
Swiss Institute for Entrepreneurship (SIFE)

Institute at a glance

Institute at a glance

As a university of applied sciences institute, the Swiss Institute for Entrepreneurship (SIFE) operates at the interface between research and practice. It conducts application-oriented research, offers teaching and provides services in the focus areas of Innovation, Internationalisation, Digitalisation and Corporate Responsibility. The institute’s objective is to contribute to the successful foundation, transformation and growth of companies.



The Swiss Institute for Entrepreneurship (SIFE) supports companies and assists them in realising changes and the implementation of the digital transformation.

Together with our partners from the fields of science, research and teaching, we seek new economic, technical, organisational and social solutions and endeavour to implement these in a targeted manner. We thereby focus on practice and apply current scientific methods.

In terms of subjects, the SIFE focuses on current challenges from the world of practice. It is currently researching issues relating to digital transformation including the Internet of Things (IoT), Innovation and Design Thinking, Internationalisation and Corporate Responsibility. With respect to Digitalisation, we look at strategies for products and services as well as new business models. However, we also address organisational issues which are opening up as a result of the digitalisation process and networking. In Innovation and Design Thinking, we research the emergence, the processes and also the management of innovations. In the area of internationalisation and supply chains, we investigate the motives and prerequisites for successful internationalisation and develop solutions for the management of international supply chains. Finally, we look at the questions of how companies and organisations can anchor transparency, sustainable development and entrepreneurial responsibility in their business philosophy.

Research and services

Research and services

Every year, business partners and consortiums cooperate with the SIFE in four to six large national and international research projects (Innosuisse, Horizon 2020, SNSF) with the objective of answering issues relevant to the world of practice from a research perspective. The institute also conducts a large number of smaller research and service projects.

If you have any practice-relevant research projects, get in touch!

Graubünden SME Centre

The Graubünden SME Centre is the first port of call for SMEs and young entrepreneurs from the canton looking to do something new, optimise their business and increase its efficiency. We support and advise Graubünden SMEs in addressing business issues related to company foundation and growth, financing, strategic management, innovation and internationalisation. They benefit from, in some cases, free consulting services as well our network of experts from the worlds of science, business and education.

Forms of cooperation

There are various forms of cooperation, be they research projectsconsulting projects or student projects. Get in contact with us and we will support you with your projects.



A selection of current projects can be found below.

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University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons
Schweizerisches Institut für Entrepreneurship (SIFE)
Comercialstrasse 22
7000 Chur

Phone:   +41 81 286 24 14


Lecturer, Head of institute
Prof. Urs Jenni


Organisational assistant
Cindy Meister