

New: swisscovery platform


Library catalogue

Counter opening hours

From Monday to Friday 09.00 – 12.00 / 13.00 – 17.00
Wednesday afternoon closed


We welcome and encourage feedback to help us to improve the library services that we provide.


The library's online tutorial offers support and useful information

  • for your literature search and for the academic writing,
  • for the use of the different information sources of the University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons Library and for the reference management

Direct access to the Comprehensive list of information resources.

Book suggestion form

  • Can't find the book you're looking for? A team of specialist lecturers at University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons helps us to select the required literature. However, we also rely on your tips. Please send us the item (Book or eBook title, author) or a link to where you have seen it online – together with your account information (not necessary). We will discuss your suggestion with our specialist lecturers and we will send you a reply.


The University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons Library with its two locations, 'Technology' and 'Economics', supports students and employees of the University of Applied Science of the Grisons by providing subject-specific information and advising its clientele. The library is also open to interested members of the public.




SLSP with swisscovery

The University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons Library is part of the national library platform swisscovery by SLSP (Swiss Library Service Platform). This network enables all registered users to have media delivered by SLSP Courier to the UAS Grisons Library from around 150 libraries. More information on loans is available under Library services.

In order to use your library, you have to register:

More information can be found on the library's online tutorial.

Bibliotheksplatz Chur

Bibliotheksplatz Chur is a cooperation between the following academic libraries in Chur:

  • Bildungszentrum für Gesundheit und Soziales
  • Cantonal Library of the Canton of Grison
  • Graubünden University of Teacher Education
  • Chur University of Theology

Students of University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons can use these libraries for free. You need your student identification card and your library card to register at the Cantonal library. Once you are registered there, you can order media from all the above libraries to be sent free of charge by bike courier to the University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons Library.

Please visit the online catalogues Graubünden library network or swisscovery.

Consortium of Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences for electronic resources

Thanks to a merger of the libraries of the Swiss universities of applied sciences as well as the University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland, staff and students have access to more than 70 subject databases, around 10,000 e-journals and around 35,000 e-books. Go to the online tutorial Research-Bar in Moodle to find further information on the electronic media as well as a variety of search tips.

Visit the courses on our Research-Bar

Open Access

Open Access

Open access (OA) refers to free access to scientific publications on the Internet. The movement is supported by research organisations and universities around the world, along with the University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons. Here you will find information on all aspects of Open Access.




Library of Technology
Pulvermühlestrasse 57
CH-7004 Chur
Tel. +41 81 286 24 33

Library of Economics
Comercialstrasse 22
CH-7000 Chur
Tel. +41 81 286 39 37


You can give us your feedback in the way that is easiest for you: in person at the helpdesk, by email or via our feedback wall.


Library team

‘I love my library’ is the motto of library director Cristina Carlino, who has put her heart and soul into the UAS Grisons library for more than twenty years.

‘Knowledge not shared remains unknown’ Lea Reinhold looks after the e-resources and gets openness rolling at the UAS Grisons.

‘Read. Know. Grow.’ Wenke Alberts, information specialist, focusses on information literacy, maintaining the research bar and making the library viral - on Insta!

‘Talk tech to me I'm a librarian’ Marcel Hanselmann tests and implements new devices and technologies.

‘Coffee first, then library’, because with coffee he masters the trickiest tasks in ALMA (our library software). Maik Disch, Information and Documentation Specialist, has been part of our team since April 2024.

‘This is how I roll’, rolling back and forth between his bachelor's degree in Information Science and the library. Jennifer Froidevaux not only catalogues all our media, she also brings our publishing house up to scratch!


Head of division
Cristina Carlino
Information & Documentation Expert
Wenke Alberts
Information & Documentation Expert
Maik Disch
Information & Documentation Expert
Marcel Hanselmann
Elena Raho
Information & Documentation Expert
Lea Reinhold


I have never borrowed a book before. What do I have to do?

The University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons Library is part of the national library platform swisscovery by SLSP (Swiss Library Service Platform). In order to use your library, you have to register: You can register the barcode from your previous library card or ask for a new SLSP user card at the library desk later. After successful registration, you can use your SWITCH edu-ID account for all SLSP libraries. You can find more information about registration here:

How do I borrow books outside counter opening hours?

A PC for this purpose is located in both library locations, with instructions on self-checkout. You will need the login of your SWITCH edu-ID account.

How can I change my password or user information?

You can change your address, telephone number and password («Forgot password?») in your SWITCH edu-ID account:

How do I search online for books, journals, films, etc.?

The University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons Library is part of the national library platform swisscovery by SLSP (Swiss Library Service Platform). swisscovery provides access to a total of more than 30 million books, series, journals and non-book materials and more than 3 billion electronic articles. swisscovery is operated by the Swiss Library Service Platform, SLSP in short. When searching, decide if you want to search specifically the FHGR Library collection or the total collection of all 475 SLSP libraries.

How can I order or reserve library media?

To order/reserve media, you must be logged in on swisscovery with your SWITCH edu-ID account. After searching the catalogue, select the title of the book that you would like to order in the results list, go to «loan and request options» and click the «loan» tab: Pickup Institution = OST - FHGR / Pickup Location = FHGR (Chur). You will receive an e-mail as soon as the book is ready to be picked up.

How can I order books with SLSP Courier to the University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons (fees)?

150 SLSP libraries are connected via «SLSP Courier». For the use of the SLSP Courier service a fee of 8.- CHF per document will be charged. For students and employees of FH Graubünden, these fees are covered, provided that the pick-up takes place at one of the two FHGR library locations. Orders for documents that you pick up directly from a corresponding library are free of charge. A postal delivery to your home costs 12.- CHF in any case – this fee is not covered by the FHGR Library.

What can I do if the pickup location FHGR (Chur) is not possible?

Via swisscovery you can also find media from libraries that are not connected to SLSP Courier. Courier delivery is not possible in this case. The option «Delivery to Home/Work Address» is not free of charge. Please contact the library team to explore other options.

What is the loan period?

The standard loan period for text books is four weeks. After the first four weeks, the loan period will be automatically extended up to five times. You can also extend your documents online via your swisscovery user account. If the book has been reserved by another user, the loan period cannot be extended. You will be notified by e-mail as soon as the loan period for a book has expired. Shortened loan periods are possible depending on the library and the type of media (e.g. DVDs, journals, etc.).

How can I return my loans?

You can either return the book at the library counter (if it is staffed) or in the book return box labelled for this purpose at the respective entrance of each library location.

How can I suggest a new book to the library?

We are always interested in receiving suggestions for new books from our users. Just send us an e-mail with the details of the book you are interested in as well as your contact information (incl. study programme).

How can I find electronic resources?

Find access to our databases, e-journals and e-books on our «Research-Bar» on Moodle.

How do I borrow media from the Graubünden Cantonal Library?

The media of the Graubünden Cantonal Library (KBG) can be viewed online via the Graubünden Library network. Please note that you must first set up a user account in the KBG to do so. Students of University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons can borrow media from the KBG for free. You can have books from the KBG sent free of charge to University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons by bike courier (pickup location: University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons «Technology» or University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons «Economics»).

Where can I find support and training for my research?

Do you already know our e-learning platform «Research-Bar» on Moodle? The Research-Bar offers support for your literature search, for using the FHGR Library’s different information sources and for reference management. Furthermore, you will find useful information on academic writing and the news to inform you about new information sources, library workshops and training.


Do you have any positive or negative comments to make or any other feedback? We look forward to hearing what your views are. You can communicate with us directly or via e-mail.