Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)

Big Data Analysis

Further education at a glance

Further education at a glance

From big data to smart decision-making

This CAS programme provides you with the knowledge and skills needed to analyse large and complex data sets using cutting-edge methods of data analysis, machine learning, deep learning and artificial intelligence. You will gain a comprehensive understanding that will enable you to decide which data sets to analyse for which purposes and with which tools to ensure that the results can be presented and communicated to decision-makers in an easy to understand form.

Each analysis method introduced as part of the course is explored using specific examples and real data from the outset, prepared in such a way that you will be able to carry out these analyses yourself straight away and then put them into practice using your own data.

  • Degree

    Certificate of Advanced Studies FHGR in Big Data Analysis
  • Study model

    Online lectures and webinars (no attendance days)
  • Duration of study programme

    8 months (start possible at any time)
  • Place of study

  • Begin of study programme

    According to choice
  • Tuition fees

    CHF 5500