
Doing our part for the Grisons



Local roots, national recognition, international acclaim

The UAS Grisons is an innovative reservoir of knowledge, making it a reliable problem-solver for companies and administrative bodies. National and international experience is crucial to ensuring that the university can operate effectively within the region. The innovative University of Applied Sciences of Graubünden has therefore worked on around 300 research projects in recent years. These endeavours help it to transfer its knowledge and experience into the wider Grisons in its role as a beacon institution. The findings from its applied research are also integrated into its study offers and ensure that its programmes are both up to date and of the highest quality.

The UAS Grisons offers fantastic opportunities for the young people of the canton. The special part-time structure of its study offers enables students to live and work in the valleys and still complete a degree programme with two compact classroom days in Chur. There is also the option for them to attend a wide range of further education programmes, such as the Digital Transformation certificate course, specifically designed around the needs of the canton.

Due to its location away from the urban metropolises, right at the heart of the Alps, the UAS Grisons has always been driven to be innovative in the ideas and implementation of its programmes. The university sees being able to contribute to the success of bold ideas as a great privilege. As well as this pioneering spirit, alpine companies have always needed to be able to rely on one another and work together to survive in this environment. This solidarity and culture, alongside the three languages of German, Romansh and Italian, are key parts of the DNA of the Grisons.

“Rescue assistance system” research project for Alpine Rettung Schweiz
Rescue assistance system for an alpine rescue team
Verwendung von Faschinen aus Holzwolle, zwei Männer platzieren die Faschine an einem Hang
“Wood wool fascines for sustainable slope and bank reinforcement” research project
Use of wood wool fascines
“Flexlodges” research project
Example of flexlodges on the Nagen alp in Laax
Desktop- und Mobileansicht von Alps Campus
“ARGE ALPG online campus – education and research in the Alps” research project
Desktop and mobile views for Alps Campus
Ein Roboter steht vor einer Tür und scannt einen Code.
“Age Bots” research project
Example of robot usage

The UAS Grisons plays a role in improving the competitiveness of the region and generates far-reaching benefits by making a significant contribution to reducing the labour shortage and increasing innovation, both through its study offers and as an employer. The university motivates people to move to the Grisons, thereby helping to mitigate the threatened “brain drain”. A fifth of UAS Grisons students come from the Grisons, and a fifth of all graduates remain in the canton’s companies after completing their studies.

The UAS Grisons is also passionate about supporting the young people of the canton. It is involved in a range of different projects designed to develop the (research) talents of tomorrow.

University for everyone

What is light? What keeps a plane in the air? “University for everyone” is a series of events organised by the UAS Grisons for children and adults that explain scientific topics in a clear and practical way. Come and see!
Find out more now (in german)

Technology Days

The UAS Grisons hosts its annual Technology Days in the last week of the school holidays. Over these two days, schoolchildren can try out a range of activities to find out if they enjoy technical tasks by getting the opportunity to implement small projects in a variety of areas.
Find out more now (in german)

National Future Day

On Future Day, boys and girls get the chance to explore the variety of options open to them through cleverly arranged “switchovers”. Children in years 5 to 7 get the chance to explore jobs and fields of industry often considered atypical for their gender through a range of projects.
Find out more now (in german)

MINT Academy

As a partner to the MINT Academy, the UAS Grisons is responsible for the field of natural sciences. With its courses, it offers children aged from nine to twelve well-founded technical knowledge to help them become the MINT (STEM) specialists of the future.
Find out more now (in german)

In addition to their direct value to a region as a location factor for the economy, the fact that university education and research can also develop into a value-generating sector in its own right is demonstrated by the economic importance of the UAS Grisons to the canton. According to a 2022 study, for each franc invested in the university by the Grisons, CHF 4.30 is generated in return.

