Bachelor's degree

Computational and Data Science

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Degree programme at a glance

Degree programme at a glance

Applied informatics, data science and computer simulations are omnipresent today: Recommendation engines suggest friends and posts to us on social media, artificial intelligence compiles personal music playlists, exercise and health data are analysed during sporting activities, and products such as prostheses and mountain bikes are developed with the help of simulations. Data-based applications improve our quality of life and make it possible to develop more sustainable business models from an environmental, economic and social perspective. As a result, there is a growing demand for experts in this pioneering area. 

With our Computational and Data Sciencebachelor’s degree programme, you will start by studying three disciplines and decide whether you want to specialise later on. You will be in demand as a specialist in the areas of

  • Applied Informatics
  • Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
  • Computer Simulation

You will take on exciting assignments in

  • Tech
  • Life Sciences
  • Engineering

Sign up now or get some personal advice via WhatsApp.

  • Degree

    Bachelor of Science FHGR in Computational and Data Science
  • Study model

    Full-time or part-time studies
  • Duration of study programme

    3 years full-time
    4 years part-time
  • Place of study

    Chur, semester abroad optional
  • Begin of study programme

  • Director of Studies

    Capol Corsin More about Capol Corsin
  • Application deadline

    30 April