to India and vice versa were examined by conducting passenger’s survey at the airport of Zurich-Kloten. Moreover, qualitative interviews were carried out with experts from the service provider sector to receive a more profound insight into the cultural aspects of Indians.

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  • Baatarjav, Munkhsuld (2022): The travel motivation and expectation of Swiss tourists to Mongolia. Consideration of Swiss tour operator's marketing with a focus on Mongolia as a travel destination. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Mongolia is a relatively unknown destination compared to other more popular destinations in Asia and is rather unknown in Switzerland.  The main purpose of this study is to analyze the travel motivation of Swiss tourists to Mongolia and their travel experiences in Mongolia. What are the factors that drive them to travel to Mongolia? What should be considered for Swiss tour operators to promote Mongolia as a travel destination to attract more Swiss tourists to Mongolia? To answer these questions, this study investigated travel motivation, booking behaviour, and the national culture of Swiss people. The further objective of this work is to understand the image of Mongolia and how such images are formed by potential Swiss tourists. The behaviour of the Swiss tourists is analyzed according to Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory to reach more potential Swiss tourists. Furthermore, recommendations can be drawn to find a way to best promote the travel destination Mongolia in Switzerland.

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  • Bachmann, Irene (2012): Catering in Ice Hockey Arenas. Products and Process Optimization in the Vaillant Arena Davos. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The ice hockey club of Davos (HCD) caters to its spectators at the home matches in the Vaillant Arena Davos, whose revenue generated can provide the club with additional valuable financial means. The motivation for the topic of this bachelor thesis was the desire to find out if and where there were potentials of improvement which would presumably lead to the best possible satisfied customers, additional sales revenue and easier handling for all staff members involved. The main focus is set on the range of goods offered and various processes, with strong emphasis on the consumer behaviour of the target group. Very little specific literature about catering in sports arenas is available, which this thesis is intended to enhance. Additionally, a survey conducted with slightly over 300 respondents at an ice hockey game in the Vaillant Arena, as well as a benchmark with experts being in charge of the catering of the BOSSARD Arena in Zug and PostFinance Arena in Bern are provided. Furthermore, the sales figures from the HCD of the previous ice hockey season have been supplied by the external partner and are aimed to support the evaluations. These various methods lead to recommendations for adjustments for the HCD concerning various aspects.

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  • Bachmann, Rolf (2009): Successful Negotiation in Tourism Projects. A conceptual and practical approach. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Innovative projects such as resorts or new ropeways are of economic importance to an alpine tourist destination. Nevertheless, several alpine tourism projects have been dismissed within the last couple of months. One difficulty seems to be controversial interests of how to use the land the projects are planned to be built on. Innovation versus tradition, economic utilisation versus protection. How is a project manager supposed to negotiate with the stakeholders when facing conflicting interests? This bachelor thesis presents a concept for successful negotiation in alpine tourism projects. The concept is based on two methods. Firstly, literature review of the latest negotiation theories enabled the drawing up of a theoretic negotiation model. Secondly, expert interviews investigate negotiation behaviour in five successful and five unsuccessful projects. To name a few, projects like the Andermatt Resort, the ropeway connection Arosa-Lenzerheide or the resort Radons in Savognin are presented. In addition to the concept, negotiation success and failure factors are derived. Overall, this thesis provides support for moving from ad-hoc to strategic negotiation efforts in alpine tourism projects.

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  • Bachmann, Simone (2013): Positioning of Global Brigades. A comparison of value creation in development cooperation and volunteer tourism. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: During the last 30 years voluntary activities have experienced significant growth. Due to current trends different styles are emerging, among others, volunteer tourism. In the literature, however, a clear consensus about its scope does not exist yet and its difference from volunteering in development cooperation is rather blurry. Also Global Brigades is accompanied by this uncertainty of differentiation. Hence, the purpose of this bachelor thesis is to point out the differences of value creation in development cooperation and volunteer tourism and to determine how Global Brigades’ value creation model distinguishes itself from both. Moreover, out of that recommendations for Global Brigades’ communication strategy are given in order to clearly differentiate it from both. Firstly, literature about value creation in terms of the three fields, development cooperation, volunteer tourism and Global Brigades, is reviewed. Secondly, six expert interviews are conducted. By means of a template analysis the parts are analysed and afterwards conclusions are drawn.

