Executive MBA

Disruptive Business Development

Further education at a glance

Further education at a glance

The development of new business areas and the promotion of innovation are top priorities for companies wishing to tap into new growth options. In the dynamic environment in which we find ourselves, successful companies are therefore increasingly relying on agile innovation methods and new business models. They are also seeking contact with innovative startups. Companies can make targeted use of the potential offered by promising start-ups via business incubators, business accelerators, corporate ventures or strategic partnerships.

In this EMBA, you will look at agile innovation methods, new business models as well as financing models for new business projects. You will gain an insight into the Swiss start-up scene and corporate venture programmes. You will also acquire methodological expertise that will allow you to set up a corporate venture unit for your own business environment and embed it in an innovative ecosystem.

You will thus be in a position to get to know start-ups and generate decisive impulses for growth options. You will possess the latest methods and levers that will allow you to define and implement an optimal national or international business development strategy for your organisation.

  • Degree

    Executive Master of Business Administration FHGR in Disruptive Business Development
  • Place of study

    Zurich More about the place of study
  • Begin of study programme

  • Teaching language

    German and English
  • Application deadline

    10 August Apply now!