Dr. rer. nat Frieder Voll
Dr.rer.nat; M.A. Geographie und Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Research project leader
Institute for Tourism and Leisure (ITF)
+41 81 286 39 86
Agrotourism, Aviation / Aviation Management, slow traffic / mountainbike, mobility, Sustainability / sustainable development in tourism, Tourism close to nature and culture, Transport, modes of transport, Workation/New Work/Work and Travel
Tourism Management, Tourism, Tourism
While studying geography and economic sciences at the Friedrich-Alexander University in Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, Frieder Voll concerned himself with sustainable development in the Alpine and other high-mountain regions of Europe and America. During exchange visits abroad in the French Alps and leading up to the Olympic Games 2006 in Turin, he carried out research work during his studies on different tourism concepts in the Alps. In an advisory capacity during his dissertation work he evaluated the "Eco-model Achental" as an example of sustainable regional development in the Alps.
After his studies, Frieder Voll worked from 2008 until 2012 at the Institute for Geography in Erlangen, Germany as research assistant. In his dissertation on "The significance of the factor Accessibility for the Alpine Regions", he was able to prove that tourism can be an important development factor, especially in peripheral mountain regions. With this dissertation he was awarded the price for the best dissertation in the field of alpine research at ICAS Switzerland's, Phil.Alp-Tagung 2012 and in 2013, the "Young Scientist Award" from the Alpine Convention. Frieder Voll always transferred the content of his research work to other high-altitude mountain regions. In the Caucasus for example, he led a student project excursion concerned with the effects and implementation problems of sustainable trekking tourism.
Frieder Voll is a member of the German association for applied geography (Deutschen Verband für angewandte Geographie), of the tourism research group of the German society of Geography, of the Franconian Geographical Society (fränkischen Geographischen Gesellschaft, FGG), of the association for tourism Research in Germany (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Tourismuswissenschaft, DGT) and of the association Geography in Germany (Verband der Geographen an deutschen Hochschulen, VgdH).
Frieder Voll is research project leader for sustainable concepts in regional development in the fields of destination development, visitors and hospitality at the ITF. He is expert for tourism in the context of sustainable regional development in peripheral and park areas for both services and research.
Curriculum Vitae
While studying geography and economic sciences at the Friedrich-Alexander University in Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, Frieder Voll concerned himself with sustainable development in the Alpine and other high-mountain regions of Europe and America. During exchange visits abroad in the French Alps and leading up to the Olympic Games 2006 in Turin, he carried out research work during his studies on different tourism concepts in the Alps. In an advisory capacity during his dissertation work he evaluated the "Eco-model Achental" as an example of sustainable regional development in the Alps.
After his studies, Frieder Voll worked from 2008 until 2012 at the Institute for Geography in Erlangen, Germany as research assistant. In his dissertation on "The significance of the factor Accessibility for the Alpine Regions", he was able to prove that tourism can be an important development factor, especially in peripheral mountain regions. With this dissertation he was awarded the price for the best dissertation in the field of alpine research at ICAS Switzerland's, Phil.Alp-Tagung 2012 and in 2013, the "Young Scientist Award" from the Alpine Convention. Frieder Voll always transferred the content of his research work to other high-altitude mountain regions. In the Caucasus for example, he led a student project excursion concerned with the effects and implementation problems of sustainable trekking tourism.
Frieder Voll is a member of the German association for applied geography (Deutschen Verband für angewandte Geographie), of the tourism research group of the German society of Geography, of the Franconian Geographical Society (fränkischen Geographischen Gesellschaft, FGG), of the association for tourism Research in Germany (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Tourismuswissenschaft, DGT) and of the association Geography in Germany (Verband der Geographen an deutschen Hochschulen, VgdH).
Frieder Voll is research project leader for sustainable concepts in regional development in the fields of destination development, visitors and hospitality at the ITF. He is expert for tourism in the context of sustainable regional development in peripheral and park areas for both services and research.