Research focus

Data Analysis, Artificial Intelligence, Visualization and Simulation



The Institute for Data Analysis, Artificial Intelligence, Visualisation and Simulation (DAViS) emerged from the Centre for Data Analysis, Visualisation and Simulation, which had the same acronym. Following the establishment of the institute in 2024, the research fields of the former centre are being reviewed, with the aim of identifying a common "flagship" that encompasses as much of the research conducted at DAViS as possible. This has become necessary for two main reasons: firstly, DAViS has been newly integrated with the team of the "Computational and Data Science" (CDS) programme—formerly part of IPR—and, secondly, it has grown to include several new members whose research is not adequately covered by the existing research fields.

DAViS brings together expertise in artificial intelligence, data analysis, machine learning and deep learning, high-performance computing simulations, and application areas such as the life sciences. The institute conducts its own research while also providing consultancy services and infrastructure. The research fields of DAViS are outlined below; these should be understood as working titles, pending approval by the relevant authorities.

There are thematic overlaps between DAViS and other research priorities, which are intentional—particularly in the cross-cutting topic of AI, which impacts almost every domain but finds a solid foundation within DAViS. The institute serves as an internal and external provider of expertise, application knowledge, and necessary hardware.

Other overlaps exist, for example, in visualisation with IMP and in text data analysis with FSP3 at SII. Visualisation is particularly important to DAViS for understanding data, under the key concept of Visual Analytics. Data analysis, in the tradition of computer science, focuses on areas such as algorithms and analytical methods, whereas FSP3, rooted in information science, considers the entire information lifecycle and prioritises the utilisation of data analysis results.



The possibilities of modern data use, for example by means of deep learning or in the context of climate-relevant simulations for the prediction of floods/avalanches, are an increasingly important location factor. DAViS offers research, consulting and services in all aspects of modern data processing. DAViS offers data mining, machine learning/deep learning, data visualisation and simulation as well as techniques of (massive) parallel computing for use on high-performance and supercomputers of current and future generations.

DAViS offers research services as a partner or on commission, consulting on all questions of data analysis and scientific computing, as well as on-demand computing as a service. DAViS is a cooperation project between UAS Grisons and SIAF in collaboration with the Swiss Supercomputing Centre (CSCS) in Lugano.

DAViS is not restricted to specific data formats, data sources or data content. However, special expertise lies in the areas of industrial log data and life science as well as in the connection/integration of CAD and BIM models.



  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Data Mining and Process Mining
  • Predictive Maintenance
  • (Immersive) Data Visualisation
  • Linked (Open) Data
  • Multi-scale simulation
  • Efficient numerical methods
  • Parallel Computing/High-Performance Computing (HPC)
Equipment and expertise

Equipment and expertise

  • Life Science Data (SIAF)
  • Industrial log data
  • Own hardware capacities (SIAF and UAS Grisons)
  • Access to the HPC capacities of the CSCS in Lugano
  • Modelling and simulation
  • Scalable parallelisation concepts
Specialist knowledge

Specialist knowledge


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Research project leader
Thomas Keller
Prof. Dr. habil. Ralf-Peter Mundani

Further team member

Swiss Institute of Allergy and Astma Research (SIAF)
PD, Ph. D.Katja Bärenfaller
+41 81 410 08 49

