
Centre for Economic Policy Research (ZWF)

Centre at a glance

Centre at a glance

The Centre for Economic Policy Research (ZWF) is the competence centre for economics, economic policy and applied statistics at University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons. Its activities focus on four research fields.

Find out more about us in our new flyer (in German)



The Centre for Economic Policy Research (ZWF) of University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons provides research and consulting services to the worlds of business and politics in its role as a competence centre for economics, economic policy and applied statistics and contributes to the resolution of economic and regional policy issues.

The ZWF also views itself as a discussion platform in the area of national and regional economic policy and promotes the exchange of knowledge and experience between the realms of science, business and politics.

The research conducted by the ZWF is application and solution-oriented and primarily focuses on issues and problems affecting Alpine regions. Within the research focus area of Economic Policy, the activities of the ZWF revolve around the four interlinked research fields:

Research and consulting

Research and consulting

Forms of cooperation

There are various forms of cooperation: research projectsconsulting projects or student projects. Please contact us – we are happy to support you with your projects.





University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons
Zentrum für wirtschaftspolitische Forschung (ZWF)
Comercialstrasse 22
7004 Chur

Phone:   +41 81 286 24 24
