
Open Access



Open Access (OA) refers to free access to scientific publications on the Internet. The movement is supported by research organisations and universities around the world, along with the University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons.


What is Open Access?

What is Open Access?

All roads lead to ... OA!

There are several ways to publish for Open Access:

  • The green road refers to the traditional route of publishing literature in a publishing house and then secondary publication (i.e., self-archiving) in a repository afterwards. Secondary publication usually takes place after an embargo period of 6 to 12 months.
  • The gold road is the name for all works that are published directly in OA. In this case, authors incur a publication fee.
  • The grey road refers to OA publication of grey literature (via non-traditional channels). This form of literature is listed in the publication database.
Strategies and guidelines

Strategies and guidelines

International demands

The following international statements form the basis for the Open Access movement. Many other guidelines and strategies refer to them as well.
Budapest Open Access Initiative 2001
Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities 2003
Plan S 2018

National open access strategies

swissuniversities (Rectors’ Conference of the Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences) aims to make «all publicly funded scientific publications accessible to everyone free of charge on the Internet» by 2024.
The guidelines of the Swiss National Science Foundation support this objective.

Financial support

Financial support

Members of the UAS Grisons have the opportunity to publish their work via the Gold Road at a discounted price or free under particular conditions.

Projects financed by the SNSF

If a research project is financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation, the related works must be published for Open Access. All details and related information are available on the OA website of the SNSF.

«Read & Publish» contracts

The UAS Grisons is part of the university consortium that negotiates new contracts with scientific publishing houses on an annual basis. A list of all contracts and conditions is available in the research bar.

Helpful links

Helpful links

Here you will find a collection of related links that will help you to publish or research for Open Access. Further links are available in the respective sub-areas of the Info Corner or directly in the research bar.





Here you will find a collection of further resources on the topic of Open Access publishing, divided into three subsections.


Rights and licenses

If OA is published, care must be taken that no rights are infringed and which licenses are granted. You can find information on this here.

Quality control and predatory publishing

How can the quality of a journal be determined? What is predatory publishing? You can find answers and further information here.



Do you have any questions? Do you have any further questions or are you interested in further material or input? If so, please contact us; we look forward to receiving your questions or input!

Publication, Research, General

Library of Technology
Pulvermühlestrasse 57
7000 Chur
Tel. +41 81 286 24 33

Library of Economics
Comercialstrasse 22
7000 Chur
Tel. +41 81 286 39 37


Legal Advice

If you have specific legal questions, please contact us directly at