Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)

Decision Intelligence

Further education at a glance

Further education at a glance

Growth through smart decision-making

You will learn about the modern methods of operational decision-making over eight interactive modules. In addition to the topics on operational system and process optimisation, you will also learn how to use psychological and group dynamic methods of operational decision-making.

Each of the eight modules consists of interactive applications, short video sequences, spoken texts, data sets, Excel templates and fully functioning R codes. You can access all modules with your computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone via an HTML5 app.

  • Degree

    Certificate of Advanced Studies FHGR in Decision Intelligence
  • Study model

    Online lectures and webinars (no attendance days)
  • Duration of study programme

    8 months (start possible at any time)
  • Place of study

  • Begin of study programme

    According to choice
  • Tuition fees

    CHF 5500