Services for students

Internal counselling desk



The counselling desk has been running for several years and is a highly valued and popular service amongst our students. The University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons supports students going through difficult situations and works with them to find solutions through individual counselling sessions and workshops. It guides students through their own personal development and helps them to improve their self-reflection skills. All of its services are available free of charge for students enrolled on a bachelor’s or consecutive master’s programme.

Individual counselling

Individual counselling

We can advise and coach you through the challenges you face in your day-to-day life as a student. We cover a wide range of areas. Whatever is bothering you, take your first step and get in touch with us:

We will work together to find a solution. All matters discussed are treated in confidence. The advisor assisting you has a duty of professional confidentiality.

Here are some topics we are frequently asked for help with:

Einzelberatung: Zeitmanagement
Time management
How do you use your time? Identify time-sinks, organise yourself efficiently, plan your next steps.
Einzelberatung: Lernen
What type of learner are you? What learning strategies suit you best? How can you prepare effectively for your exams?
Einzelberatung: Vereinbarkeit von Studium, Beruf und Familie
Balancing university, work and family life
How do you make sure everything gets the right amount of your attention? How can the university support you?
Einzelberatung: Innere Balance und Achtsamkeit
Inner balance and mindfulness
Focus on yourself, recognise your needs and resources and bring some balance to your daily life.
Einzelberatung: Positives Mindset stärken
Reinforcing a positive mindset
Find new solutions, see things from a different perspective, overcome challenges.
Einzelberatung: Persönlichkeitsentwicklung
Personal development
Recognise your strengths, where do you get your drive, what motivates you?
Symbolon profile

Symbolon profile

The Symbolon profile analyses your personality, focusing on your academic or professional field. The personality profile is an opportunity to get to know yourself better and identify your talents, motivations and reserves of strength more precisely.

You can find further information on the Symbolon profile here.



We offer various workshops on different topics related to everyday university life. There’s a new selection every semester. All are free to attend. However, registration is generally mandatory and binding. The number of participants is limited.

Assistance Measures

Assistance Measures

If you live with a disability or chronic illness that makes your studies more difficult, you can apply for assistance measures for course assessments. These are designed to help students with disabilities and chronic illness with their studies and exams. Assistance measures are granted on an individual basis and do not involve making the exams easier.

You can find further information on assistance measures here.

Study funding

Study funding

Swiss universities of applied sciences are recognised by the Confederation and the cantons, which means students may be entitled to scholarships. The personal, family and financial circumstances of an applicant and their family have a bearing on their eligibility for cantonal education grants. In addition to the scholarships, there are also other financing options, such as loans or foundations.

You can find further information on the study funding here.

Career Center

Career Center

The University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons Career Center supports students in their individual process of career planning and career start. Students get the opportunity to address all relevant aspects relating to the topic of 'Careers' in workshops, individual consultations and the mentoring programme.

You can find further information on the Career Center here.

Crisis situations

Crisis situations

If you or someone you know is experiencing an acute crisis situation (risk of suicide, acting in a dangerous manner or seeming to have lost touch with reality) contact the police or emergency medical services immediately:

  • Police emergency: Telephone 117
  • Medical emergency: Telephone 144

The Waldhaus Chur Emergency Clinic offers 24/7 first aid by telephone (in English as well): 058 225 20 00

If the crisis situation is not acute, contact a General Practitioner ("Hausarzt") who will then refer you to a specialist doctor (for example a psychotherapist or psychiatrist). Contact the Medical Centre "Gleis D" for an appointment. 

If you need help making a doctor's appointment or in finding suitable support services, our International Office team can help you.

Person of trust

Person of trust

The University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons promotes equal opportunities and equality amongst its students and employees. It breaks down cultural and structural barriers and supports its students and employees in expressing their individuality. The UAS Grisons promotes a culture of respect in dealings with others and does not tolerate any form of physical or psychological harassment or discrimination. Further information can be found in the flyer Treating each other with respect (in German).

The relevant policy, which governs the procedure in cases of sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination at the workplace and while studying and explains the possible courses of action available to those affected, is available on the intranet.

There are named “persons of trust” within UAS Grisons for students and employees. They support people and provide them with information about possible further courses of action and external support programmes. They have a duty of professional confidentiality. The person of trust for students is Susanna Roffler.

External advice

External advice

Bachelor’s and master’s students also have access to free advisory services from outside of the University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons:

Manuela Widera, coach and holder of a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Phone +41 (0)81 284 04 54

You will need to contact these people directly. Show them your student card as proof of your enrolment. Your invoice will then be anonymised and sent directly to the UAS Grisons internal counselling desk.



Project leader
Susanna Roffler


Project leader
Malgorzata Suter-Kaminski