
Research projects

Research and development cooperations

Research and development cooperations

Our research activities are being further expanded by our greater focus on issues relating to the digital transformation (interdisciplinary) and the development of a new research focus area, namely Technology (Advanced and Smart Sensors / Internet of Things). A Centre for Data Analytics, Visualisation and Simulation (DAViS Centre) is also to be initiated. DAVis is the realisation and implementation of profile field 6 (Computational Science) of the cantonal University and Research Strategy.



  • Joint performance of projects
  • Financing: often supported by public grants
  • Regulation of rights between the research and development partners and University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons by means of a consortium agreement.
Contract research and development

Contract research and development

Business partners and public organisations can issue orders – for so-called contract research – to University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons for clearly defined issues from the world of practice (e.g. for the development of a prototype). All rights to the results generated from the project are assigned to the R&D partner.



  • University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons undertakes the project
  • Principal pays all costs, excluding public funding
  • Rights assigned to the principal
Specialist areas

Specialist areas

We offer many services in different specialist areas. Get in touch – we would be happy to support you.