University and research strategy of the canton of the Grisons

In the six profile fields of tourism and economics, resources and natural hazards, key technologies, culture and diversity, life sciences, and computational science, the UAS Grisons provides study and training offers and implements research and service projects in accordance with the university and research strategy of the canton of the Grisons. The UAS Grisons is particularly active in the areas of tourism and economics, key technologies and computational science. In the profile fields of resources and natural hazards, culture and diversity, and life sciences, it plays a more supporting role.

Additional services for the canton of the Grisons

As well as the objectives defined in the performance mandate, the UAS Grisons provides additional services for the canton. These include:

KMU Zentrum Graubünden (SME Centre of the Grisons)

The SME Centre of the Grisons is the first port of call for SMEs, start-ups and new companies from the canton looking to do something new, optimise their business and increase their efficiency.

Find out more now (in german)


The Energieapéro event series offers people interested in the energy sector in the Grisons a chance to attend regular expert talks on topics such as energy efficiency, renewable energies and other hot topics for the industry. The events are held four times a year and are broadcast live from Chur to Poschiavo.

Find out more now (in german)

The Second Homes Act

The Second Homes Act (SHA) came into effect in Switzerland on 1 January 2016. Its impact is particularly keenly felt in the alpine region and it raises many questions that the UAS Grisons is now investigating.

Find out more now (in german)

Study and further education

Study and further education

Study programmes open up new perspectives

The UAS Grisons offers future-oriented study programmes in Management and Tourism, Computational Science and selected key technologies (such as Photonics, Data Visualisation, User Experience Design and Multimedia Production). In recent years, the UAS Grisons has been able to bring several successful concepts to the market through its study offers that meet the needs of companies in the region, prevent young people of the canton from moving away, and represent unique programmes offered nowhere else in Switzerland. Despite a demographic decline, the UAS Grisons has been able to educate more and more young locals each year. More than 65 bachelor’s and master’s theses a year are focused on a topic affecting the canton of the Grisons, and additional student projects and the Innovators Challenge help to develop regional companies.

“I can apply the broad knowledge base I have gained in a variety of areas on a daily basis, and find optimal solutions to business issues.”
Rosanna Scimanna, Business Administration graduate and Marketing major, Consultant and Project Manager, Markenkern AG
“Personal – I really value the personal atmosphere at the UAS Grisons. I am treated and respected as an individual.”
Inglina Clalüna, Business Administration student
“The Sport Management programme has given me a valuable foundation with the knowledge I need to implement sports projects successfully.”
Alessio Princigalli, Sport Management graduate
“I am particularly interested in natural hazards, so the ‘Construction in the alpine region’ focus at the UAS Grisons appealed to me immediately.”
Barbara Caflisch, Civil Engineering student
“For me, the Grisons is the most beautiful canton in Switzerland, which was a big factor in my decision to study in Chur. I am learning how to capture my environment through imagery, language and design.”
Lucas Oliveira Batista, Multimedia Production student

The UAS Grisons is passionate about innovative, lifelong learning, and enables its bachelor’s programme graduates to attend appropriate master’s and further training offers. All students and employees are also offered the chance to learn the canton’s official languages of Romansh and Italian, as well as other languages. 

Further education at the UAS Grisons is practice-oriented. The UAS Grisons works closely together with businesses and the respective sector, enabling it to impart knowledge that professionals need in practice. The further education programme is designed to move professional practitioners forward in their career development in a targeted manner. All further education courses are offered concurrent to the student’s job. Its further education programmes include degrees with the titles Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA), Master of Advanced Studies (MAS), Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS), Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) and specialist qualifications and courses.

Research and innovation for the Grisons

Research and innovation for the Grisons

The UAS Grisons makes a significant contribution to the economic, societal and sustainable development of the canton of the Grisons. Around 65 research projects are completed each year for companies based in the Grisons, and twelve for the cantonal administration. The university has also established its first “living labs” to encourage collaboration between the itself and the regions.

