Research field

Multimedia Systems and AR/VR/MR in the context of AI



How can the multimedia visualisation of contents and data be implemented and which technical systems are required to this end?

Media convergence and the associated technical opportunities allow knowledge to be visualised in new ways. This requires the development and targeted application of corresponding hardware and software.

The integration of such technical systems for the visualisation of data in existing storytelling work processes is demanding: it requires an overview and knowledge of existing systems as well as the know-how to integrate such systems in existing working environments and the expertise to adjust and/or develop existing multimedia systems in line with client needs. These requirements are met by our specialists from the fields of web applications/web services and content visualisation. The research team

  • evaluates and adapts new multimedia systems,
  • develops new concepts and web applications for the visualisation of data and/or coordinates and monitors processes for the development of such web applications and
  • develops innovative, multimedia data visualisations at a content level.
Specialist knowledge

Specialist knowledge


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Project leader
Prof. Dr. Matthias Künzler