
Swiss Institute for Information Science (SII)

Institute at a glance

Institute at a glance

The Swiss Institute for Information Science (SII) develops and devises solutions for current and future challenges and issues relating to the production, organisation and distribution of knowledge and information.



The interdisciplinary team of the Swiss Institute for Information Science (SII) possesses both the required methodological expertise and the necessary knowledge from various application domains in the areas of business and administration.

The close interlinking of applied research and services as well as education and further training is a key aspect. Knowledge acquired and experience gained during the course of research and service projects is always immediately incorporated in teaching.

Degree programmes

Degree programmes

Further education

Further education

Research and consulting

Research and consulting

The Swiss Institute for Information Science (SII) supports you with issues relating to data, knowledge and information. With our partners and clients from the worlds of business, science and administration, we develop strategies and concepts, perform analyses and develop applicable solutions and systems.

Forms of cooperation

There are various forms of cooperation, be they research projectsconsultuing projects or student projects. Get in contact with us and we will support you with your projects.


For its research and service activities as well as to enable it to offer support in the areas of education and further training, the SII has four modern laboratories:




The Swiss Institute for Information Science (SII) is a member of the following associations:

The SII also has a scientific advisory board. The board comprises representatives from the private sector and from public institutions as well as lecturers from other universities. In addition to ensuring and improving quality in the areas of teaching and education, the members of the scientific advisory board provide input that allows for needs from the world of practice as well as innovations and new impetus to be incorporated in teaching and research activities.



University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons
Schweizerisches Institut für Informationswissenschaften (SII)
Ringstrasse 34
CH-7004 Chur

Phone:   +41 81 286 24 24

Head of institute

Lecturer, Head of institute
Prof. Dr. Ingo Barkow
