Research field

Digital Business and Usability Engineering



The research field of Digital Business and Usability Engineering looks at the economic and technical dimensions that are of importance with respect to the use of digital objects.

Within this field of research, work is conducted in close cooperation with the research field of digital strategy from the focus area of entrepreneurial activities.

Ultimately, data serves to generate benefits for users. The research field of Digital Business and Usability Engineering therefore investigates under which conditions data and digital objects can generate economic and social benefits from a company and user perspective. Research results are placed in a business context in order to develop applicable solutions. Due to the quick progress in the area of digitalisation, new technical possibilities for the use of digital objects are continually arising. Within the framework of the applied research, this research field looks at specific application scenarios for companies and public institutions.

Usability engineering is a key sub-area of this research field. To allow for data and the various analysis tools to be used effectively and efficiently by users, a high degree of usability and the user-friendliness of the relevant interfaces must be ensured upon their provision. In this research field, many years of experience in the area of usability engineering can be called on in this regard.

Usability is an important quality feature of all interactive products. It influences the decision of users either for or against a certain product and thus makes a decisive contribution to its market success. The usability engineering team at the Swiss Institute for Information Science (SII) advises providers during the selection of suitable evaluation methods, evaluates the usability and design of online presences and applications and supports the providers with the conception, design or redesign of websites and software as well as other products and services. The usability engineering team possesses the required technical infrastructure (in-house Usability Lab with eye tracker, etc.) that can also be used to investigate challenging issues.



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Prof. Dr. Urs Dahinden