Research focus

Development of Tourism



Tourism is an important economic factor worldwide and is a growth industry. An ever-increasing number of people have wealth, free time, are mobile and able to actively shape their leisure activities. However, fundamental changes, strongly driven by the process of digitalisation, are having an effect on tourism and are taking place at a technical, economic (elimination of intermediaries, creative industry, sharing economy, etc.) and social (population growth, urbanisation, global disparities, etc.) level.

Tourism is also of great economic significance in Switzerland: in certain regions, it even represents the most important economic sector. Nevertheless, it has only been partially successful in building on the momentum seen at an international level, and certain segments – especially those involved in traditional, rural holiday tourism – are stagnating or experiencing a decline. The key reason for this development is the inability of these segments to compete in terms of price, something that is unlikely to change in the short and medium term.

In order for them to replicate past successes, changes need to be made in terms of both their offerings and business models. Here, Switzerland can still draw on its traditional strengths, including natural and man-made attractions, political stability, its infrastructures and supply density.

The Institute for Tourism and Leisure (ITF) wants to actively support the revitalisation process for Swiss and Graubünden tourism and is actively working to this end on the three key areas, namely service innovation, infrastructure management and network management. With its international team, it provides innovative impetus, acts as a link between the tourism industry and society and, in doing so, attaches great importance to both the regional and national dimension, without neglecting the international dimension. Against the background of the specific issues facing Graubünden as a tourism region, special attention is paid to the topics of second homes, tourism infrastructure, future-oriented adjustments in tourism service design, especially regarding new technologies, and constantly changing consumer demand



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Lecturer, Head of research
Prof. Dr. Jan Mosedale