
Building Lab

At a glance

At a glance

The Institute for Construction in Alpine Regions (IBAR) has its own Building Lab in which various tests are conducted in accordance with SIA and EN standards for research and training purposes. The service offering is aimed at companies, public institutions and private individuals, with material tests being conducted on building materials (concrete, wood, steel, etc.) or experiments performed on supporting structures. The Building Lab possesses a test portal with which bending beams of up to four metres in length can be tested with a load of up to 400 kN. The Building Lab also has a compression and bending testing machine with which compression strength tests with a maximum test load of 3000 kN and bending tensile strength tests with a maximum test load of 100 kN can be conducted. A universal machine is also available for conducting stress and tensile tests on supporting structure joints (up to 400 kN).




The Building Lab is used for research and training purposes and offers services for companies, public institutions and private individuals.


The infrastructure allows for:

  • Material tests on building materials (wood, steel, concrete, brickwork, etc.)
  • Tests on supporting structures and joints
  • Material tests on geosynthetics
  • Material tests on natural stone (e.g. bending tensile strength in accordance with EN 12372)
  • Special tests (e.g. metal components, fixing technology)
  • Testing of manhole covers in accordance with EN 124


Test laboratory 82 m2, storage 11 m2

  • Test portal 400 kN, bending beams of up to four metres in length
  • Press 1000 kN (new test machine ((2016)), for example for manhole covers)
  • Universal machine 25 kN (new test machine ((2016)), for geosynthetics)
  • Universal machine 400 kN (reinforcement bars, anchors and fastenings)
  • Compression and bending testing machine 3000 kN/100 kN (e.g. concrete cube compressive strength)
  • Anchor tractor 500 kN (testing of slack anchors in the field)
  • Analytical screening machine (new screening machine ((2018)), dry screening analyses 0.063 mm to 63 mm)
  • Other laboratory accessories such as a drying oven


  • Giesserei Chur AG, Chur
  • Rhaetian Railway (RhB), Chur
  • ruwa holzbau, Küblis
  • Conzett Bronzini Partner AG engineering office, Chur
  • Civil Engineering Office of Graubünden
  • GIFAS-ELECTRIC GmbH, Rheineck
  • Frommelt Zimmerei Ing. Holzbau AG, Schaan


Head of institute
Prof. Dr. Imad Lifa
Further information

Further information


The Building Lab is assigned to the Institute for Construction in Alpine Regions (IBAR).