
Prof. Dr. Hannes Merbold


Lecturer, Head of research

Institute for Photonics and Robotics (IPR)


+41 81 286 24 04



Laser technology, optics, Photonics, Sensors


Photonics, Photonics

Hannes Merbold studied Physics at the University of Freiburg, Germany, the University of New South Wales, Australia, and the Technical University of Denmark. During his PhD at the University of Bern, Switzerland, he dealt with THz polaritonics and near-field imaging, plasmonics and metamaterials, as well es finite element and FDTD simulations. After obtaining his doctorate in 2011, he worked as a senior scientist at ABB's corporate research center in Baden, Switzerland as well as the ABB business unit Los Gatos Research in the Silicon Valley, where he developed next generation optical and acoustic sensors for the process industry. Since January 2017 he holds a lecturer position at the University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons in Chur, where he contributed to setting up Switzerland’s first BSc program in photonics. In September 2017 he became the Head of Research at the Institute of Photonics and Robotics and in January 2019 he was awarded the professor title. Since January 2021 he also works as an expert at the Swiss innovation agency Innosuisse.

Curriculum Vitae

Hannes Merbold studied Physics at the University of Freiburg, Germany, the University of New South Wales, Australia, and the Technical University of Denmark. During his PhD at the University of Bern, Switzerland, he dealt with THz polaritonics and near-field imaging, plasmonics and metamaterials, as well es finite element and FDTD simulations. After obtaining his doctorate in 2011, he worked as a senior scientist at ABB's corporate research center in Baden, Switzerland as well as the ABB business unit Los Gatos Research in the Silicon Valley, where he developed next generation optical and acoustic sensors for the process industry. Since January 2017 he holds a lecturer position at the University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons in Chur, where he contributed to setting up Switzerland’s first BSc program in photonics. In September 2017 he became the Head of Research at the Institute of Photonics and Robotics and in January 2019 he was awarded the professor title. Since January 2021 he also works as an expert at the Swiss innovation agency Innosuisse.


Image Processing

Significant achievements

Baden-Württemberg Stipendium, 2003
Faculty Prize, University of Bern, 2012
Best Paper Award, ABB Corporate Research, 2012
Excellent Research Award, Graubünden forscht, 2018
Professor Titel, University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons, 2019
Excellent Paper Award, International Workshop on Terahertz Technology Osaka, Japan, 2009
Fakultätspreis, Universität Bern, 2012
Best Paper Award, ABB Corporate Research, 2015
Auszeichnungen für hervorragende Forschung, Graubünden forscht, 2018
Professorentitel, FHGR, 2019
Baden-Württemberg Scholarship, 2003
Excellent Paper Award, International Workshop on Terahertz Technology Osaka, Japan, 2009