
Library Lab

At a glance

At a glance

Makerspaces – i.e. spaces and offers that are usually based on current, education-oriented and small technologies, «make» (manufacture) things independently and form communities – have become an established topic in the field of librarianship in recent years.


The basic idea behind the Library Lab is to allow for new technologies to be tried out in a kind of makerspace and for their application to be tested in libraries. Libraries are showing great interest in integrating “small technologies”, in particular, in library work.


The Library Lab has been integrated in the Service Innovation Lab (SIL) of University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons. This creates the opportunity to experiment with state-of-the-art technologies in a flexible setting in the areas of education and further training or as a service for external partners and to test their use as part of new services.



The Library Lab has already been used for various projects in libraries as well as for teaching purposes and in the area of further education. Libraries can issue orders for the analysis of selected technologies.



Library boxes

Box 1: Fun and games with technology


  • Ozobot
  • Sphero 2.0
  • Makey Makey
  • littleBits
  • Cubelets
  • MOSS

For one-day events

Box 2: Films


  • Cameras
  • Light
  • Microphone
  • Camera drone (DJI Mavic Pro)
  • Computer

For modular events (several sessions that have to be completed together)

Box 3: Modern craft cellar


  • Makerbot 2 go
  • Brother ScanNCut
  • LEGO Mindstorms
  • littleBits

For one-day events

Further technologies from the «maker» area:

MOOS in der Bibliothek Wettswil
Library Lab
MOOS at Wettswil library (image: Rudolf Mumenthaler)
Mit Kablen, Klemmen und Metallplatinen lassen sich innert kürzester Zeit auf Berührung reagierende Installationen herstellen.
Within just a short period, creative installations that respond to touch can be produced with Makey Makey
Box mit LittleBits aus einem Tisch, die Teilchen sind auf dem Tisch verteilt.
littleBits and Makey Makey at Wettingen public library
Selbstgebasteltes Bilderbuch welches Geräusche macht bei Berührung, das Buch ist mit Klemmen verkabelt.
Bare Conductive Paint
A self-made picture book makes sounds when touched: result of a project course
Tisch mit einem 3D-Drucker sowie Beispiele was damit gedruckt werden kann.
3D printer at Möhlin library (image: Karsten Schuldt)


Further information

Further information


The Library Lab is assigned to the Swiss Institute for Information Science (SII).