Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)

Strategy with Impact

Further education at a glance

Further education at a glance

With an unprecedented cadence and radicality, private-sector companies and other organisations - including governmental ones such as schools, administration, police and army - are now confronted with changes of a technical, social and political nature. Supposedly immovable realities, contexts and values are suddenly outdated and familiar points of reference are diluted. Leaders must be able to navigate this complexity and uncertainty and realign their organisations, often against resistance from within and without. The ability to think in a networked way and to be agile, but also the right communication internally and externally, become crucial success factors to be able to define and deliver their own specific organisational value creation in the future. 

The «CAS Strategy with Impact: Successfully Managing Strategic Renewal» enables managers of private as well as public companies and organisations at the interface of business, military, politics and society to successfully master the challenge of dynamic change and to develop their company into a strategically agile organisation. The necessary approaches and solutions as well as instruments and techniques are taught in an application-oriented manner. Through living cases and transfer units, the participants develop concrete concepts that can be implemented in their own professional area of responsibility and expand their personal horizon of experience and their skill set through active exchange with participants from other types of organisations.

  • Degree

    Certificate of Advanced Studies FHGR in Strategy with Impact
  • Place of study

    Chur, Birmensdorf and Andermatt
  • Tuition fees

    CHF 8000
  • Teaching language
