Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)

Museum Work

Further education at a glance

Further education at a glance

With more than 1,000 museums, Switzerland is one of the most museum-dense regions in Europe. Museums are a part of the cultural self-image and focus of the cultural education.

In order to guarantee a contemporary standard in public and private museums as well as exhibition institutions, museum work must be professionalised on an ongoing basis and there must be stronger networking with school, universities, tourism and leisure organisations. 

The Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Museum Work deals with practical museum work and enables graduates to do skilled work in a museum and in related institutions.

Museums decide which cultural assets exist or are lost: they collect and store cultural testimonies of people and their environment and transmit them – for the purpose of study and education, and also for enjoyment, fun and pleasure.

By taking part in the CAS in Museum Work, you will acquire in-depth knowledge and receive comprehensive insights into all fields of museum work.

  • Degree

    Certificate of Advanced Studies FHGR in Museum Work
  • Duration of study programme

    7 months
  • Begin of study programme

  • Tuition fees

    CHF 6 500
  • Teaching language

  • Application deadline
