Joint master’s programme

Digital Communication and Creative Media Production

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Degree programme at a glance

Degree programme at a glance

This master’s programme teaches you how to meet the challenges presented by the digitisation of the world of work. The emphasis is therefore on innovative, creative and independent learning formats and the joy of learning. You can adapt your studies to your needs and help configure your timetable. A mixture of scientific foundations and the active use of the latest technical tools ensures that the course is always exciting.

  • Degree

    University of Freiburg and University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons Master of Science in Digital Communication and Creative Media Production
  • Study model

    Flexibly configurable full- or part-time course
  • Duration of study programme

    Generally 4 semesters, extendable
  • Place of study

    Basel, Bern, Chur, Freiburg, Zurich, not location-specific
  • Begin of study programme

  • Teaching language

    German and English
  • Director of Studies

    Baerlocher Bianca More about Baerlocher Bianca
  • Application deadline

    31 May Apply now!

Joint degree

The Digital Communication and Creative Media Production master's programme is a joint degree offered by the University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons and the University of Freiburg.

Future prospects

Future prospects

A master's degree in Digital Communication and Creative Media Production opens up a wide range of future career prospects. As an expert in communications, you will be in high demand in the working world thanks to your interconnected knowledge. You will not only learn how to take a multi-perspective approach, but also develop the ability to work in a flexible, innovative, future-oriented and creative way as a team player. You will acquire a unique profile by combining in-depth academic knowledge with an university education based on applied science, blending a sound scientific and theoretical foundation with practical expertise and thus preparing you to take up an executive-level position.

When you have completed the master’s degree programme, you will have expertise in the fields of management, further strategy development and consultancy, as well as in managing and implementing challenging projects – with a specific focus on creative media, media and communication. You will be equally well-equipped to start up a promising business or adopt a leading role in a NGO, for example. Not only will you be able to offer sound theoretical advice, but you will also have the skills to assist with implementing projects on a technical level, as you will have mastered the technical principles of implementation in terms of both theory and practical application. This means you will offer potential employers added value – as a versatile and capable interface manager with demonstrable agility and skill.

Content and study plan

Content and study plan

In the course of your study programme, you will acquire a thorough knowledge of social and communication sciences, as well as experience in implementing digital communications in practice. Through creative media production, you will also gain technical expertise, not just in relation to film, text, graphics and audio but also in terms of linking them in digital applications, interactive websites, serious games and augmented and virtual reality applications. These skills will equip you for the labour market – both now and in years to come.

The focus of this study programme is on "Convergent digital communication technologies". It introduces students to current application programs, including interactive 3D and virtual/augmented reality applications and technologies that enable applications to be produced in the areas of gamification or visual storytelling.

You will learn how to develop applications step by step from scratch using tools from the Unity software and will not need any previous technical knowledge for this. The technical applications are based on knowledge of social processes and dynamics. The focus here is on the structures that exist in interconnected communities.

The master’s degree programme generally lasts four semesters. An individual study workload based on our modular learning programmes can be put together in line with your prior knowledge, work situation and personal circumstances. This will allow you to prepare yourself to successfully pass the semester in a self-directed and guided manner. 

Practice-oriented major

From the second semester, you will be offered so-called studios. Here, you can choose between two different options per mandatory elective module. The studios focus on linking theory and application in selected sub-areas of digital communication and creative media production in networked societies. All studios are held in cooperation with industry partners.

1A: Strategic Communication

Strategic Communication in the Digital Age
Digital applications are now included in the standard strategic communications repertoire of many companies, political organisations and NPOs, as well as their stakeholders (customers, members, investors/backers, media, etc.). They use websites or their own app, for example, to publicise key organisational objectives and relevant content, to participate in debates on social media or to reach out to stakeholders with videos explaining corporate goals, products and services. Studio 1A teaches students theoretical principles and concepts and shows empirical findings and possibilities for using strategic online communications. This studio is also designed to offer a hands-on opportunity to develop and implement a digital application for strategic communications with a partner from the field of politics, business or society.

1B: Social Cohesion

Community and Society in Digital Transition Advancing Constructive Communication in Challenged Democracies
Digitalisation and mediatisation are transforming public life, democracy and society. New possibilities for communication and media interaction are giving rise to both unknown opportunities and unprecedented challenges at society level. Platforms are enabling new communities to be formed and objectives to be achieved beyond the level of the individual (follower networks and virtual communities). At the same time, however, we are seeing lines of conflict growing more intense and a fear of polarisation is emerging. Studio 1B is devoted to critically exploring the risks and potential for social cohesion which arise in the context of digital communications and networked media.

