
Device Efficiency Lab

At a glance

At a glance

In the Device Efficiency Lab, we test and examine electrical devices such as TVs, printers, set-up boxes and heating remote controls with respect to their energy efficiency and other parameters depending on the client’s request. Where necessary, the measurements can also be conducted in a climatised setting and thus in accordance with standard conditions.


The Swiss Alpine Laboratories for Testing of Energy Efficiency (S.A.L.T.) are a joint venture between University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons and the Swiss Agency for Energy Efficiency Zurich (S.A.F.E.). Partners include the EKZ (Elektrizitätswerke des Kantons Zürich), TopTen GmbH with the online search machine for good devices and EnergieSchweiz (Swiss Office of Energy).



The S.A.L.T. laboratories conduct practical laboratory and field measurements that comply with the applicable standards and advise purchasers, consumer organisations, producers, consulting firms, label organisations, politicians and media bodies. In the laboratory, it is possible to test and measure all household and consumer electronics devices on behalf of buyers with respect to their energy efficiency. If the devices meet the standard criteria, they are published at


As a neutral body, we test electrical energy consumers with respect to their energy efficiency and compliance with the applicable standards. In the case of electrical devices, the physical parameters are measured under standard conditions:

  • Current
  • Voltage
  • Power (in operation and standby)
  • Energy consumption in operation and standby
  • Network quality (THD)
  • Network impedance


  • Institutional buyers are provided with support in making energy-conscious decisions
  • Consumers can obtain comprehensive information online
  • Producers are provided with incentives to develop and market improved products
  • Consultants are provided with documents related to the decision-making process as well as documents for power plants.
  • Politicians have at their disposal suggestions, recommendations and measures for practical implementation in the worlds of politics and business


  • On behalf of the German Öko-Institut e.V., the energy consumption of the latest generation of coffee capsule machines was determined in various operating modes in accordance with the EN 60661 standard.
  • For the «Kassensturz» consumer TV programme, TV set-up boxes were assessed and their standby energy consumption was compared to the respective manufacturer specifications.


Lecturer, Research project leader
Patrik Janett
Further information

Further information


The Device Efficiency Lab is assigned to the Institute for Photonics and Robotics (IPR).