Bachelor's degree

Artificial Intelligence in Software Engineering

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Degree programme at a glance

Degree programme at a glance

Artificial intelligence supports our economy, science or medicine significantly. Experienced software engineers are therefore among the most sought-after specialists in Switzerland and become key players in society with every new technological innovation.

In the "Artificial Intelligence in Software Engineering" bachelor's degree, you study the application of artificial intelligence in software development. As part of the course, you will acquire the skills to use AI techniques to accelerate the software development process and increase the quality of the software. This combination of AI and software development is unique in Switzerland and will shape the future profession of software engineer.

You will become an expert for companies in a part-time or part-time dual (practice-integrated) course of study. The basis of the course is a solid education in computer science, software development and artificial intelligence.

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  • Degree

    Bachelor of Science FHGR in Artificial Intelligence in Software Engineering
  • Study model

    part-time or dual studies
  • Duration of study programme

    4 years part-time / dual studies
  • Place of study

    Chur, semester abroad optional
  • Begin of study programme

  • Director of Studies

    Capol Corsin More about Capol Corsin
  • Application deadline

    30 April