2A: Sustainability

Sustainability in Digital Communication and Media Production
Digitalisation and sustainability are key concepts in this day and age. They both have a major impact on our communications and the media sector. This gives rise to questions regarding responsibility and sustainability in relation to the conception, production and distribution of media products, as well as media interaction. Economic, social and environmental factors play a significant role in this respect. Studio 2A is devoted to exploring the potential and challenges of digital media and communication aimed at establishing sustainability objectives in society, in addition to aspects relating to sustainability in communications and the media themselves. This includes, in particular, the importance of sustainability issues in media production and communications, sustainability communication strategies, green media production, sustainable governance and green nudging.

2B: Media Expertise

Media, Information or Digital Literacy? Developing Skills to Thrive in a Mediatised World
Given the ongoing developments associated with the advancing mediatisation of society and constant changes in the way media are used and produced, it is important to discuss the skills required in this regard. In this context, students explore key skills concepts such as media, information, digital and algorithm literacy and debate current developments and approaches to this issue, for example with regard to the risks and potential of media services, teaching the corresponding skills and their normative nature and potential in political terms. Within the framework of Studio 2B, students focus on a sub-area of media and digital skills and subsequently team up with a partner from practice to develop a service/application involving media/digital literacy for a specific target group based on relevant research and preliminary studies.

3A: Journalism

Journalism and Digitalisation
Digitalisation also presents new challenges and potential for the journalism sector: on the one hand, journalists are increasingly competing for the attention of their target audience, vying with the huge variety of information and entertainment content available online. On the other hand, they are being offered new opportunities for communicating news via multimedia output and for interacting with users in innovative ways. In Studio 3A, students closely investigate topics issues regarding news development and reporting, as well as changes to the way in which media are used in modern societies. They also develop innovative digital formats and applications for communicating information in cooperation with a partner from practice (from the field of journalism).

3B: Media Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Media Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Digitalisation is opening up many new distribution channels, forms and formats for news, information and entertainment. Closely associated with this is the question of what new business models are possible in the digital world and which are particularly suitable The Media Innovation & Entrepreneurship Studio focuses on investigating this in terms of media economics and on the development of new business models. To this end, students consider and discuss the necessary basic concepts and approaches for the ongoing debate in the field of media innovation and in relation to media economics. They come up with new products and business models for the media and communication sector, testing them in cooperation with partners from practice.

The content of the joint master’s programme is not only theoretical, but is also designed to be relevant to practical application and real-life occupations. It focuses on the latest technologies involved in visualised knowledge production and its communication, as well as on the complex practices relating to digital interaction and communication technologies/methods.

Partners from practice

Students put all skills they acquire into practice as this is the only way to ensure that they retain them and can draw on them when required in the long term. Our partners from practice come from a wide range of business sectors and areas of society, so allowing students to gain practical experience in various different areas.

Study locations and didactic model

In the first semester, the study programme takes place on two to three fixed days of the week. The other days of the week can then be used for self-study or work experience undertaken elsewhere.

The first-semester modules are held in Freiburg, Chur, Bern and Zurich or virtually via online lectures. In the second semester, students work in groups within the framework of what are known as "studios", organised at locations decided by the students themselves.

The module times and sites are chosen to ensure that the study locations are accessible by public transport from all over the German-speaking region of Switzerland, thus avoiding the need for overnight accommodation.

Admission requirements

Admission requirements

To be admitted to the Digital Communication and Creative Media Production joint master's programme at the University of Freiburg and UAS Grisons, you must meet the conditions below.

Please contact us if you have any questions about the admission requirements. We will be happy to help you.

Do you have one of the following diplomas?

  • A recognised bachelor’s degree in Media and/or Communications Science from a university in Switzerland or abroad
  • A recognised bachelor’s degree in Communications and/or Media Engineering from a university of applied sciences in Switzerland or abroad, with a minimum grade of 5.0 or several years of professional experience
  • A pre-master's programme suited to the individual student will be agreed with candidates who have a recognised bachelor’s degree in an unrelated discipline.
  • The modules are taught in German and English. Students are responsible for ensuring that they have the level of skill (level B2 to C1) required in these two languages to undertake their chosen programme.


