
Gizem Gülay-Yilmaz

Research associate

Institute for Multimedia Production (IMP)


+41 81 286 38 83



Digital marketing, marketing & communication, social media

Gizem Yilmaz is a research associate at the Institute for Multimedia Production (IMP) and is doing her PhD on police communication at the Freie Universität Berlin.

She completed her Master's degree in Corporate Communication & Economics at the Università della Svizzera italiana in Lugano in February 2020. She has previously worked in the fields of digital communication and HR marketing (social media & community management).

She is interested in the use of social media in various areas (including health and education), which is why she has trained as a digital marketing specialist.

Her teaching focus is on academic writing and working.

Curriculum Vitae

Gizem Yilmaz is a research associate at the Institute for Multimedia Production (IMP) and is doing her PhD on police communication at the Freie Universität Berlin.

She completed her Master's degree in Corporate Communication & Economics at the Università della Svizzera italiana in Lugano in February 2020. She has previously worked in the fields of digital communication and HR marketing (social media & community management).

She is interested in the use of social media in various areas (including health and education), which is why she has trained as a digital marketing specialist.

Her teaching focus is on academic writing and working.


Media Use in the Convergent Media Landscape