Institute for Tourism and Leisure
Advisory Board
Advisory Board of Institute for Tourism and Leisure

Advisory Board of Institute for Tourism and Leisure

The Institute for Tourism and Leisure (ITF) has a scientific advisory board, which consists of members representing the private and public sector as well as other universities. Besides quality control and quality enhancement of the bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes, the advisory board provides valuable inputs for applied research.

The members of the Advisory Board of the Institute for Tourism and Leisure (ITF) are:

  • Pietro Beritelli, Prof. Dr., Vice Director IMP-HSG
  • Michael Caflisch, lic.rer.pol, Head of Tourism Development, Economic Development and Tourism Agency
  • Barbara Gisi, lic. iur., Director, Swiss Tourism Federation
  • Reto Gurtner, lil.oec., lic.iur., President and Delegate of the board of directors, Weisse Arena AG
  • Julia Kamber, Dr. med., Member of the Hospital Management, Klinik Gut
  • Richard Kämpf, lic. rer. pol., SECO Tourism policy
  • Harald Pechlaner, Prof. Dr., Chair of Tourism and Director of Ingolstadt School of Management, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
  • Daniel Renggli, EMBA, CEO, REVIER Hospitality Group
  • Philipp Ries, MSc in Computer Science, Head of EMEA Assistant Distribution Partnerships, Google Switzerland
  • Gerry Romanescu, Director Lodging and Tourism, PWC Switzerland
  • Rolf Schafroth, Senior Executive, Nezasa, Tourism Council GR
  • Jürg Schmid, Executive Director, Schmid Pelli & Partner, President, Graubünden Tourism