Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)

Management of Public Administration and NPO

Further education at a glance

Further education at a glance

Management in Public Administration takes place in the tension field of political decision-making. The levels of parliament, the government, administrative bodies and the population have a mutual effect on one another. The political and administrative management cycle overlap one another. This leads to several special features in management, for example in effective administration management (New Public Management), in financial control (HRM), in personnel rights or in political communication. The CAS in the Management of Public Administrations and Non-profit Organisations would like to highlight the particularities of this management using attractive and practice-oriented further education in the university of applied sciences context.

  • Degree

    Certificate of Advanced Studies FHGR in Management of Public Administrations and Non-profit Organisations
  • Duration of study programme

    16 days in 2 semesters
  • Place of study

  • Begin of study programme

  • Tuition fees

    CHF 8000
  • Teaching language

  • Director of Studies

    Fetz Ursin More about Fetz Ursin
  • Application deadline

    Modul 1: 31.08.2025 / Modul 2: 30.01.2026