Do you have a bachelor’s degree from a university of applied sciences, but not grade 5? But you can demonstrate that you have years of professional experience and have undertaken continuous professional development and are at least 25 years of age? If so, you have the opportunity to apply for admission by dossier. You may also be admitted to the study programme with an equivalent recognised qualification (see above). The Institutional Board and the Director of Studies decide on admissions on a case by case basis.

Transfers from other universities

To arrange a transfer from another university, university of applied sciences or PET college, you must contact the Director of Studies. Credits for modules at master's level previously completed at another university may be awarded in consultation with the Director of Studies prior to the start of the programme.

Organisational issues

How much does it cost to undertake a study programme at the University of Freiburg and UAS Grisons? Where is the study programme held? How many ETCS credits will I receive? On how many days will I have lectures and seminars? What degree will I be awarded after completing the programme? Where can I complete a semester abroad?

Tuition fees

There is a one-off enrolment fee of CHF 300, which is deducted from the tuition fee for the first semester. If you do not take up the offer of a place on the programme, the enrolment fee will be forfeited.

The tuition fee per semester is CHF 960 for students with Swiss citizenship or the Principality of Liechtenstein citizenship. The tuition fee per semester for all other students is CHF 1,550.

Foreign students who have resided in Switzerland for at least two years before the start of their studies and who are financially independent and not in education may be able to benefit from the reduced tuition fee of CHF 960. The reduced tuition fee has to be reviewed and approved by the UAS Grisons on the basis of documentation provided by the students.

Students not from Switzerland, the Principality of Liechtenstein, the European Union or the European Free Trade Association are charged a deposit of CHF 3,000.

The tuition fees do not include teaching materials, (subject-specific) software, travel, food or accommodation in connection with field trips, multiday seminars and the bachelor thesis.

You will need a suitably powerful laptop (Windows recommended).


The universities of applied sciences are recognised by the Swiss Confederation and the cantons, which means students may be entitled to grants. For further information, please contact the grants department of the Department of Education for the canton in question.

Students from outside Switzerland can contact the relevant public funding institutions in their home country.

Study locations

In the first semester, the programme takes place on two to three fixed weekdays at various locations in German-speaking Switzerland. The remaining course content is organised on a decentralised basis and can be taught at any location.

Duration of degree programme

The degree programme is flexibly configurable and generally lasts four semesters. The modular structure of the study offer and creative learning formats mean it is possible to perform an additional professional activity. 

Lessons and teaching times

The first semester takes place in blocks that take in Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Teaching begins at 10.15 a.m. so that it is possible to travel in from various regions. Mondays and Fridays can then be used for self-study or work experience undertaken elsewhere.

ECTS credits

European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS)

The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is a tool of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) for making studies and courses more transparent and thus helping students to move between institutions of higer education. ECTS credits are awarded based on the student workload required to achieve the objectives of a course or a programme. ECTS credits are the basis for the recognition of course or programm achievements and diplomas between institutions of higher eduction.

An ECTS credit point corresponds to a student workload of 30 hours. The student workload includes the lectures but also time needed to pre- and postprocess the lectures, prepare exams and for self-studying. 60 credits a year are acquired in a full-time study course, which corresponds to a student workload of 1800 hours. At University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons a bachelor's degree course is comprised of 180 ECTS credits, a consecutive master's degree of 90 ECTS credits.

Students from abroad

The course is generally open to students from abroad. The International Office is at your disposal for further information.

Application and advice

Application and advice


Application documents

We are delighted that you wish to apply for the Digital Communication and Creative Media Production joint master's programme. Please complete the online application form and upload the required documents.

Applications received after the application deadline may also be considered if there are still places available on the programme. Information will be provided by the Administration team.

The online registration form is only available in German.

Advisory service

Do you have any questions regarding content or administrative matters? Would you like course guidance? We would be delighted to help you further – please do not hesitate to contact us.

University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons
Pulvermühlestrasse 57
7000 Chur

Phone +41 81 286 24 54

Director of Studies

Director of studies
Prof. Dr. Bianca Baerlocher


Organisational assistant
Tino Bundi
Information events

Information events

Visit our information events on the Joint Master's program Digital Communication and Creative Media Production - we look forward to seeing you!