Bachelor's degree

Digital Supply Chain Management

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Degree programme at a glance

Degree programme at a glance

Build a sought-after profile with excellent career prospects with the bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, specialising in Digital Supply Chain Management. By specialising in the processes through which companies generate revenue and profit and shape customer satisfaction and sustainability, you will become a sought-after expert in industry, trade and among service companies.

During your studies, you will learn how to digitally transform companies and develop innovative solutions to help deliver a successful value chain. 

This degree is the perfect fit for you if you:

  • would like to take on responsibilities within a company during your studies and are looking for a varied career, both in Switzerland and internationally.
  • are looking to strategically implement smart processes, data and technologies in order to successfully lead companies into the digital future and actively help shape their transformation.
  • would like to tailor your studies to your personal interests and career plans by selecting modules from various pathways to consolidate your knowledge.

Your studies will prepare you for a role in project and process management, while you will also be able to take on key positions in purchasing, planning, production, logistics or distribution.

  • Degree

    Bachelor of Science FHGR in Business Administration with Specialisation in Digital Supply Chain Management
  • Study model

    Part-time studies / Dual Part-time studies
  • Duration of study programme

    4 years
  • Place of study

    Chur or virtual with learning room in Zurich
  • Begin of study programme

  • Teaching language

  • Director of Studies

    Käslin Dominic More about Käslin Dominic
  • Application deadline

    30 April