Guiding theme

Applied Future Technologies



Applications of key technologies (e.g. big data, Internet of Things, sensors) are developed in this focus area. In the knowledge that ‘data is the oil of the 21st century’, a particular emphasis is placed on data organisation and data analysis. The above quote should express the fact that in the information and knowledge society of the 21st century it is not any more the possession of physical commodities (e.g. oil) that is decisive, but rather the ownership of intangible resources (data). The competitiveness of modern companies and public institutions largely depends on their ability to analyse internal and external data and to use this data to make decisions, optimise business processes and develop new products and services. Data therefore plays a key role in the research conducted at the Swiss Institute for Information Science.

  • Application of key technologies
  • Data organisation and data analysis
  • Multimedia data
  • Smart sensors

The research is based on a common data life-cycle model that can be applied in this general form to all kinds of data from the worlds of business, science and public management. Data pass through different life phases that are closely associated with one another. To simplify things, this cycle can be divided into two key phases, which are in turn addressed by two research focus areas.

The first main phase can be encapsulated by the term ‘data organisation’ and includes the following steps: planning, the generation of digital objects (digitalisation of analogue cultural assets), data entry, quality management, documentation and data provision (e.g. in the form of an archive).

The second main phase can be placed under the banner of ‘analytics’. During this phase, data (e.g. statistical) is assessed and viewed in relation to a specific question that needs to be answered as part of an analysis. In an iterative process, the evaluation and analysis must be related to one other and consolidated in order to generate decision-relevant information for a certain application context.



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Forms of cooperation

Forms of cooperation

In the area of research and development (R&D) as well as knowledge and technology transfer, University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons cooperates closely with companies, public bodies and non-profit organisations. These partners benefit from experts in a wide range of subjects and gain access to modern research infrastructure. This allows them to expand their own expertise. The specialist knowledge of University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons can be accessed in a variety of ways.




Member of the university executive board
Prof. Dr. Bruno Studer