Bachelor's degree

Multimedia Production

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Degree programme at a glance

Degree programme at a glance

A study programme with prospects. For a promising future. Creative. Inspirational. Professional.

This practice-oriented bachelor’s degree programme will immerse you in the world of multimedia. You will find yourself switching between the following areas:

  • Corporate Communications
  • Journalism
  • Informatics
  • Events
  • Film

On completing your studies, you will have the confidence to work across a wide variety of professional disciplines.

The Multimedia Production (MMP) joint degree programme is offered by UAS Grisons and Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH), Bern University of Arts (HKB) department.

  • Degree

    Bachelor of Science FHGR & BFH in Media Engineering with respective major
  • Study model

    Full- or part-time studies
  • Duration of study programme

    3 years full-time
    4 years part-time
  • Place of study

    Chur, Bern, semester abroad optional
  • Begin of study programme

  • Application deadline

    30 April
Incoming International Students

Incoming International Students

The University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons in Switzerland introduces a new program for international exchange students. Incomings will be able to profit from a unique study program combining both scientific and hands-on practical and creative courses from the field of Multimedia Production and Digital Business Management.