Bregaglia Lab

Based in Stampa, the Bregaglia Lab carries out application-oriented research in close collaboration with Bregaglia Engadin Turismo and other local stakeholders. Located on the edge of the canton, this branch of the UAS Grisons is a hub for sharing experiences and knowledge.

Find out more now (in german)

Surselva Lab

The Surselva Lab is a thinktank operating at the point where science meets reality – society, economics, politics and the physical environment – and acts as a hub for sharing knowledge and experiences through application-oriented research.

Find out more now (in german)

One of the UAS Grison’s missions is to bolster the tourism companies that are so important to the canton in terms of value generation. The pandemic accelerated the unavoidable digital transition, a challenge that the sector has to face up to in order to optimise its local offerings and international distribution of demand.

The DAViS Centre (high-performance computing centre) and its connection to the national high-performance CSCS data centre in Lugano is an important infrastructure component for the canton’s university and research landscape. Together with the Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research (SIAF) in Davos, this regional competence centre at the UAS Grisons brings together and supports research, the industry and teaching in the fields of data analysis and scientific computing on behalf of the canton of the Grisons and the holder of an associated extraordinary professorship.

The UAS Grisons implements a number of research projects for the canton of the Grisons, either alone or in collaboration with cantonal partners.

“The automated cleaning planning feature ensures that all of the apartments are ready at the right time – with lower maintenance expenditure for LAAX Homes.”
Markus Wolf, CEO Weisse Arena Group, “Staff allocation and planning in tourism” research project
“The development of digital tools is crucial to the survival of minority languages like Romansh. Translatur-ia is an exciting prototype.”
Conradin Klaiss, Member of the Management Team, Lia Rumantscha, “Translating Romansh with artificial intelligence” research project
“Together, we can do more. It’s a good project that enables us to collaborate and find a solution together.”
Patrick Dietrich, Member of the Board of the Maloja-Sils-Silvaplana hotelier association, “Sustainability in the hotel industry” research project
“As the head of the Life Science Zurich Learning Center, it was my first opportunity to use virtual reality to support an education project. I am impressed with the results.”
Prof. Dr. Daniel Kiper, Head of the Life Science Zurich Learning Center, “Brain imaging and virtual reality” research project
“This pioneering project is another piece of the puzzle in terms of the implementation of our digital strategy.”
Reto Branschi, Director/CEO Destination Davos Klosters, “Applied tourism intelligence” research project
“Health promotion and preventative action in local communes is for all ages, and so can be as diverse as the people who live there.”
Aita Zanetti, Cantonal President of the Grisons 2022, Scuol commune, “Health promotion by age in cantonal communes” research project

The UAS Grisons implements a number of research projects for the canton of the Grisons, either alone or in collaboration with cantonal partners.

Services for the Grisons

The UAS Grisons supports companies and institutions with its specialist knowledge and expertise, and also provides vital infrastructure. Its range of services comprises both consulting and a variety of infrastructure through its labs. The SME Centre of the Grisons supports and advises Grisons-based SMEs, start-ups and new companies in addressing business issues related to company foundation and growth, financing, strategic management, innovation and internationalisation.



An important employer for the canton

The UAS Grisons employs around 700 people, more than 300 of whom are on permanent contracts. Over 200 positions have been created in the past few years. As well as the newly created permanent roles, the university also offers a range of specialists from the canton’s companies the opportunity to pass on their cutting-edge practical knowledge as guest lecturers on its training and further education programmes.

The UAS Grisons has also offered apprenticeships in various areas since 2004. The apprentices complete an interesting and varied programme with a choice of five roles: Architectural Model Maker (in german), Building and Grounds Custodian (domestic staff specialism) (in german), Information and Documentation Specialist (in german), Information Technologist (business informatics specialism) (in german) and Business Specialist (in german).



Collaboration on a cantonal level

As well as its employees and the services it offers in terms of study programmes and research, the UAS Grisons also sees its partnerships as an important factor in its success. In its partnerships with authorities, it aims to help ensure optimal conditions are safeguarded within the region over the long term. When collaborating with project partners from the fields of business, administration and other universities, it aims to develop future-oriented, relevant offers.

