
EMC Test Centre

At a glance

At a glance

In the EMC Lab, we examine the immunity and emission of devices. The results are compared to the underlying standards; in cases where deviations are identified, we inform the principal and highlight which measures can be taken in order to comply with the required measurement values.



The EMC Lab has an absorber room (approx. 55 m³) for various investigations relating to electromagnetic compatibility. Sources are available for immission measurements (conducted and radiated), while network receivers are available for emission measurements (conducted and radiated).

With the latest expansion, we have increased the measurement range to 6 GHz. We are able to record and assess the conducted EMC phenomena within a frequency range of 9 kHz to 230 MHz. Both local and national businesses make active use of this laboratory.

While the EMC Lab is not accredited, it possesses system documentation that meets the accreditation standard. The infrastructure is essentially designed for development-related measurements. “Cost-efficient” and “flexible” are just two keywords that characterise the EMC Lab.

Umgebung des EMV-Labors
EMV Prüfzentrum
Emission measurement in EMC Lab


  • Mutual clarification/recording of the standards to be applied
  • Discussion of the test set-up
  • Clear identification of test object
  • (Additional devices, SW status, operating mode)
  • Determination of interference criteria
  • Common measurement
  • Test report


Project leader
Vincenzo Di Toro
Lecturer, Research project leader
Patrik Janett
Further information

Further information


The EMC Test Centre is assigned to the Institute for Photonics and Robotics (IPR).