
Centre for Public Management (ZVM)

Centre at a glance

Centre at a glance

The Centre for Public Management (ZVM) promotes entrepreneurial actions in the area of public administration and in non-profit organisations (NPOs) with the objective of increasing efficiency and effectiveness. To this end, we provide applied knowledge, develop practical solutions for outcome-oriented public management and conduct research in selected focus areas – especially in the field of municipal management.

The ZVM has specialised in issues in the research field of Public Management and Local Government.



The ZVM is integrated in regional, national and international knowledge and research networks. In our research activities, we focus on selected areas and adopt a decidedly application-oriented approach. The findings we gain from our applied research are incorporated in consulting services and further education programmes.

Further education

Further education

The ZVM has a broad further education offering for public administrative bodies and NPOs (associations, social welfare schemes, societies, etc.). This offering includes a Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS), a preparatory course for a federal examination, day courses, seminars and conferences. The general and overriding objective is to provide practical further education that is tailored to the requirements of public administrative bodies and non-profit organisations.

Research and consulting

Research and consulting

The Centre for Public Management (ZVM) continuously exchanges knowledge with the public sector. As part of practical dialogue, the ZVM moderates various information exchange groups and supports public administrative bodies and non-profit organisations (NPOs) in consulting projects on the issues of Public Management and Local Government, Voluntary Activities as well as Strategy, Organisation and Evaluation.

Forms of cooperation

There are various forms of cooperation, be they research projectsconsultuing projects or student projects. Get in contact with us and we will support you with your projects.



The Centre for Public Management (ZVM) works together with the following organisations:

Bündner Vereinigung für Raumentwicklung (BVR) – the Graubünden Association for Spatial Development

The BVR is a private-law association that defends public interests in the field of regional planning policy. The association promotes appropriate spatial development in the canton of Graubünden that is in line with social, economic and environmental interests. It adopts a holistic approach in demonstrating the relationships between regional planning, the economy, the environment, society and culture and distributes specialist knowledge and information in the form of publications, conferences and further education courses.

Fachstelle Ostschweiz / Branche öffentliche Verwaltung Ostschweiz – specialist body responsible for training public administration employees in Eastern Switzerland

The  fachstelle ostschweiz supports training enterprises in Eastern Switzerland with the training of their apprentices. The organisation’s strategic committee is the Verein Branche öffentliche Verwaltung Ostschweiz (Industry Association for Public Administration in Eastern Switzerland). This is made up of representatives of the involved associations, institutions and cantons.

The network has existed since 2004. Within the framework it provides, municipalities work together to develop innovative solutions and/or participate in innovative solutions on a cross-border basis. This network was developed by the Centre for Administrative Management at the University of Innsbruck and the European Academy of Bozen (EURAC). With scientifically-based and tried-and-tested ideas, experiences and instruments, is a mouthpiece for regional and cross-border municipal development.

Netzwerk St. Galler Gemeinden (NetzSG) – Network of St. Gallen Municipalities

The NetzSG serves as a professional association of and for employees working in St. Gallen cities and municipalities. The NetzSG focusses its activities on training and further education as well as the provision of specialist support using a modern information platform. It promotes the personal networking of its members and maintains contact with cantonal authorities.

Personalverband Öffentlicher Verwaltungen Liechtensteins (PVL) – Liechtenstein Public Administrative Bodies Employee Association

The PVL is a politically independent association that defends and promotes the interests of its members. It represents the association’s interests to employers, draws up position statements on all issues relating to the association’s interests and promotes participation, co-determination and shared responsibility.

Verband Bündnerischer Gemeinde-Angestellter (VBGA) – Association of Graubünden Municipal Employees

The VBGA was founded in 1956 and today has 250 individual and 105 group members (municipalities). The VBGA aims to take a stand on employee issues, organise training and further education courses for municipal employees and members of public authorities, maintain contact with other personnel agencies in the area of public management and train apprentices.

Verband des Glarner Staats- und Gemeindepersonals (VGSG) – the Association of Glarus Government and Municipal Employees

The VGSG is an association and belongs to the Zentralverband Staats- und Gemeindepersonal Schweiz (ZV) (Swiss Association of Government and Municipal Employees). The VGSG promotes the professional, economic, social and legal standing of government and municipal employees and defends their interests. For example, the VGSG works to ensure appropriate remuneration, employment conditions and working conditions and to preserve and increase the voice of employees with respect to personnel matters.



University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons
Zentrum für Verwaltungsmanagement (ZVM)
Comercialstrasse 22
CH-7004 Chur

Phone:   +41 81 286 39 17

Head of center

Lecturer, Head of institute
Prof. Dr. iur. Ursin Fetz


Organisational assistant
Cindy Meister