
Diversity and equal opportunities

At a glance

At a glance

'We promote diversity and equal opportunities and develop the potential that this creates.'
(Guiding principles of the University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons with respect to forward-looking approach)

As a future-oriented organisation, the University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons knows how important the diversity of its employees and students is for ensuring its successful development as an institution.

The Universities of Applied Sciences are tasked by the federal government with ensuring genuine gender equality between men and women as well as equal opportunities (Art. 30 of the Federal Act on Funding and Coordination of the Swiss Higher Education Sector (HEdA)).

The Diversity specialist unit

The Diversity specialist unit

The Diversity specialist unit of the University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons fulfils the task of supporting the executive bodies and affiliates of the university – the University Executive Board, specialist areas, institutes, administration and lecturers – in implementing this task.

The Diversity specialist unit is active, in particular, in the following ways:

  • Provision of advice to the University Executive Board in all political, strategic and operational matters relating to equal opportunities, diversity and gender equality
  • Development of the Diversity Policy and provision of support in the diversity management implementation process
  • Development of the 'Equal opportunities' action plan and cooperation projects of swissuniversities in the area of diversity
  • Provision of advice to employees and students in connection with diversity-relevant topics
  • Development of measures that make it easier to combine university/work and family life
  • Implementation of diversity and equality projects as well as participation in service and research projects
  • Offering of training courses and events

In addition, the Diversity specialist unit of the UAS Grisons is responsible for developing the action plan 'Equal Opportunities at the UAS Grisons 2021-2024' and its implementation together with partners. The aim of the action plan is to integrate equal opportunities, equality and diversity as a cross-cutting issue in the strategic and operational processes of the UAS Grisons.


The Diversity Policy forms the basis for the work in the area of equal opportunities and diversity at the UAS Grisons. The Diversity Office accompanies the implementation process at the university in this regard.

Treating each other with respect

Treating each other with respect

The University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons promotes a culture of respect in dealings with others and does not tolerate any form of physical or psychological harassment or discrimination. Further information can be found in the flyer 'Treating each other with respect' (in German).

The relevant policy, which governs the procedure in cases of sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination at the workplace and while studying and explains the possible courses of action available to those affected, is available on the intranet. Details of internal persons of trust for employees and students who feel they have been subject to sexual harassment, bullying or discrimination can also be found on the intranet.

The persons of trust support affected parties and provide them with information about possible further courses of action and external support programmes. They are bound to professional discretion.

Image and language guidelines

Image and language guidelines

Images and language not only reflect social realities, but rather also serve to shape them by influencing the way we perceive things as well as our thoughts and actions. The use of diversity and gender-aware language in texts and images addresses and visualises various groups of people. The communication becomes more precise and diverse.

Assistance Measures

Assistance Measures

The University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons promotes equal opportunities and gender quality among its students. To this end, it breaks down cultural and structural barriers and supports its students in expressing their individuality. It implements legal principles of equality and prevents discrimination.

The Assistance Measures Office will be happy to advise, support and accompany you.



The UAS Grisons offers its students and employees an attractive, contemporary place to study and work. This also includes promoting the compatibility of studies/work and family.

Promotion of young talent

Promotion of young talent

School pupils build bridges, program robots, build a TV studio or design various interior spaces with light. The University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons offers children and young people programmes that allow them to acquaint themselves with technology and engineering in a practical manner.

The easiest way to get to know different job profiles is by trying them out for yourself. We want to support children and young people in discovering and experiencing various job profiles in practice so that they are able to select their profession in line with their skills and interests.

The University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons Technology Days, the Uni for All – Kids event series and National Future Day are just some of the numerous projects aimed at promoting young talent and offers for the young generation of researchers! For several years, the University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons has also sponsored the Capricorns team of the Bündner Kantonsschule in participating in the FIRST LEGO League (FLL) funding programme.

Courses and events

Courses and events

The Diversity specialist unit offers courses and events on the subject of diversity and equal opportunities. It also organises events in cooperation with partners.

Other events organised by the UAS Grisons in the area of diversity and equal opportunities:

All information events, trade fair appearances as well as event and lecture series of University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons can be found in German at a glance.

Past events of the Diversity specialist unit

  • Webinar 'Negotiated: Prepared comprehensively, performed competently, got the best out of it!'
  • Workshop as part of the career offer 'Stepping into' for STEM students 'Body language, voice presence, performance skills'
  • Public evening event 'Diversity - what's the point, how does it work? Promoting and using equal opportunities in education'




Head of the Diversity specialist unit

Head of division
Corin Harzenmoser