Research focus

Settlement Development



Challenges faced in the areas of spatial planning and residential development as well as in connection with the associated changes to townscapes are a central theme in Alpine regions. Until now, it has not been a lack of instruments or the known enforcement deficit that have represented a major problem, but rather the lack of a holistic view that incorporates design, social and economic issues and solutions. The consideration of overall contexts and interdependencies represents an approach that is urgently indicated for sustainable solutions. And this applies all the more so, as the area of residential development finds itself under increasing pressure to address worsening disparities that have different underlying causes: from settlement pressure in urban areas to migration and the desolation of entire village centres in rural and structurally weak regions.

The spectrum of the work conducted within the context of this research focus area includes both regional and municipal spatial planning levels. Research projects cover structurally and socially relevant issues, including the mapping of living conditions and the identities that emerge as a result. The area of consideration ranges from the design of individual, strategically important single buildings right through to the further development of entire townscapes. The quality of a space has a direct impact on levels of well-being. It serves the satisfaction of cognitive, emotional, social and cultural needs and thus plays a role in physical health.

We analyse how liveable, popular cities and villages emerge and develop methods for facilitating their specific and sustainable further development. At the same time, we look at the question of how a high level of quality can be assured for all aspects of planning and construction processes.

Specialist knowledge

Specialist knowledge


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Director of studies
Prof. Christian Auer