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  • Baer, Sara (2010): The Experience of Nature. Positioning and Marketing of Nature Based Experiences in Tourism. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Zürich’s intact nature is a crucial asset for Zürich Tourism’s market portfolio. The upcoming trend of authenticity requires professional investigation of the marketing approach in order to market nature-based experiences successfully on an international scale. This Bachelor thesis consists of an introduction, a theoretical section, a conceptualization of the marketing approach and finally, an empirical section, in which stakeholder interviews are analysed. Although research about urban tourism, tourist experiences and authenticity exists, little is known about nature-based experiences close to an urban area. Therefore, the objective of this research paper was to find out which target market is attracted by which natural attractions and how it should be marketed internationally. In order to answer these questions, nine stakeholder interviews were conducted with the objective to reveal their opinions, expectations and concerns. Furthermore, secondary data was analysed in order to reveal the nature of the target groups, the suitability of existing natural attractions and implications for the marketing approach. In summary, this paper provides a marketing concept which is supported by statements of the different stakeholders.

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  • Bagdasarianz, Céline (2018): Einbindung von neuen Technologien und digitalen Massnahmen zur Steigerung des ganzheitlichen Markenerlebnisses bei Live-Events. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Als Eventagentur steht standing ovation vor der Herausforderung digitale Medien oder neue Technologien budgetorientiert, zielgerichtet und nachhaltig bei Live-Events einzusetzen. Denn Veranstalter befinden sich oftmals im Zwiespalt zwischen gewünschter Innovation und limitierten finanziellen Mitteln. In dieser Bachelor Thesis wird evaluiert, wie der Einsatz digitaler Massnahmen bei Live Events eine Marke stärken kann. Mittels einer Best Practice Analyse wird die Fortschrittlichkeit der Integration digitaler Medien bei Live Events, die von standing ovation organisiert werden, bestimmt. Die Ergebnisse dieser Analyse wie auch Erkenntnisse aus Experteninterviews zeigen das Potenzial, den Mehrwert wie auch die Herausforderungen auf, digitale Medien bei Live-Events einzusetzen. Die Effektivität neuer Technologien wird in einer Nutzwertanalyse bewertet. Basierend auf der Auswertung der Nutzwertanalyse ergibt sich die ideale Digital Customer Journey als Basis für zukünftige Live-Events.

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  • Bähler, Jacqueline (2021): Employer Branding of Andermatt Swiss Alps AG. Benchmarking two touristic organisations with Andermatt Swiss Alps AG. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: The topic of employer branding has gained increasingly importance in different sectors in recent years and has now also arrived in the tourism and hospitality industry. For this reason, the company Andermatt Swiss Alps AG, a rising international company based in Andermatt (UR) in Switzerland, has set itself the goal of developing and implementing employer branding strategies. This Bachelor Thesis (BT) provides insights into where Andermatt Swiss Alps AG stands in comparison with two other touristic organisations, namely Säntis-Schwebebahn AG and Aletsch Arena AG. All destinations involved display the notion that the topic of employer branding is controversially discussed and handled. Based on the benchmark analysis, individual conclusions for the businesses are elaborated and specific suggestions and recommendations for employer branding strategies are developed for Andermatt Swiss Alps AG. These suggestions and recommendations should strongly assist them in their further development.

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  • Baier, Daniela (2009): The New National Park Visitor Centre. Analysis and Options for Future Promotion. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Today customer satisfaction is one of the most important issues to stay successful in business. To know the driving factors and motivations of guests’ visits as well as their satisfaction with the attractions is therefore a key element of success for a national park visitor centre. Due to that fact the aim of this thesis is to provide a qualitative analysis of the guests in the new national park visitor centre. More precisely to find out guests’ motives for the visit, their satisfaction about the centre itself and its attractions as well as socio-demographic variables about the visitors. In brief this thesis consists out of a theoretical part, which contains a literature review that analyses environmental influences on national park tourism as well as its economical benefits. The second part of the thesis describes the research design and illustrates the results of 99 guided interviews which were made with guests in the visitor centre in Zernez between March and May 2009. Finally in the third part of the thesis, conclusions as well as recommendations for future improvement are disclosed.

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