Selected collaborations in the research and education landscape of the Grisons

Academia Engiadina

The Academia Engiadina is a training institution situated in Samedan in the Upper Engadin region of the Grisons. The Academia Engiadina campus is home to a secondary school, the Professional Education Institution for Tourism of the Grisons, the Centre for Applied Glaciology and the regional further education centre.

Academia Raetica

The Academia Raetica is an umbrella organisation and point of contact for university research and teaching in the Grisons. It brings together 24 highly qualified medical, technical, natural sciences, humanities and social science institutions. Its aim is to develop the Grisons as a centre for research, to promote collaboration between its member institutions and the wider economy, and to provide information to authorities, politicians and the general public.


Founded in early April 2016 and initially focusing specifically on the Grisons, the Alpine Energy Research Center (AlpEnForCe) is a non-profit research institution based in Disentis/Mustér in the Grisons that promotes interdisciplinary energy research to benefit Switzerland’s mountainous cantons and other alpine regions.

Amongst its areas of focus are technical, scientific, legal and political matters surrounding the topic of energy in the alpine region, and it works with national and international research institutions as well as the partners that put this research into practice.

Office for Higher Education

The Office for Higher Education (OHE) is part of the Department of Education, Culture and Environmental Affairs for the canton of the Grisons. The OHE is responsible for secondary and tertiary education institutions. The latter comprises universities, professional education and training centres, professional education institutions and the research sector.

Education in the Grisons

High-quality educational and research institutions are key when it comes to maintaining a region’s economically competitive position.

The Office for Higher Education is the contact centre and coordinator for the entire study and research sector.

Chur campus

The UAS Grisons’ Chur ccampus is shared with the following universities:

Campus Tourismus – Bildung und Forschung

Graduate School Graubünden

Part of Academia Raetica, the Graduate School Graubünden is an institution that aims to support doctoral and post-doctoral candidates working in the Grisons. It focuses on further education and training, improving living and working conditions, and encouraging networking between its young researchers and universities across Switzerland. It also boosts awareness and recognition of the achievements of the future scientific leaders of the Grisons amongst the general public.

ibW Höhere Fachschule Südostschweiz (Professional Education Institution of Southeast Switzerland)

The Professional Education Institution of Southeast Switzerland is one of the country’s most prominent professional education institutions focusing on the training of specialists and managers in practical careers. To ensure that our students are prepared for the future, we invest continuously in the optimisation of programme content, teaching methods, skill development and transferring practices.

Graubünden University of Teacher Education

Graubünden University of Teacher Education trains educators for work in Switzerland’s schools. It also supports their career progression by drawing on research and development in teaching and teaching methods. Graubünden University of Teacher Education focuses its research in the areas of multilingualism, education in the alpine region, and schools and technology. These research focuses demonstrate that the university is truly one of a kind.

TH Chur

Chur University of Theology (TH Chur) is a church-funded university dedicated to high-quality research and teaching. It teaches time-sensitive and practical academic theology. TH Chur is a place of scientific reflection and theological education that equips students for a future pastoral career and gives them expertise in theologically responsible working in the church and wider society. As a funder of research, it supports the free development of scientific interests, guides up-and-coming experts towards scientific qualifications and is dedicated to theological knowledge transfer within the church and society.


THIM is a small university in the Grisons focused entirely on the field of physiotherapy. It was founded in 1990 as a campus of the THIM University of Applied Sciences in Physiotherapy in the Netherlands, and was the first Swiss institution to offer a bachelor’s degree in physiotherapy.

Selected collaborations with cantonal companies and administrative bodies



As part of its role in transferring knowledge and technology, the UAS Grisons acts as a beacon, taking scientific findings from external sources, processing them and transferring them to the local economy and authorities, as well as the wider public. These can benefit from a range of different events.

